M+ Healers!

Its not really a talent issue its a dungeon and raid design. dungeons have a ton of rot damage and need allot of HPS vs DPS so resto druid is king but in raid its all burst damage making mass DR healers and high passive damage healers IE Hpal disc rsham and monk gods in raid.
If we get a tier like SoFo the healer balance with change off of it. so its not that the healers are imbalance its that they excel at different situations.


this druid understands the things :point_up_2:


Rsham prolly just need number tweaks cause toolkit-wise they’re perfect for M+.

I really miss mine sometimes, Windshear and Earthgrab are lifesavers.

But yeah if numbers sucks that won’t get you very far.


All the other mechanics that ARE avoidable, but people qre probably taking damage from.

Like the Totems before Nokhud ele boss. Sure the totem itself does damage, but all the other trash also does damage that can be kicked. Most people aren’t dying to the totem, they are dying because they didn’t kick the tempest, or stood in the bad swirlies, or let the squall cast go off, and THEN took damage from the totem.


Class balance means absolutely nothing when it comes to lower keys like this.

The claim was that more than 99% of damage is avoidable. I am aware there are plenty of things in these dungeons that can be avoided with interrupts and stops, but more than 99%? There are many mechanics that can’t be. A variety of boss mechanics, as well as certain trash mechanics like the ones I mentioned.

There’s stuff that just needs to be healed.


I rolled off Resto Shaman 2nd day into the expansion knowing that Blizzard will drag their feet with Talent Changes (probably will never happen) and class tuning patches (currently 5% buff + dps buff on acid rain).

Other than that one minor buff Shamans have remained untouched and I feel vindicated every week when a new class tuning patch get released.

Meanwhile R druids have been busted since day one and received more buffs than Shamans + a rework on their other specs.

That’s the exact feeling R Shamans have in both M+/Raid & PvP at the moment, you hit a teammate with a Healing Surge and it heals like 5% of their HP while the entire team is on fire. Druids can prance around hotting people up and then can just go afk while the game plays itself.

Even if that is true they have serious mana problems in raid if they want to keep up in HPS with meta R druids & Evokers.

Oh my sweet summer child :kissing_heart: if playing properly as a healer was the key to success in M+.


I definitely wouldn’t say 99%, but outside of the tank, dps probably have 80% of mechanics that could be avoided.

Honestly and I hate saying this, this is why in high keys I honestly prefer to stack the meta, Warrior Tank, WW, Outlaw and Havoc literally everything melts and rarely anything will ever get cast, it makes healing a breeze.

Ofcourse theirs unavoidable mechanics, but if your team is playing well it’s easily healed.

Honestly CC is king, that’s why Melee is so preferred in higher keys especially those who are pumping great numbers in ST and AoE.

Look at Resto Druids, they don’t have a interrupt it’s not needed if you stack the meta, they have short enough cool-downs they up nearly every pack or other pack.

Yes sometimes a thing will get cast or they step in a swirly but that’s few and far between.

Ive personally even stopped taking MM, yeah they can do good numbers but the CC isn’t their. Why bring a potential risk.

Stacking melee makes healing a hell of a lot easier and classes like hunters literally melt the second anything even looks at them on higher keys :man_facepalming:

Grouping with 3 range dps that all stand in a different area is an absolute nightmare, I just wish you didn’t have to hardcore stack melee meta to make the dungeon enjoyable.


10000% agree, I stopped taking hunters in higher keys anything over an 18, not worth the hassle, squishy, no cc why should I make myself work harder. Horrible Defensives too.

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I love priests.

I have…

Dark Iron Dwarf - 2
Gnome - 2
Vulpera - 3
High Mountain Tauren - 2
Mag’Har Orc. - 2

All are Holy Priests

I do not heal on any of them other than myself.

I do not do dungeons, PvP, M+ , LFR or normal, heroic or mythic raiding

I think healing sucks right now. It is not like it was 10 years ago. It’s just not fun.

Your loss, not mine.


People need to understand about M+, no one wants to waste their time, especially in higher keys, you going to bring the best comp to have the best chance to time it.

I’m not saying other non meta specs can’t do it, but you have a higher chance, and from personal experience bringing the meta is safer to time a key.

I hate spending 30+ min for a failed key and waste of time, I’ll never leave a key though I hate when people do that, but generally in higher keys someone else will leave first on a dead key.


Holy paladin struggles with the fact that we have no HoT nor AoE heal aside from LoD, which costs holy power to cast and in keys is useless to use due to it being a narrow cone and compared to WoG not being as effective to heal with. Followed by the fact that holy power generation is the limiting factor to holy paladin given it takes at least three GCD’s to generate three holy power, outside of beacon healing with holy light, or using divine toll. In which there have been numerous times, especially on the second boss of NO, to where I simply cannot generate enough holy power match the damage output of the boss, even when I use wings and AM for each thunderstorm with 10 stacks of the buff too. Although beacon of virtue helps a lot, I feel like it has too short of a duration at times, even when I pool 5 holy power for it to maximize my burst during it.

It simply feels like blizzard tuned and designed the dungeon’s around evokers, who do a lot of AoE and HoT healing. Which holy paladin struggles a lot with, now that isn’t to say it can’t perform well, as it does have a powerful toolkit and brings a good amount of damage with blessing of seasons. Yet in the grand scheme of things you have to rotate your defensives constantly, something that most players don’t do, comboed with play very well to ensure that things are dying quickly, which again is hard to do with current tuning.

I think what really needs to happen is a sweeping health nerf to bosses and trash for the more problem dungeons. Given I feel like the healing is there for the most part it’s just there isn’t enough gas to keep it going for long drawn out fights and bosses. Which is where holy paladin runs into trouble, or at least I do, given I just run out of CD’s to use for each burst phase on some bosses and trash when they stay up for long periods of time.


maybe in raid. not in keys.

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This is pretty spot on, although I don’t think the tank is mandatory. Both Prot pallies and Blood Dks are just as good as Wars, sometimes even better(like AA) depending on the situation.

The WW/Rogue combo makes the dungeon become 200000x more playable though.

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Man looking at this makes me think that Mistweavers are a spec that Blizzard doesn’t even tune, let alone play. :frowning: yikes

Unless I’m playing with friends I will absolutely only apply for groups that are stacking meta, if some of the healers here have tried higher keys they would understand the BIG difference in difficulty especially on a dungeon like Fort RLP.

The ring after the first boss hunters can legit just go afk cause there is no way they are living longer than 2-3 packs once they burn their own personals.

A DH can pretty much heal themselves and I can pretty much ignore them on most of the mechanics and also does insane amounts of ST/AoE, rogues have amazing CC/DPS and a ton of defensives same as WW.

There is just no reason to bring anything else and make it wayyyy harder for yourself. In my groups I try to get an Enhance shaman for the lust since druids don’t have one but that’s probably as far as I’d stray from the Meta if I’m pugging serious key.

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I thought healers never had to heal anything since it’s nearly all avoidable damage?

Avoidable means you have some control over it like an interupt.

If you’re bringing a hunter or boomie + a resto druid there will be a ton of missed kicks because the kicks don’t add up and the avoidable damage becomes unavoidable in higher keys 1 missed kick could mean a wipe.

Unsure if this is sarcasm against Chenikah or you are actually serious.

Extreme sarcasm. Just pointing out the contradiction between “you can avoid nearly all the damage” and “you can’t take a certain class because it’s squishy.”

And hunter kick is on a 24 second timer, anyways. I don’t think having a Hunter and Resto Druid disqualifies you from running RLP. But again, I’m a casual scrub. Maybe it’s almost impossible to take a single ranged class and a Resto Druid to that key.