druids and evokers fighting for first. Druid is in first in m+ for now.
Disc don’t need significant raid buffs, they were brought to the RWF.
druids and evokers fighting for first. Druid is in first in m+ for now.
Disc don’t need significant raid buffs, they were brought to the RWF.
Monks need everything right now… I think they are the most broken class of all.
Dont assume too much… Not everyone is trying that hard and the vault isnt that generous…
who cares rwf is irrelevant disc is hard capped at 80k hps right now because people think that having barrier is equivalent to 20k hps or something
You can’t buff classes hps wise while discounting DR utility.
And if barrier did show up on meters, that would skew things a lot.
Plus, there’s ramp windows, and most healing is padding. Oh, and healer dps.
barrier is at most 8k drps and even thats overshooting it because drps calculations are wonky with other dr sources in the raid, otherwise disc is legit 40% below evokers and druids while doing the same amount of damage as druids.
What people did on the first week of the raid release does not affect people who will be pulling raszageth 2 months from now and people like that should not base their comp around the rwf.
Yea, people playing worse, with better gear, shouldn’t dictate what gets buffed or nerfed as a result.
When your spec needs a perfect cast sequence for 20 seconds straight while having 0 mobility or tankiness only to be 40k hps below a druid or evoker then yeah thats something that needs to change.
When disc priests are brought to the RWF (and subsequent kills) that’s not a symptom that disc needs buffs. It means everyone else does until they’re of equal consideration.
brother you are 3/8M you gotta stop talking about the race to world first, what they did does not and will never affect you, literally on raszageth alone its impossible to bring a disc priest unless you also have 2 evokers because they legitimataly have 0 mobility for tempest wing and need to be rescued on cd.
The meta trickles down, and if mobility is your argument, then give them mobility, not HPS.
What people do for the RWF affects far more than just the race itself.
You can’t make the argument that something that was good enough for the RWF needs buffs now compared to specs that haven’t been brought.
Its not about me or my group its about shamans. When I’m struggling to clear 11, 12s with a 389 shaman but can do it with a priest, druid who are lower ilvl then something is wrong
But if you do 11 or 12 with your shaman (in that same group) do you honestly think you will fail? It’s like you replaced 4 people and wonder why you are seeing different results.
The meta trickling down is a result of morons thinking that what the rwf does is what is required for the boss and deviating will result in never being able to kill the boss, nick from liquid has played his evoker and druid more than his priest now because that class is just unfun to play.
There is a guild that has killed raszageth with mw paladin evoker druid and they didn’t really face any real issues with healing. I’m pretty sure druid is just a better version of priest on that boss because priest is brought to carry p2 stormsurge healing and druid does the same thing but better.
But the value of DR shifts depending on how much gear people have.
Yes exactly, thank you for understanding my point. When you pull raz 2 months from now in a 418 avg ilvl raid dr will have pretty much 0 value because nothing can one shot you
Yes I do because with shaman I’m like sweating and stressed out when healing, with priest sometimes things gets crazy. With a druid i can eat lunch and heal …
but at that time, you stop looking at healing and more on DPS. Power infusion exists.
Maybe you’re just better on a druid?
The meta trickling down is a result of morons thinking that what the rwf does is what is required for the boss and deviating will result in never being able to kill the boss
I agree i Honestly hate how Worlds First (The possible 2% of hardcore players) of the game Dictates a lot of things in the game to many people look up to them instead of enjoying the game the way and it’s creating a lot of Toxcitity and unnecessary drama.
PI is not worth bringing a dead weight healer that requires a whole comp to be made around it, especially not when you’re 4 months into the patch because dps checks will simply not exist