M+ has been ruined

Deep classes? Sure; what content are you gonna play these “deep classes” in?


You’re either a troll or locked in a bizarre alternate universe.

Either way, best of luck to you. Take care.

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I grouped with 1 aug and 0 mages all week. Clearly other specs are still being invited

The prominence of “WoW used to be a real RPG!” is so crazy to me.

You forgot Guardian druid and hpal.

You gave my chlamydia then never called me back.

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It would be nice to see a better balance of damage and utility for classes.

But, that being said, there has always been a meta comp for high keys. If a certain class being meta was going to “ruin” M+, it would have been ruined a long time ago.

Love these type of comments. You don’t even have to check if they did the megadungeon this patch, because you know the answer.

If it was really dungeons that you wanted you’d have done the new non-M+ dungeon, but you didn’t and you won’t because you’re only here to whine.


obviously cause content will be ruined later, it can’t be done now.

15 million M+ runs in S2 so far across 2.1 million unique characters beg to differ.

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Eight hour dungeon sessions where we slowly work our way through. Like a D&D dungeon. That would be nice and work well for WoW.

Why would I do it? I do not have a character high enough level to even touch it.

You want dungeons to last eight hours? (To be fair, if you’re bad, they can already take that long.) People don’t even raid that much in Vanilla.

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I want WoW to have dungeons like Undermountain that we explore as a group and progress is kept unless it is reset.

What are the factors that would make it take that long?

Boss tuning on par with mid-mythic raid bosses?

Dungeon length where holding W still takes 3 hours to cross?

Each trash mob having more HP than a ZC rare?

And you complain about lack of content :clown_face:

Legitimately who has the time for that

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Do you realize you can base a whole D&D campaign on just part of Undermountain?

Everyone. Eight hour sessions are the usual when you sit down and play a table top game.

I’d like to live in whatever reality you live in.