M+ Healers!

Excuse me? Lol I’m over 2600 IO, you have no idea how to check outside of WoW.

Just because I’ve caught you in a lie, talking complete rubbish saying you’ve done keys with Resto and MW then won’t say your mains name. Your a walking joke.


oo sorry lets cater everything to the 2.6k io gaming worldwide champion since you know everything apparently
again, using me as a reference point is anecdotal evidence

i just linked you TWO sources for proving you wrong, so use them. please learn to read

thank you. putting you on ignore and reporting you for trolling since thats all you wanna do in threads from your post history

no wonder people decline frostmourne players in content lmao

Sure thing, enjoy your 11+ WITH THE META that you do. Great example you bring haha.

When push comes to shove you still can’t even prove what your literally said about the keys you run.


again, showed you TWO examples proving you wrong that “meta” doesnt matter. im sorry youre a meta-slave and only care about playing the top 1-2 specs, the others are fine. quit complaining

I’m going off you!, you said you’ve run with them, then you said it’s on your main, then say try again and still don’t prove anything to confirm your experience in high keys.


Does it really matte tho ? Its just a game not a job interview lol … i dont think anyone on this forum really care what u score you have


I care cause she is the problem, Resto and MW are in dire need, saying they are great isn’t helping, then specifically saying they’ve done high keys on there main with no proof.


no one cares

also having higher io/higher rating than someone else does not invalidate their claims.

i gave him 2 sources proving his “point” incorrect, he just refuses to use them because he’d rather attempt to personally attack others over their scores

Sounds like a personal problem lol

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You made it personal, you brought up saying “YOUVE” done keys with them I want to see it, I didn’t bring that up, YOU specifically said that.

You didn’t have to mention that at all, well put the money where your mouth is, let’s see the keys YOU specifically said you have done with a Resto Shaman and MW.

You make it personal and then when asked to prove it, it’s now a personal attack, your a complete joke.


If people are pushing 23/24s in this thread on either a mw or r sham than your point is valid.

Until then it’s not the spec.


which i literally posted 2 sources to find that on

MW + rshaman is more than capable of doing >+20 keys

I don’t care, you said “You’ve” done keys with them, and PuGing on a higher IO toon, as this one isn’t your main.

Prove it then.

My point is, clearly if you were speaking the truth, you’d happily prove it to prove me wrong, but it’s obvious you are talking nonsense.

It’s not hard to say this is my main go have a look. But yet you refuse to and call it a personal attack.

And then proceeds to tell me this isn’t your main and to try again, yet you won’t back up what your saying. :joy::joy:

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This is correct it is 100% not an issue with the spec and more with the player until you hit the number wall.

Which currently that’s like mid-ish 20s.

yeah but if you look at raiderio literally every single healer spec is maxing out at around +22-24 which INCLUDES mw + rsham

also have to remember that shaman + monk are the least chosen classes in the entire game by a long shot, which gives less values to work with for pushing higher m+

The dungeon scaling after +20 is insane. A +24 is 600% damage/extra health compared to 380% on a +20.

It’s not healing that stops people from pushing higher, but having enough cooldowns and gear to survive not getting one by boss mechanics. You also need to stack very high levels of versatility.

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Resto shaman is in a terrible place all around. Believe it or not M+ is their best showing.

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incorrect, and raiderio + subcreation proves you wrong

Oh yeah subcreation proves me wrong rofl


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literally look at raiderio numbers

every single spec in the entire game is doing over >+20 keys, INCLUDING mw + rshamn