M+ has been ruined

The meta is only being pushed on high keys over 20 and beyond which is like 1% of the player base. I don’t find it to be a huge deal at all. I still get plenty of invites on my sham for anything between 15-20. Idk why yall are crying at all, certain classes will always be the meta its how the game works. Not every class will be the best for certain content. Its not like its impossible to get an invite unless your those classes and I’ll go further and say it’s still quick and easy to get a group going even if you aren’t meta. Again this complaining your doing is for the top 1% maybe even less. Of course the top 1% of players are going to run the best comps, it wouldnt make sense if they didn’t.

It’s worth noting that the augmentation Evoker implementation coincided with several class changes aimed at (But not necessarily successful at) reducing the amount of force multipliers in specs naturally. Changes to fire, arcane, demonology, devastation, and arguably shadow were noted as having the goal of reducing the peaks and valleys in their damage output.

It’s an interesting observation because the game where support specs are thriving, FF, has very few force multipliers in its DPS specs and damage profiles are mostly sustained…

Who knew we could cause so much damage in such a short span of time.

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Isn’t that game literally designed around everyone lining up for 2 minute windows where all the buffs are rolling? They’ve pretty much phased 3 minutes and such out to further emphasize this.

Yes but people don’t really have multiple CDs each that they play multiplicatively off eachother. The peaks and valleys in FF are much much smaller.

That is a choice - PvE is Player Versus Environment not Player Versus Player.

. You dont see Echo raging at each other cause one did 4k more dps. Their focus is downing the boss not each other.

At the end of the day it’s a business. If your design causes people to not play you will lose money.

DPS meters for me aren’t for competing with my party though, they’re for competing with myself, as well as analysing and understanding how I can improve what I’m doing. Obviously logs do that too but logs are much more after the fact.

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no thanks. i don’t have 6 hours uninterrupted to crawl through an endless dungeon

He’s not lying. I can’t get into ****. Not that I’m good or anything but it’s rough out here. It’s always been like that for pugs though

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You get what you deserve. The constant whining from M+ crazies like you hurt the rest of us who want to enjoy the rest of the game without having to suffer from “imbalanced classes in M+.” So, saying “M+ is ruined” is an understatement in terms of other content that some of us prefer.


Bears are super overpowered atm.
Holy pally was super overpowered, but got tuned.
Mage was super overpowered, but got tuned.
Spriest is super overpowered - mass dispell, fort and pi.

Aug brand new spec showcasing how 4 other busted classes get enhanced to be even more busted.

Aug isnt overtuned when combined with MANY other classes.

Some tuning ideas - make spriest PI only castable on themselvest, removing the absurd burst capability of a few select classes. What would a spriests overall damage look like if its damage from other classes was given back to the spriest. Leave disc/holy pi alone so its a bonus to bring them.

Idk about you, but the only open world stuff i do is new content quests and proffession quests. Other than that its raid and key. Im not about to go do WQ for gold when i can make 10x+ sitting at a table in Valdrakken.

Because it was. This is an edited Copy Pasta post.

Honestly at least it’s not some +11 key burner complaining. The man runs the content he’s complaining about and has probably been directly screwed over by the changes. So at least that’s a breath of fresh air lol

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attacking blizzard isn’t going to fix this… it’s the community that has always been the problem with high keys. If you don’t play meta no one cares. this has been the same thing every season once you get gear and people are pushing for boards.

For one entire week. Out of years.

Again. For one entire week.

Mage has been meta all season alongside shadow and both fire and frost were top specs in DF S1 as well though the meta was in general much more open.

Shadow priest is decent for the first time since legion and people are already calling for massive nerfs.

Mind you spriest single target is still around bottom of the middle of the pack and the only place they really shine is M+

But let’s make them garbage again because all the other dps specs that are traditionally on top 95% of the time are mad.

Add in holy paladin and guardian druid and you are spot on.

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