M+ is killing WoW

Same here. I can think of two, maybe three, bad interactions, not even toxic ones, that I’ve had this whole season.

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Banking on nostalgia and rose tinted glasses. Making money off of people patting themselves on the back for playing a version of the game they can say is “better” and look down on others.

Its an easy way to get seasonal money.

“I insult what others like, and if anyone disagrees with me, I ignore them”

That is a heckuva take.


Or maybe, they just want to experience those expansions at level.

Enough that they’re willing to forgo experiencing the current one? Time is finite.

I don’t think many classic players want to “experience” anything but buying dungeon carries from mages.

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A lot of people don’t like retail WoW. The story and the systems the last few expansions have been terrible, in my opinion.

Lore went out the window after Mists of Pandaria.

As for systems, what exactly would you wish it was?

People who want X item can’t get X item (exists in all systems.)

Worst systems has to be MOP /WOD cause of xpac long legendary questline. May it never return.

Who asked?

“I enjoy this thing!”


Heaven forbid that someone enjoys a slightly more thoughtful ingredients list than a new set of Common Ore, Rare Ore, Very Rare Ore every expansion and only those metals are used ever.

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Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than me!

I don’t raid.

I do m+ and pvp.

If they removed m+ I still wouldn’t raid. Without m+ wow would sink far lower. They’d need to add something new to replace it, until then, it stays.

Raids are outdated and boring for me. Being on at specific time, putting up with people screwing up same mechanic for 10th time. Why would I want to do that?

There are a lot of things killing WoW and its not M+. Toxic people, constant complainers, those who could have the perfect game and NEVER be happy. That is what is killing WoW. Amazing to me people can’t just move on when they aren’t happy

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Maybe we love the game, and the IP and want to see the game get better.

I think a huge reason why the current game is so bad, is that people just keep defending bad game design, this is a big ingredient in bad games.

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Absolutely, whenever I am designing processes/systems, I make it a point not to listen to the people that agree with them. Obviously, I thought it was a good idea, that’s why I made them. Allowing sycophants to reinforce my bias is a sure way to mess everything up.

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I think the current team just stopped reading feedback.

They really don’t have a good pulse on what a lot of MMO fans like about MMOs.

Like I said above, modern WoW feels more like a seasonal ARPG lobby game than a MMO these days.

I think the new dungeon is a better idea than new open world content. Look at the forbidden reach. It’s completely useless now. All that work went into making the content and the vault only to have it obsolete in a couple months. The dungeon can be kept current by increasing the ilvl of the drops every season. Same goes for the caverns. They have little purpose if you’ve maxed rep. I only go there if the crafting quest sends me there and in the rare instance I have a piece of gear to upgrade. None of the quest rewards have meaning.

I think the problem with m+ is how reluctant people are to run it this season. Healing got less boring and that has turned many of us off. The new affixes are pretty much all in the healers as well. It doesn’t help the dungeons this season are terrible choices as well.

All of which were thrown in the garbage shortly after their release. M+ allows dungeons to stay relevant for challenge and gear, as well as revitalizing older content for those who haven’t experience it.

Why don’t raids get the same treatment then? Way more effort goes into making raids, they’re abandon after a month or so.

Why are the same dungeons singled out as the content that must stay relevant for the entire expansion?

Raids aren’t abandoned.

People still farming trinkets, legendaries. People still haven’t cleared mythic.

Yes they are, most guilds don’t push Mythic and once the new raid launches, no one is going back to the older raid.

No one goes back to the older raid by design - all the catch up systems that let people bypass it as opposed to in the ancient past, people carried others through old raids because they needed a replacement in current content. I heard running people through SSC/TK for attunements or gear was such a high point.