M+ Healers!

Its doable, but much harder than it needs to be :person_shrugging:

In a pug environment there is no reason to take anything else other than the meta as it makes the dungeons just that much easier.

Ahh yes, this guy has no idea what he is talking about. 99.99999% lol…

If that was really the case there wouldn’t be such a heavy reliance on full melee stacking in dungeons that have a ridiculous amount of kicks.

Firstly Hunters kick is too long to bring when melee is 15 sec and bring an enhance 12 sec ranged, Hunters melt just as quick as a healer, If your trying to push keys especially like myself that PuGs you wouldn’t take one. RLP is a perfect example why you need hard CC, Earthshapers in first floor if their cast goes off it’s a bad time, 2nd floor Flame dancers cast goes off on fortified it’s a wipe. These abilities cannot be interrupted only stunned or knock back, which hunters don’t bring.

Resto Druids are literally the best M+ Healer currently, they’ll never be disqualified from any group.

resto shaman and mistweaver monk is 100% fine

there are countless #'s of both specs above 2.8k IO and any key ive done with them has been fine

just because the spec isnt THE BEST doesnt mean its not worth playing or needs 20482039 buffs


While I respect your input, your best timed keys are currently with meta specs. I’d definitely agree if you had a 20+ key with a Resto or MW.

But what we’re saying is higher you go the more they struggle especially in a PuGing Environment.

Your highest key is an 11+.


big agree. i don’t think these people understand that it just comes down to how these fights are designed. all the healers are pretty unique in their own way, and excel at different types of incoming damage. This dungeon pool + thundering requires more aoe healing on the move…that’s what evokers and druids are good at.

if the dungeon pool is different next patch, that will change in a heartbeat imo :100:

btw they’re gonna buff monks :revolving_hearts:

and i have multiple characters across 2 accounts? which all do m+?

just because i’m playing the “meta” tank spec doesnt mean X or Y healer is bad and needs buffs

just get better at your spec and stop complaining. i play guardian druid as well and have absolutely no problem with tanking keys even though it’s rated D vs prot at S

“your highest key is a +11” isnt helping you either when this literally isnt my main nor the only tank + character i play the game with. sooo try again.

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Ohh please tell me the highest toon then I’d love to go through them. Love to see the party composition your running at higher keys on your main.

This isn’t 2004 anymore, literally can check everything these days, so what’s your mains toon name?.

I mean your looking at top players lol ? Are you gonna do top content ?

Still waiting for your reply on your what’s your mains name and server.


trying to personally attack me literally isnt proving your point at all? mplus subcreation net and raiderio completely proves your “point” incorrect.

there are countless # of players both mistweavers and resto shamans that are extremely high IO

i dont need to be a +30 key gamer to understand how numbers work, so your “point” is moot

youre a random just like me and i dont need to sit here and try to validate myself to your toxic mind set

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But I’m doing fine in my climb :person_shrugging:

In all seriousness, I don’t fistweave and as a result I feel like I’m doing fine. I feel comfortable. I will never be in the top 100, nor do I want to be. Doesn’t necessarily mean mistweaver is struggling.

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Ohh no you dug this grave, this isn’t a personal attack you specifically said you’ve done high keys with Resto and MW and then specifically said to try again as this wasn’t your main.

I’m asking to prove it.


i didnt dig any grave, youre just incapable of having any sort of reading comprehension

i dont need to be a +30 key gamer to understand how numbers work, so your “point” is moot

youre a random just like me and i dont need to sit here and try to validate myself to your toxic mind set

there are countless # of players both mistweavers and resto shamans that are extremely high IO

So I wanna see what keys you’ve done at a higher level. You said you’ve run with them I wanna see this.


again, using me as a reference point is anecdotal evidence

i just linked you TWO sources for proving you wrong, so use them

frostmourne players and being toxic, name a better combo

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Ohh no I’m not going off the top 1% you clearly even said this isn’t your main, you’ve run with the off meta, prove it.

again, using me as a reference point is anecdotal evidence

i just linked you TWO sources for proving you wrong, so use them

please learn to read

thank you.

Always the 2k+ io players lmao … you guys are winners really

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Exactly my point, clearly all talk. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Thought so.


you yourself have no keys done on character so you shouldn’t be talking about m+ score to begin with :slight_smile: