you can do 7s and 8s and 9s on any healer with minimal gear. Like class isn’t the reason that you’re succeeding on druid.
Bet you won’t fail 7 and 8s and 9s if you downgraded to greens on your priest.
you can do 7s and 8s and 9s on any healer with minimal gear. Like class isn’t the reason that you’re succeeding on druid.
Bet you won’t fail 7 and 8s and 9s if you downgraded to greens on your priest.
Im not saying that it couldnt be done… What I am saying is it was stupidly easier on one than on the other.
That is the class… shows 26,102 resto shamans have timed a +10 or higher key so don’t know about not having the technical ability.
I’d be fine with shaman buffs, but they aren’t the reason low keys are depleting.
Please bring the others up lol, it’s not like I feel like I can sleep at the keyboard just because I play rdruid. Healing is intense this expac – which is fine and all – but if they nerf the healers that are able to keep up with it presently, all that’s gonna do is discourage healers from playing, and we’re already the role that seems to be in highest demand. I see tank+3dps groups begging NEED HEALS constantly already.
IF blizz does the right thing they will drop warriors down a notch not raise the tanks back up and then bump up and more less balance the healers. I would prefer to bring everyone else up myself but blizz sure does love its nerf bat…
Absolutely not true nope
How is that not true, 7s and 8s are not hard content.
Yup so true I took advantage of that and did a +2 with alt whos 350ilvl
Odds are you are still being carried by people with the appropriate gear for those levels if you are in leveling greens and blues even in a pug.
At an 11 I felt no more use for anything I was doing in my group on the Rdruid. I was at that point just being carried. The 5, 7 and 9 getting there though I felt like I was contributing something.
It hasnt always been the case on the priest.
Yes they are with “minimal gear” … sounds like someone gets carried often
That’s how it is on any undergeared healer.
Healers don’t contribute much in damage (relative to overall.)
And how are you carried more in 11 if you’re not going by the dps metric? (which is kinda moot.)
Brother you are playing healer your whole role is about getting carried, you can do most keys below 10 without a healer at this point.
Maybe you can.
The average PuG sure cannot lol.
I dunno which game your playing bro, definitely not the same one I’m playing
Play with people that know how to play, and you really don’t have to heal much.
dunno what to tell you if you’re struggling in 7s and 8s regardless of group you need to reevaluate what you’re doing and who you’re playing with
7-8s lean so much towards dps/tank unless if they’re undergeared too at this point. Shouldn’t the general populace be like 400 ilvl at that range by now?
7s and 8s at 400ilvl…
Some math isnt mathing here…
idk, gear inflation is crazy. Think a few vault + some raid gear pushes it up to that.
In general I kinda agree with this thread though evokers are way too strong right now with druids in 2nd.
Shamans and disc priests need significant buffs in raid and m+ and evokers need significant nerfs in raid and m+. Monks probably need something too.