I will be honest, I don’t know how to reply to you because I don’t think you are understanding this issue at all, willingly or not. You are moing the goalpost and using a strawman, I spent enough time on you I think so welcome to the ignore list.
This is the current rating curve. 20% of the current mythic + population has keystone master. 113,931 characters.
Really not even trying to make a point just putting numbers out there so the arguments can be more valid than feels.
How are you getting these numbers? Not like a personal attack on you but a genuine question. I cannot filter Raider .io to show a certain range of runs. I can see unique class population for various levels but the actual total runs never changes. I don’t even have the option to go to a certain page to extrapolate the data. There’s almost 4 million runs right now and the only ones I can see easily are the last ones. I can’t just keep pushing NEXT until I find the 9s and make note then keep pushing next another 1000 times.
Someone will lack skill, and need better gear to overcome that obstacle.
Does that mean they should be able to get better gear?
I don’t know why you think this is too hard to understand.
This take is stupid. The whole thread is about gear gating and this is +10 max vault for mythic track.
It’s the worst season. period
DF S1 was the best season I’ve played in so far. TWW S1 is close to that.
Under the JPEG for the graph shown on top, it shows the number of the sample size its based off of and the date taken. Best tool ive found. If someone has a better way to grab sample sizes IDK of it.
And right above the graph there should be a drop down to change the range of the keys you are looking at
Why though? because you feel like its worse? subjective opinion
You can try to explain why its worse from number of people finishing keys and peoples ratings.
Drawing a conclusion based off of numbers and not personal feelings should always be the better way to conduct feedback.
max vault was from +15. The whole guild could run m+ to fill up vaults for alts by just spamming it and have fun.
TWW I never run with any guild member who I know is not capable of handling this difficulty
I don’t know if its ever been 15…
This seems like a personal experience though. everyone is not going to have the same experience. Again this would be a “feels”. If you post on your main or link your mains RIO I would be curious to see you past seasons first couple of weeks vs this seasons. It might not be that different.
Spammable easy runs should not reward the best gear in the game. I just don’t think that makes sense personally. ALSO, you can still run keys and not get max rewards and have fun… fun and rewards dont have to be mutually exclusive.
The jpeg is the unique characters not runs though. On Reddit, someone posted data for overall data not exclusive to the run levels.
Unfortunately your opinion is garbage. The game is in its worst state. It takes agaes in a queue just to destroy a key in minutes due to some random noob.
Devs need to nerf and the forum will be under fire till they see their failed and incompetent development.
They destryoed Diablo with this mindset, Shadowlands and now TWW as well.
Unique characters may be more accurate a representation then total runs then? As it wouldnt account for multiple runs by same character? Not sure if I’m totally understanding what it represents then.
Why don’t you give a reason to why… literally unhelpful. Stop playing with “random noobs”… also if its a consistent issue then it may be you… I have done a handful of pugs and have not un-timed a single one of the keys. We have a different experience doesn’t mean either of ours is correct BUT using numbers and statistics could be a helpful way to determine if there actually is an issue or not.
so the bigger question then, iis why is THIS season “the best” for you?
It just keeps feeling more and more like you ENJOY when a larger popuation gets walled out of content that they were able to do before hand.
I feel ike the reason Blizzard is doing this is to just slow us down b/c season 2 is either going to be late or garb.
if your trying to compare popularity, accessibility , or alt friendliness I believe unique characters is a good representation. But that’s even a bit off. I ran one 2 on my tank. I usually would try and keep two characters at the same run and ilevel but due to the expense this season I don’t. BUT he is permanently a unique character, raising the number despite not running keys. DF season 3 had 53 million unique characters play over the course of 23 weeks, DF season 4 had 20 million at 17 weeks. DF season 2’s numbers are too skewed to intepret, DF Season 1 had 6.7million. As far as more accurate representation, We don’t’ need to guess at the total runs that number is known. AND Eek about dragonfraud. Crazy thing to say to people even if it is just internet people.
You are missing the point. Players are noticing a trend that only players who already did 9s, 10s can keep getting in to higher and higher keys with crests being earned.
Whereas those of us with jobs and a life who can not game 12 hours a day, are stuck at 7s with capped crests and no upgrade path. Other than the trickle down each week.
It’s degrading.
I get no one wants to bring a 615 whatever to their 7 or 8 or 9 when they have 624 options. Those players in the 615 bracket are essentially “stuck” waiting on blizzard to uncap crests each week.
That is not progression. That is forced. Uncap the crests and we will have less of a problem.
Those players can all get together and make a group together… I don’t understand.
even with uncapped crests, we are already maxed with runed crests, uncapped means well just bring all our 614s to 619 and thats it, a whopping 5 ilvl diff, were still walled out of upgrade the last 2 of each hero pieces with gilded crests.
No one is walled out of anything.
Its like complaining that you are walled out from a mythic trinket off the last boss in mythic because you don’t have a group or can’t kill the boss.
I will not finish mythic raid this tier, play in a casual guild with friends who raids 1 night a week. Should they just give us the loot off the last boss on mythic even though we can not beat it?
Same logic
I invite you to read the thread from the beginning because clearly you haven’t.