The funny thing is WotLK players also didn’t like the “world content” because they whined and begged for easier rep gains for things like Sons of Hodir.
Imagine if raiding was the only pillar during absolutely horrendous tiers like Sepulcher.
I just play more alts. This patch is BY FAR the patch I have the most “geared” characters and it isn’t even close. Is the upgrade system helping? Sure, but it is just speeding things along. Instead of 5 characters at ~440 now it would be 5 characters in like a month in a half from now.
The dungeon pool and class design is at an all time high for most classes which leads me to play more. If this was S2 of BFA I would still only have like 1.5 characters decently geared because we would be on 10 months of Tol Dagor and I was mythic raiding at the time.
I find this season funny because pretty much every dungeon I thought I would dread has been awesome. I look forward to Neltharus so much. I might side-eye vortex pinnacle, but this really is such a solid rotation.
Considering you never got a reply I think you made the list. Congrats.
Oh I am quite sure my initial reply is what prompted their statement.
The only one I don’t like which I knew I wouldn’t like is HoI. I knew from the beginning though they would solve most of Brackenhide’s problems as an M0 and that was probably the most “dreaded” on here going into s2. If anything they potentially overcorrected on some things.
Imagine if they made new content thinking it wouldnt need balanced either
This makes zero sense at all. You do content you dont like so you can clear content faster and not play the game. Legit just stop playing for a while. I do it all the time. Just came back from about a 3 month break myself to check out the new mage trees. I’ll probably get a month or two of content and then take another break.
How is it killing wow?
Game is fine.
Stop your crying.
Millions of players itemize their characters and you’re acting like some devs itemizing a dungeon instead is like years of brutal development costs. You’re literally insane
Look at the amount of M+ ran weekly thats how. The raids ans atuff are a joke and simplistic most people play for m+
It seems to me that everyone defending m+ wants to play a speed run simulator.
This is not how wow was intended to be played, and why its at odds with raiding is simple.
People wanna sweat out an epeen. Its hilariously backward
i mean, that’s a weird opinion but you’re certainly entitled to it. have a great night!
Halls of Reflection?? A dungeon on par with the Occulus that would be instantly dodged upon queuing into it?
At least just admit you’re making things up hahaha and have never done it.
M+ isn’t a DF feature btw.
Hiding behind a level 10 toon…nice!
Your perception of the game is way out of touch. I don’t even know where you start.
But you can do a better research on the game you play before came with this click bait statements with no sense opinion.
Game design quality is subjective. It’s fully possible the players defending WoW’s game design decisions truly think the game design is good.
I cannot believe anyone who played the beginning to end of Shadowlands and into Dragonflight could possibly truly believe this. There was a monumental shift in how Blizzard designed game systems and content loops going into 9.1.5 of Shadowlands, a philosophy they seem to have kept through this point in Dragonflight. Blizzard has clearly listened to feedback and adjusted course over the past couple years.
Now to be clear, the previous paragraph makes no assessment about whether they listened to the right feedback or implemented the right changes based on that feedback or that the game feels better to everyone today than it did this time two years ago. It’s fully possible Blizzard went from one bad design to another bad design. I have zero interest in arguing such an opinionated topic. I just cannot fathom how anyone could possibly say Blizzard listened to no feedback in the recent years when in a random x.5 patch we went from one of the most restricted forced gameplay loop environments to one where you could quite literally do whatever you wanted and still get the requisite amount of necessary rewards to be able to keep up while freely swapping between the “meaningful choice” that existed from the expansion start.
What ideas do you have to keep raids relevant longer into an expansion? Blizzard did the Fated system in S4 of Shadowlands which was at least an interesting idea. I assure you, it was not fun to want to give a new class a try in season 3 of an expansion and have to rope your guild/buddies into dragging you through the season 1 and 2 raids for a month or 2 to get you to a reasonable item level so you aren’t a liability to your raid team.
Blizzard seems to be trying to address this with the seasonal M+ rotation. So far in DF, the relevance of each M+ dungeon has lasted just as long as each raid.
Assuming Blizzard stays on top of balancing overtuned items, I don’t see any reason Blizzard couldn’t do this.
I’m all for coming up with ideas to prevent players from being forced to do content they don’t like in as a prerequisite of doing content they do. The somewhat obvious solution of giving raid and M+ gear the PVP treatment has certainly been discussed, but many of the same “raid or die” players who argue M+ has been a plague on the game reject this idea because they don’t want to maintain multiple gear sets. The majority of posts on the subject suggesting ways to get raiders to be able to avoid M+ if they don’t enjoy it involve basically killing M+ as a standalone pillar, rather than simply improving raid.
M+ fits much more easily into my schedule while continuing to be challenging for me and relying on fewer players to do the right thing in order to be successful. It’s really not more complicated than that, at least for why I like and will defend M+. I’m sure there were a lot of different structures for scaling endgame content that’s much simpler to organize than raid other than what exists for M+ that I could’ve also enjoyed, but ultimately M+ is what we got. If the only PVE endgame with player progression associated with it remaining raiding, I wouldn’t be subscribed today; I simply do not have the desire to rearrange my real life commitments around when 9-29 other people will all be available for 2-3 consecutive hours multiple days of the week.