M+ Healers!

I’m literally doing 20 keys, ME, that is a low bar to set


every single m+ is fine if theyre capable of doing over >+20 M+ keys since that is 0.01% of players to begin with

Capable sure, but if you have to work twice as hard to get 80% of the numbers then something is wrong and needs to be fixed. Buff rsham.


Resto Shamans need buffs and Evokers/Resto Druids need damage nerfs imho.

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every single healer spec is doing the exact same m+ numbers. they are fine.

you have to remember shaman + monk are also the lowest chosen classes out of all of them so it has less values to work with or chances to do M+ higher and skews how youre viewing “good/bad” specs

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no we don’t? :rage:


Prevoker damage is hilarious, I love it. I don’t think rdruid damage needs to be nerfed but I am also super biased.

Here’s my ilvl 337 evoker pulling 12k hehe


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Resto Druids & Evokers are 50% ahead of all the other healers. I have to work my butt off to do 16-18k dps, but Resto Druids can do 20-24k with just Nature’s Vigil giving free dps.

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yeah so what? what does that have to do with your class exactly?

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Log data shows every healer is around the 12-16k dps range, but Evokers and Druids are in the 20-24k range. Healer popularity in high keys is slanted towards which healers do the most overall dps because you need the extra damage to help time keys.

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okay but what is making nature’s vigil a less effective talent going to do? besides make my class feel worse…i don’t need another HotW in the tree…these dead talents are really old and i hope they stop adding adding those, because then we all end up forced to pick specific talent paths…that’s literally the old talent tree

if other healers are behind, sounds like a class issue tbh…i know you understand your class very well - but it doesn’t seem like you are happy with the current design…wouldn’t you rather see buffs all around, like they’re doing to MW?


I think part of it is that for evokers the damage is so easy to throw in. Your biggest damage is also your aoe stun which you would be using anyway. Dream breath is every 30 seconds and it’s easily 30+% of your overall damage.

On the target dummies, the damage seems fine, but holy priest especially has to spend so many extra globals that they probably need to be using keeping us alive.


What do you think is the highest key level where you could run with a Hunter and Resto Druid in RLP and be fine? Is this a +16 issue? A +20 issue? A +25 issue?

Together or seperate? Personally I wouldn’t bring them together, but if I was Resto Druid, I wouldn’t take one.

Hunters actually bring 2 knock backs with bursting shot and high explosive trap. They also bring a stun in the form of binding shot but tanks don’t know how to use it. Hunters can bring intimidate as well but MM runs lone wolf so that’s mainly BM and SV.

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I just don’t feel like you need a very optimal comp to run a M+ that is not a high key. And even with relatively high keys, there are people who’ve timed 23s with Hunter/Resto Druid after all. But I could be wrong there!

Hum not at all… Resto Shaman is actually better at controlling large groups of enemies than Druids and Evokers but it just has much less throughput and there’s a lot of unavoidable damage that has to be healed trough.


Honestly in a full group, on voice I do believe any team comp can work to a degree, like it’s been mentioned, Resto Shaman requires very precise group play, for the majority of their tool kit. It can work, although they still putting in more effort then say Druid, Evoker or Holy Paladin.

But honestly from 19+ keys and higher, you’ll start seeing a large gap between meta and non meta specs, this is strictly from a PuGing perspective. Most mechanics especially on Fortified hit like a truck you’d want anything and everything to cc and lockdown most adds.

People avoiding the avoidable damage and using defensives for the unavoidable damage.

On the RLP trash before last boss, the only really unavoidable damage is the Thunderstorm. Everything else can be kicked, CC’d or purged to massively reduce the incoming damage.

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Literally every pull before every boss can be avoided in RLP, before first boss literally everything can be avoided, before 2nd boss the only unavoidable damage is the fire Dragons AoE, the dot from thunder dragon, and Fire Eles inferno cast.

Outside of that everything can be CC.