Yep I thought so
This conversation ended the exact same as when Peppino called you out.
Yep I thought so
This conversation ended the exact same as when Peppino called you out.
1 tank on forums = whole dataset of entire WoW players apparently
very intelligent arent you
Because there’s a very specific talent setup that most Shamans probably are not running. If you’re not running that talent, then your healing is gonna be garbage and your time trying to heal is gonna be 100% harder.
If you have that talent that it becomes much easier and better overall, but again, talent dependent and a lot of people still don’t look things up for their classes and specs and just assume it’s bad even though they’re playing it bad.
Not saying it doesn’t need a buff, but saying that it’s terrible is an over exaggeration. It shows you more likely don’t know how to play or don’t have that talent setup.
No, it’s because they’re HPS healers. What people seriously fail to understand in all of these things is this:
The healers are all good at different things. For many expansions now Holy Paladins and Disco Priests have been meta for every expansion for things like prog raiding, even good in dungeons in progressing high end dungeons because for high end dungeons “if you’re not dead then it’s fine.” As long as your HP didn’t hit 0, you were good. Good groups and good players avoid unnecessary damage, and the last few expansions had dungeons where you could easily avoid damage. This made Paladins and Priests better because their damage reduction abilities, while HPS healers were historically worse off because, again, if you’re not taking damage there’s nothing to heal. At that point healers were measured by a stupid metric known as damage.
Blizzard finally answered and countered DPS culture by making things unavoidable. This boosts up the HPS healers like Druid, Voker, MW, Sham by a lot, but for Sham you still need a very specific talent build that people just don’t use often I don’t think. When they have that talent it’ll help out a TON for their healing. It still needs a buff just not anywhere close to as big of a buff as people think.
MW I think is the same, might have needed a buff.
Druids were king of it in Legion due to the way their Mastery scaled. In BFA and SLands they messed the scaling up and made it extremely terrible scaling which is still the case in DF, too.
Exactly this, right here. Some classes n skills are so advanced most players, especially the newer players OR worse the ones coming from like BC or classic game or anything, will not be able to properly play HPally in the way they were played at first in the earlier expansions. They’ve changed drastically and people need to adapt. Good players are very well seen and bad players are very well seen. This is the same for RSham, MW, HPal and the best case for this is Disco Priests.
Actually go read the dataset and try and think about why its like that.
I mean you can lead a horse to water
if ur that obsessed look at my associated characters and my demon hunter whose 2.5k
still doesnt prove you correct at all but ok
keep ignoring what raiderio shows
My non existent R shaman is 3k io
Let’s just for argument sake we pretend your DH actually exists, you’re still way out of your depth as a tank main.
Let me just go and read some graphs and misrepresent it too, Guardian druids are just as good as warriors and completely viable because 1 bear has managed to push a 23
doesnt matter?
1 player = not the entire dataset of characters doing M+
u legit have no logic so idk why u keep bringing this up
edited bc mean sorry wow use checkpvp and see for yourself
You just contradicted everything you were saying for the past 30 minutes.
You’ve just spend the better half of the hour saying Shamans/Mw are viable because a very small group of static players can do higher content.
Then you turn around and say 1 or small groups of players don’t present the dataset of characters doing M+ when that was your proof earlier.
Your parents and country have failed you…using text speech while insulting someone else’ intellect is irony right there.
I’m gonna leave you be before you have a heart attack.
1 person does not equal all players
Honestly, everyone but Druids and Evokers need some pretty sizable buffs to even compete with them.
I have a Resto Shammy, Holy Priest, and Resto Druid that I’m fairly active on in M+. The Resto Shammy is my main and will continue to be my main despite its current state, just because I really enjoy the healing style. I think the “flow” of resto shammy is quite good, it’s just not as effective at healing M+ as my Priest and Druid.
I don’t raid, so I can’t speak to Resto Shammy effectiveness in a raiding environment, however if buffing their raw healing throughput for M+ would make them overtuned in raid, then I recommend improving abilities that will primarily impact M+. For instance, the buff to Healing Tide Totem in 10.0.5 should help, but I don’t believe it sufficient to make them competative.
Another idea would be to change Stoneskin Totem to reduce all damage by 10%, instead of just physical. As it is now, Stoneskin Totem is not very compelling as a capstone talent, and improving it will primarily improve M+ performance as the totem only effects 5 players.
I understand that Druid and Priest are intended to be throughput healers, and so should have higher raw HPS than specs like Disc or Shammy, who are utility/DR healers. However, it’s at the point now where all healing specs except 2 are not compelling in higher content.
One final thought: my 372 ilvl Druid is able to put up higher overall HPS and higher burst HPS than my 392 ilvl Priest. This really makes no sense to me since they are both supposed to be HPS healers.
I think the easiest thing to balance this would be to nerf both Resto Druid and Preservation Evoker, but that’s not a very popular approach.
As it is now, I don’t see any indication that Blizzard even sees this as an issue, given the lack of attention. Hopefully in 10.1 they can rework RDruid/PEvoker to not be so far ahead of the field.
yes buff resto shaman
Nerf hps all you want, it’s full of overhealing anyway. As for holy priest hps, aren’t most/all of them spamming single target heals still?
Honestly seeing it be about 50/50 on the leaderboards for best class is the closest to healer balance I have seen in a long time.
I agree with this. Mistweaver is fun AF right now, just needs its numbers buffed by about 15% to match druids.
I think the problem is not some certain healing specs but casters overall, the current M+ is so unfriendly to all DPS/healer specs that heavily relay on spell casting.
That’s because he’s wrong.
If that’s how the game worked the most difficult to play class would always be the most statistically powerful. You might think that’s how it should work, but that’s not how it actually works.
If you don’t want to deal with a class that’s harder to play, play a class with a lower skill ceiling.
Lifebloom go brrrrrrrrrrr
as a mid to lower high key resto druid, i support shamans and mistweavers and disc priests in their quest for buffs.
They need them badly. I can barely keep up with the damage with 70% insta casts.
How they are playing this game with a requirement to move around from poop water on the floor 97% of every encounter is beyond me.
This is why I abandoned my Pally for Druid. I usually bounce between both, effectively having both as ‘mains,’ but this time around I got my Paladin to 70 and haven’t touched him since.
I love the combat healer playstyle, arguably more than R Druid, but the output is so bad in comparison I can’t justify it. My R Druid is seemingly superior in every way.
Which is kind of a shame because you need m+ to be CE in raid. If your healers can’t pull heroic level gear out of m+ then they are kind of locked out, particularly with the healing checks of Vault.
Git gud. Yes. But getting gear has always been the great counter balance to that.
Or maybe it’s designed that way on purpose. PVP gear doesn’t translate to Raid at a high level. Alas.