Raids last 4-6 months and can take that long to prog it depending on the difficulty and the team. Players choosing to not even attempt the harder difficulty settings doesn’t make it not there, and doesn’t remove the thousands of guilds that are progging it.
Dungeons (non-mythic+) have no prog, and are done in a few hours. They get run for a few weeks realistically to gear up before the first raid then not touched for the rest of the expansion.
Raids are designed on spending a lot of time on progression with kills as then challenge. Dungeons are by default easy to complete. There are no 150 wipe dungeons for a first clear.
You BIS would also be a nightmare. I need this trinket from the 4th boss of this raid, I need the weapon off the last boss of this raid blah blah blah.
Yeah but there are only 8 each season. If they scaled up old raids how many would they scale up? Also raids are usually organized events. How many people want to dedicate that much time to learning old raids with different systems in place along with new ones. In a m+ you can just pick the level you’re comfortable with and go do it on your own time in 20-30 minutes.
M+ “saved” WoW by being a low effort gear pinata that rained gear like candy for 2 expansions.
Yes, it was easy mode. You simply out geared +2 to the point it was trivial then farmed it for max ilvl rewards with no lockouts or limitations of any kind.
Likewise fishing can do the same thing, or cooking, or anything else that is going to drop max ilvl gear for trivial effort.
Give ANY activity the same loot with the same rules and watch it “save” WoW.
Because raids take months for most people to prog through. Dungeons take an hour tops. Raids last a lot longer by default than dungeons do. I’d bet there’s a severe drop off in mega dungeon clears this week vs last week (50% or less) due to most people having “finished” it and don’t need the loot.
Why not? Everyone keeps saying that dungeons were irrelevant after a month or so, and that content was being wasted, yet raids take way more resources and are left in the dust.
I’m just attacking the “dungeons were wasted developer resources” argument here, because I don’t think it holds a lot weight. The fact is, Blizzard singled out 5 man dungeons to create this scaling loot treadmill in order to keep players busy. This could have been done with any content in the game. Like this poster said above, that any activity that showered people with gear would appear to be the savior of the game.
I wouldn’t have such a problem with M+, but the developers keep ramming it down the throats of the player base. Plus, trying to design 5 man competitive content around 38 specs has been an utter nightmare.
Look at the outrage over the Evoker spec. It hasn’t even been a few weeks and people already want the spec deleted. The entire end game now revolves around this style of content.