M+ gear should not be max ilvl in vault

I know a few people that didn’t get the max ilvl item they need from M+ vaults.

Imagine playing and doing 10 x m+ 15 keys and get trolled and not get what you watned for the whole season. LOL



You 're right, we should be able to straight up level it to cap with the all 20’s achievement from the same vendor we use now. Drops from raid should be increased, ditto for PvP. The vault itself should be removed from the game.

This isn’t a mobile game. DOWN WITH FOMO GAME SYSTEMS!!


Bruh, if I could upgrade gear to max ilvl with Valor I would be so thrilled.


Don’t fall for the Anon bait, my lovelies.



Although I would rather they increase the key scaling so there aren’t literally 20 levels to reach the gear max.

Drops from raids raised to 3 per 10 (6 per 20 man) at least. Maybe even 4 per 10 (8 per 20).

PvP just used honor/conquest like always.


I’m right there with you. The scaling should be more steep. We don’t need 30 levels of difficulty this is an MMO not Diablo.

  • +2 = current level 3 with 1 affix

  • +3 = current level 7 with two affixes

  • +4 = current level 10 with seasonal affix

  • +5 = current level 15 and rewards

  • +6 = current level 20 and mythic level upgrades from vendor

Tune 6 to feel ~ closer to mythic raiding challenge. Anything over 6 should only be for prestige.

There would be something for everyone still, since 2-5 should feel like lfr - normal - heroic. Without all of these useless levels between them.


I think the benefit of the current system is that people can often do one or two key levels more if their group plays better (in regular levels like up to 25ish not insane 30/31 where the next level might be mathematically impossible). But I agree that there don’t need to be this many levels and especially not this many upgrade ranks.

I like your proposed idea of making M+ levels actually feel like another mythic layer. I think that doing something like this might make it easier to tune the dungeons at the high end, and they could stop tuning at about level 8 or the equivalent of 24/25.

I think your proposed solution could help quite a bit with the dead 3–14 key problem.

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I’ve never seen a 259 piece drop from the M+ tier in the vault.


I like this concept, but those jumps are way too extreme.

Jumping from Heroic AOTC into Mythic is actually a slight step down in difficulty until you’re a few bosses into the raid. If you asked people to jump from Heroic Sylvanas to Mythic Sylvanas, you’d get people stuck in a place where the content behind them is too easy and the content ahead of them is too hard.

Just group together keys by 3.33 increments roughly. 3.33, 6.66, 10, 13.33, 16.66, 20. That kind of thing. A jump from a 20 to a ~23 would still be brutal, but it wouldn’t be as impossible a jump as 20 to 25. I feel like if the jumps are too large you risk outright killing M+ because people can’t make incremental progress.

WoW Raid bosses themselves also have incremental progress. You master P1, then you master P2, then you work on P3 until you get a good pull where everything lines up and you get the kill.

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See my thread about removing the vault

anon thread

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yeah the scaling should be steep.

What the vault does is literally just another wall blizzard is putting on you

Anon thread?

Uhhh… Yea…

Still not inviting him to my keys.

imagine literally not doing m+ and telling people how m+ should be made lmao

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It’s not like you can literally look at my achievements. lmao

i finally got a 252 changeling on my shaman this week. just in time for next season lol


imagine Mythic raiding when you can only do a +15 dungeon in 30 min and have your mythic raid piece at the end of the week LOL

In 10 weeks , you will have almost the same gear as somebody doing Mythic raids but you played 30 minute/week

isnt it amazing. spam dungeons, get drops. then hope to replace all of those drops, 1 by 1, on tuesdays…based purely on rng

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Why that’s not a thing yet, is beyond me.

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same lol. Got my blood splatter as well this week. Now time to farm more DoS for a higher ilvl blood splatter (FUN)

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