M+ has been ruined

So unless you are playing Mage, Auggie, or Shadow Priest, you aren’t doing higher keys. Literally the whole week. Blizz i’ve never seen a more obvious sign that tuning is needed.

the 10-15% nurf to fire mage isn’t even close to enough considering they are doing about 30% more damage than any other spec. Shadow is overperforming and their utility is still required in most dungeons. Auggie is also completely overtuned leading to damage/healing number 15-20% higher than a group without one can do. The highest keys in the world literally jumped from 26/27 to 28/29 in a single week. But only for a few specs (this includes tanks which most are guardian druid and healers which most are hpal).

The tuning upcoming is not even close to enough. Hit these specs harder or buff the others. Honestly at this point you probably have to buff the others since The levels of keys will be impossible to do again if/when these specs are finally nurfed.


I feel like this topic was already made, word for word, today


Just to be clear: 15% x 4 is 60%. 60% + the Evoker’s roughly 20% of a “whole” dps in personal damage is 80%. That puts Aug Evoker at 80% of a roughly regularly invited group spot. If your Aug is doing 100k, but your Fire Mage is doing 300k… Having two 240k Fire Mages is still a net gain over the Aug.

Aug without overperforming things like sPriest, Mage, and hPal will be incredibly mediocre. It is just shining a spot light on things that overperform.


So let’s see… I killed Paladins, destroyed the ecosystem, took people’s jobs, ruined M+…

Did I steal everyone’s Paracasual Flakes too? :smiley:


I’ll check my bank and get back to you.


This is all so fascinating.

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Good mythic + needs to go anyway. That way they can make some real dungeons.


I’m surprised that in a mode thats had many issues with cooldown stacking making things wonky has been effected by a spec that can massively swing cd power.


Another bad take


Like all the M+ Chads seem to say, when someone posts about how impossible it is for a non M+ “Pro” to get into groups, MAKE YOUR OWN GROUP.

Then you can invite all the non Mage,Augs, and SP you want .


this would be a clever “gotcha” if this thread were by somebody complaining about being gatekept out of 14s


Allow me to offer a little insight. If fire mages play with an augmentation evoker, not all the damage is being attributed back to the evoker. Pets and spells that accumulate damage are two of the main issues.

With that said, a fire mages Ignite is part of this issue. That means they’re doing more damage on logs than they actually are in reality. On the pet front, that is also why you see unholy dk and demo locks on top of the charts. None of that buffed pet damage goes back to the evoker.

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I remember now why I stopped bothering to post on the forums. The amount of cluelessness and not just bad takes, but literally just wrong and misinformed takes is staggering.

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cheap exaggerations

Me thinks we have yet to see the last of this topic…today!

Unless you are doing like 26s literally NOTHING has changed from last week and plenty of specs were in 25s to some varying degrees of success.


I don’t see the meta narrowing in bragging rights keys as a problem worth designing around. That is beyond the point where things are actively balanced for. It literally does not matter after +20. It’s infinitely scaling content, so of course people are going to narrow down who they’re willing to bring based on what’s objectively best as they get higher into that infinite scaling.


this only matters if you’re pushing such high keys. for everyone else (99.9% of the player base) there is no issue. if players want certain classes for their keys, that is entirely their right as well.


Nope they can then make challenge dungeons, were you get to enter once a week and if your group dies you are locked out. The dungeon would synch all your item levels down, take away set bonuses, the mobs would hit like lower mythic + mobs, there would be puzzles, traps, variant bosses but nice rewards for each part you manage to finish. It would have to be like going in a mythic 10 or so with normal dungeon gear (adjust as needed or something else to make it more difficult) and it would take a few hours. Maybe have just 10 deaths instead of a wipe I am not sure.

Then we could go to having normal dungeons like mythics and heroics like mythic eh upper teens for doing dungeons.


Every. Single. Patch. ‘This content is ruined by (insert overplayed spec)’.

Yes. There will always be a top dog that the .1% flock to.

No. This isn’t the worst it’s ever been ever, there are so many counts of extreme FOTM.