M+ Healers!

Mw monks have and always will be the black sheep please leave us out. Yes we’d love a buff don’t get me wrong but…adhd

Sometimes you just gotta play stuff for the fun of it. I main Rdruid; but my first alt is going to be a MW monk. I already know its just overall worse across the board, but I’m gonna play it anyways just for something different.

Prevoker enters the chat, looks around, chews on some beef jerky and then hovers out the door


You are overestimating the majority of players in midtier keys by a vast vast vast margin. In most dungeons, I will have 20+ interrupts, the next person has ~6-8, and then I’m lucky if the others have any.

Actually spend some time investigating this in your groups; the dungeons where everyone with an interrupt is using it relatively close to on cooldown are vastly easier than the ones where they don’t.

This fool cleared their f*kin throat, clenched their a**hole, adjusted their balls, expanded their diaphragm, clinked their glass said " If you have anything to heal, you are not playing them properly." . I just can’t with how cold and unfeeling/unsympathetic folks are on these forums.

When a class literally does not have the technical ability to complete content, there is an imbalance. Resto shamans are not currently functioning at a level where the majority can even technically complete let alone time certain keys on a 10 or above (to be clear obviously there are exceptions to the rule). They need to be retuned or reworked.

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Exactly! I really do commend the people that are playing non “meta” healing classes at the moment. I keep hearing “Resto Druid is king right now all over the place” and I 100% understand where it’s coming from but all I can think to my self is “…It’s not though”. I can barely keep up with the damage going out half the time and the other half I spend screaming at wild growth to come off cool down. I’ve mained resto druid for pretty much my entire WoW life and I can tell you right now with complete certainty, this iteration of Resto Druid is not great either. I can only imagine what the other classes must feel like.

I don’t mean any offense to you but if you are struggling to heal as a resto druid in keys right now you really need to take a look at your gameplay.

Sounds like thw dungeos just suck…

[quote=“Axaron-proudmoore, post:36, topic:1487900, full:true”]
Man looking at this makes me think that Mistweavers are a spec that Blizzard doesn’t even tune, let alone play. [/quote]

There wont even be any MW monks come season 2, we will all have rolled druid which is basically the same thing with less steps. I rerolled druid and on the second day i was 70 i grouped with a 342 warr tank and pushed 10s/11s with just 360 ilvl.

Usually when its like that, it isnt even the healers fault. Group is failing at mechanics or not standing in efflo.

Nothing. You’re missing nothing. There is completely unavoidable aoe damage. The fact that a priest is telling you its pretty much negligible tells you everything you need to know about class balance.

Even at around 2200 io i get constantly declined for easy stuff like SBG 16, even though i’ve +3d it… . Because why on earth would you take a resto shaman when evokers, druids,and priests exist? H priest just got buffed too… so yeah.

Moist monks

Please, link this talent setup that nobody knows, even high keys players talents are all over the place


every healer has timed a +20 you obviously dont know what your talking about

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This right here… The tanks are having their face off right now with their issues. Need to go on and address the healers too. Tanks need to be flattened out a little and healers need to be as well. Either bring the top specs down to where everyone else is or bring the others up. They can even split the difference and put us all in the middle but something needs done.

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I don’t think it can be done because of gear differences and sunk cost. You need to make one class clearly stronger than another to force a swap.

I dont care about the swap… I just dont want to have to have to swap myself. Thats the point. I can either jump on my Rdruid and ride the wave or I can sit back and wait for just the right group make up so that I can further my priest.

priests are already doing 25s though, so like even if you do swap, you might go up 1 key level? (Unlikely, cause you know, gear.)

I dont know many priest pugging 25s… If they are even above 15s I would say they have a steady group that they are pushing with on the regular.

However I no more than got my Rdruid to 70 and in normal dungeon blues and greens and already was doing 7s 8s and 9s… There is a big gap.