M+ is killing WoW

Its funny that you ask for sources when you have none and then reference rumors.

You are here saying “I don’t like m+ therefor its killing the game”

M+ is incredibly popular.


Where did I say it was killing the game?


raiding was killing the game before keys were around idk some of you seem to be confused. i still think outdated raids are killing the game.

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Oh, you are right, apologies. I got mixed up and thought you were the OP of this thread. (Which is titled M+ is killing WoW)

Regardless, I disagree with your opinions about m+ and how the game would be better off without it.

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The part of the game that I don’t like is what’s killing it.


I’m not for removing M+, I just would like to see reward cosmetics only, or have it’s own gear like PVP.


My complaint about M+ is that it should absolutely be a minimum of 12 dungeons per season. 8 is not enough.

I want MORE and everyone should demand MORE

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Mmmm idk I think 8 is fine per season.
Getting a fort score and tyran score for each of the 8 dungeons is enough imo. That’s 16 scores total. Increasing it to 24 seems like a lot.

Now having 10-12 dungeons per expansion is another story. We’re on track to do 8 + 2 from mega dungeon. I could see them adding another 1-2 towards the end of an xpac would be cool to bring us to 12 total for an xpac.

Dungeons are probably the best form of endgame and deserve to be expanded on. :dracthyr_heart:


this is a horrible take. the implementation of mythic+ and blizzards attentiveness to tuning has been fantastic this expansion. the timing of the mega dungeon is perfect and it’s current level of challenge feels great, even with current gear levels. the dungeons from vanilla to cataclysm were trash with minimal mechanics or challenge. the game is completely different now and it is silly to compare it to pre-mop.

I would be thrilled to death to run dungeons for 24 seperate scores in fort/tryan

Theres so many good dungeons in the game, it sucks that theres a lot of very very good dungeons from previous expansions that could be remastered for M+ specifically but we’re stuck with 4 dungeons out of over 100 to choose from!

I actually had a shower thought about this.

What if they would release 3 versions of M+? One that is like the traditional timer and shorter dungeons, and then what if they would add a seperate game mode where the other dungeons are the mega dungeons and there’s no timer?

Then we could be looking at 16 dungeons per season, which is where it SHOULD be!!!

Are we really going to try and argue expansions like Cata/MoP/WoD had more dungeons than Legion and beyond? Cata I believe is rocking 12 dungeons with a BUNCH of remakes in that pool. MoP has even less on both fronts. WoD is just small in general and has like 7 WITH the UBRS revamp included.

Meanwhile each M+ expansion has had at least 10 and all had much more longevity in the expansion since literally no one touched launch Cata dungeons post launch if they remotely raided. They didn’t offer anything besides badges that were used for maybe normal IL off pieces like bracers.

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Not sure what you’re smoking but as a casual player that has no time to dedicate to raids, M+ is the only way I am able to play the game. The grind and questing and farming is not sustainable for me. I’m even annoyed that I have to generate mettle when I have no time to craft and the skill up is more complex and time consuming than before. If that makes it more lucrative for crafters fine, I will have to pay the gold to pay for their time and investment but to force me to craft to generate mettle to have someone else craft not allowing me to use their mettle is insane. But M+ is definitely saving wow’s relevance to me. In the past, when I did have small windows of time, the only way I could join a competitive raid was that I was geared enough from M+ to jump into the raid and stay on the meters. Without it I’d have to start at the bottom, with little chance to gain a spot. In fact I fully support having at least 1 trinket from M+ that’s equivalent to the raid trinket if not slightly below it so I can farm the second trinket in the raid later. 20+ M+ should be equivalent to base Mythic raid gear, with the final bosses and props for higher ilvl staying in Mythic raid as the premium wow content.

That’s an insane take how would a casual player have any chance to join a decent raid team or pug with no time to raid consistently?

there’s tons of content and mplus is great. don’t be so myopic “oh blizz please remove the thing I dont like waaaaaaa” shut up, it’s getting old

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Casual players are carrying WoW . Without their subs we wouldnt get anything cause the game would be dead.

As much as I detest mythic plus it

  • is played and more playable than raid
  • more difficulty options
  • requires you to play class better to improve community skill overall
  • gears best
  • stymies sub losses through content drought
  • is propping up end game
  • done on cheap from existing dungeons

Even though I hate the repetitive, over competitive, and semi exclusionary environment, I recognize all that it does.

This is a serious question for you. Do you think the current state of “raid or die” of Wrath Classic is good for the game? Do you think the state of the game in Warlords of Draenor was good for the game. As much as people like to screech about MAUs influencing design, I think you have to realize that content that keeps people logging in is objectively good for the game.

If you can ever truly hit the point of completion, people stop logging in, and if people stop logging in to do repeatable, rewarding content, then all you’d see between your raid nights is a completely offline guild. That kills people’s interest in the game.

Nothing in Dragonflight is forcing you to continue to log in if you don’t want to. There is no FOMO for missing a whole reset if you don’t want to play. If you’ve completed your goals for the season, or even the expansion then you don’t have to log in. But I like having a reason to log in every day, even if I don’t HAVE to. I want to run keys with my friends, and do alt raids, and gear other characters through rifts and assaults. I like having stuff to do when I choose to play, but if you wanna fly around Valdrakken on your mount for an hour and log off, nothing is stopping you.

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I completely reject this premise.

In terms of engagement for work hours spent, M+ and dungeons are probably, by an extremely large margin, the most successful area of the game.

There is probably a couple of people assigned full time to instances. And probably hundreds of people assigned to the development of future, mostly solo, content.


Lol yet another WoW is doomed cause M+ equals bad post.