M+ gilded crest and character growth is a problem

Hi Zarlunce, what is your btag? I can try and help you get in 9s as i have 2650 io so there will be a handful of people willing to take us both


Maybe they should have moved portals to 12s, that is where prestige keys really kick in.

Making things more challenging by withholding the tools (or effectively doing so) sucks. Previous seasons felt a lot more fair in this regard.

Hey sweaties, enjoy your feeling of prestige that Blizzard has decided to gate way more people away from arbitrarily. Can’t wait for all the “I can’t find anyone to run +11s and +12s with!” threads that will follow thanks to this decision to pull the ramp up from behind y’all.


so I do 3s, I get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!)
then i do 4s, i get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!) and runed crest to upgrade up to 619
then i do 5s, i get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!) and runed crest to upgrade up to 619
then i do 6s, i get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!) and runed crest to upgrade up to 619
then i do 7s, i get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!) and runed crest to upgrade up to 619
then i do 8s, i get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!) and runed crest to upgrade up to 619
then i do 9s, i STILL get hero track gear in vault (1 per week!) and FINALLY gilded crest to upgrade past 619

Do you not see the problem here? this is VASTLY different in terms of PROGRESSION than ANY other season. The difference betwen a 3 and an 8 is HUGE and they essentially reward the same crap.


Tbh this reads like how their is a large difference in raid boss difficulty from the first to last boss but they reward the same things.

7-8 keys are like heroic raid bosses 1-6
9 keys are like heroic raid bosses 7-8

Then 10s are more like early mythic raid bosses.

Due to no lockout there isn’t a super great parallel, but the idea is to be roughly equivalent. They are alternative gearing paths, not just a separate faceroll path (which admittedly is how mythic+ historically was tuned).

whats the progression for pugs not getting 9s at 619 ilvl?

I also like how you said most of your 9s-10s are pugs when in fact 3 of ur last 5 were guild groups, a guild group isnt a pug, which also helped get you to 9s and 10s in the first place to THEN pug 9s and 10s. So I ask again, whats the progression for pugs not getting 9s at 619 ilvl? like real pugs, not people like you who have a guild to raid with (so more mythic gear + crests to upgrade), and get a high M+ score with.

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What is the progression to max gear for people that “real” pug raids?

Its not surprising youre playing an undergeared warrior and cant get invites. You either need freinds/guild or play a spec that will get invites solo.

glad you asked: 626 ilvl for gilded crests from last 2 bosses and hero track gear, thats what most pug will get doing raiding only in a months time, (and maybe get the first mythic boss down). or they will opt to craft 636 gear which will take a long time since gilded is drip fed, upgrading with gilded as well

What if they can’t kill the last two bosses on heroic? They are quite a bit harder than earlier bosses.

They are just stuck with no way to progress.

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So instead MANY people would turn to M+ to help get over that hump except this time, the progress is also halted in M+

So you will end up with many 630+s in a month, and a bunch of 619. None of the 630s will want to play with the 619s and the 619s anyway will already have stopped playing because they foresaw this happen and left already.

You remove progression for people, people stop playing.


Why aren’t the 619s playing with other 619s? Are they just trying to snag very geared people to carry them??

You also seem to be implying that gearing via mythic+ should be inherently easy, despite it being an alternative end game pillar. That it should be a foregone conclusion that players who can’t kill the harder raid content for its rewards should go smash mythic+ for those same rewards.

And no matter where the line is drawn, this same “problem” exists.

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I mean, the 630s would just join random pugs to get their 8 done for the week with the 619’s and carry them through 10s, as has been functional every season at the later part of a season. At that point all that matters is just finishing 8 +10 keys and you hit a point were gear just outscales the content.

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This is going to become one of the biggest issues of the expansion here in a few weeks when it impacts more and more people.

This system wasn’t broken in DF. People liked it. The current crest system and reward values make no sense. The sense of progression is put on hiatus as soon as you get your champion/heroic gear to 619. To the point where chasing after heroic gear is useless until you either get the last 2 bosses of heroic on farm or have 9’s on farm. Both of which are a HUGE jump from fully upgraded normal gear.

It just doesn’t make any sense when people were already so happy in the DF seasons.


See in the previous seasons, these 619s would of gotten a little bit more gilded crests to upgrade their gear on top of a 626+ piece of loot every week from the vault (granted it gave them something useful) So those 619s who arent as skilled as you, would get an ilvl bump gradually to help overcome the final heroic bosses/next level of M+. SO there was a constant flow of slow but sure progression. Now thats not existant and I am not sure why you can’t see that. If you think people not progressing and stopping to play is good in the grand scheme of things then idk what to tell ya


The funny thing is that that of all the season in DF, season 2 was the lowest level of participation in M+. Even just looking at the first few weeks of the season before Aug came out, there was high participation in the first 4-6 weeks then a heavy drop off because gear progression was significantly faster and people just dropped off once their toons are geared.

In this case, progression is purely halted from not going into higher level content.

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What about the people who couldn’t do 16s for aspect crests in DF?

Why was it fair their progression ended?

Also in DF aspect crests didn’t come from the last 2 heroic bosses.

You’re saying there’s no progression until you beat the content? Nailed it.

Restating your complaint is that you can’t get gilded crests before you clear heroic raid. I hope that sinks in.

Why do you think you should be getting mythic gear before you even clear heroic?

Why do so many of you guys think that progression means getting gear from the next tier to do the current tier?

What happened to getting gear from the current progression in order to move to the next level of difficulty?


are you moving the goalpost?

in previous seasons people doing 13-14-15 to get to 16 eventually still had vault upgrades and ‘crests’ upgrades so would continue to progress and evenautlly break into 16s due to ilvl

??? what don’t you understand?

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No, even if you go into the higher content after clearing normal, there is a massive gap in content and a portion of the natural progression that is unrewarding for a long stretch. If you have champion gear and runed crests, there is 0 reason to want hero track gear. 0. Until you get past this heightened wall.

From +3 to +8 and from Normal raid to 6/8 heroic there is ZERO progression.