M+ gear should not be max ilvl in vault

because people here will complain thinking blizz is catering again for the high end crowd

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its because it would kill mythic raiding

Well if they rewarded smaller doses of valor for heroics, and a middle-dosage for Timewalking, along with the weekly dungeon quests – I feel most people would be fine with it, and may even inspire them to do the more high-end content.

For instance, I haven’t done much of any mythics or raiding this expansion because I haven’t really enjoyed it - so I’m stroking the ‘Filthy casual’ persona and strolling along. In Legion however, I was very engaged with heroic or mythic raiding, and mythic+ keystones - because the more simpler content back then was much more rewarding and inspired me to go further.

nah I doubt it tbh. I dont think mythic level gear should drop on a 15. Maybe on a 20. People who likes raiding will still raid

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+20 would be too easy , it should be +25 but Blizzard would not have balls to do it because of the community

you would have no reason at all to waste your time in mythic raiding when you can just make a group with 4 friend and play M+ all day , when do you want

I think it could work if valor was still gated and it required all 20s fort/tyrannical score to upgrade to 252.

you make it really hard and you make it account wide imo

people would cry when they hear time-gating

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Raids have lockouts. No reason mythic+ for top end gear wouldn’t have gates.

And no to account wide.

If you get CE on your main your alt doesn’t get free 252 gear from LFR spam.

ok , time-gate it but make it account wide :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Sure thing! :slight_smile:

As soon as they allow achievements from higher raid difficulty kills to let alts pump LFR gear to mythic item level.

And they remove raid lockouts so bosses can be spam killed over and over for loot chances.

people will cry out no matter what. Just look at the forums.

nah I think +20 is just right. +25 is very unachievable atm by alot of the playerbase.


I can still feel the difference between levels. When you go and do a big pull and wipe to it then drop he key and go again it feel so much easier. Did it last night in spires. Wiped on the 25 then did the 24 and didnt even use some of my cds to live it.
I wouldnt mind compressing the levels slightly though but I think jumping 3 key levels per level or something would be too much. Taking a player that has only done 20s and putting them in 23s would not work out well imo.

I do agree with the idea people had of letting gear be upgraded all the way with a higher m+ score though. Doing a key at 24 or something is a hell of a lot harder than the first few bosses on mythic imo.


I don’t mind the vault, I just wish the vault was supplemental rather than the focus. People who want to use their drop loot should be able to. I hate replacing drops with vault junk. I replaced my phial with a vault field emitter a few weeks ago and I hate it lol

I dont think a 25 is equal to killing terragrue or the eye or the nine.
20-22 or so maybe though. Those first bosses are just so easy.

100% agree with it being hard and account wide.

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the problem is , if you make mythic raid gearing possible in M+ , people will take M+ more seriously and put more time into it , it will obviouvly boost M+ participation high keys like crazy too .

The majority of players will get better in M+ , in my opinion

There is no reason at all to push +15 keys imagine when you unlock best gear in M+

I don’t know how much players % cleared the raid in Mythic level , i can’t find it

Saying nothing but good things imo =)
I know plenty of people who have never done keys that high but have many CEs etc. I think 20-22 or so would be about the right level to unlock the upgrades.

Mythic raid gearing is already possible though with mythic+? And only at a level of +15?

The idea is to remove the vault and instead let valor upgrade to 252 requiring a rating for all 20s fort/tyrannical (or 22s, or whatever number). Tying the loot to the dungeons not a weekly lottery ticket.

And valor will still have a cap, that is the gate. That is the analog to having raid boss lockouts.

And no account wide. You can’t spam infinite LFR with no lockout and pump it up just because your main killed a few mythic bosses.

yeah it look good , i just want Mythic raiders to not get f

Just , i can see Blizzard giving 252 valor upgrade not timegated with full +20

Players would get lazy and would not want to get into Mythic raiding

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it’s already is. But not alot of people can carry someone to a +20. I know I can’t

yea there wont because it’ll push it up to the next ladder. So what?

if there’s one thing wow has taught us over the years, is that the majority of players will not get better when faced with a challenge.