100% agree with the conclusion that the great vault isn’t a great mechanic. Hadnt thought about how much it influences the game. Back in the day, the only real timegates for gearing were raid lockouts.
Seems like the game could go back to those days. I realize that a change like this would make mythic+ gearing not as effective but they could come up with solutions to fix that.
I think that would be a hard sell for this community. A lot of people seem to love the vault. There is like a giant bread line outside the vault every Tuesday. It’s hilarious to see.
Just because someone participates in a form of gameplay, does not mean they enjoy it.
They should make normal gearing better.
The vault also should not be this massive buffer like it is now…
My main is fully decked in 252, and only maybe 5 pieces (that I do not equip all at the same time either) is currently from Mythic Raiding.
The dungeons need to drop better loot in and of themselves, and vault should just be “extra sprinkles on top”.
Am I wrong? Do people not enjoy the vault? Every time I have ever mentioned the slow gearing people talk about the vault like its the best solution ever.
I keep seeing Bell scratch this itch, but he keeps trying to stay away from it, and I think that’s because his partner doesn’t share the same view. But–I think ultimatley we’re gonna see a 45 minute video from him on the state of casual players in WoW, and he’ll say something to the effect of:
“For a while we’ve been covering all hot topics across WoW now, but it seems like the real stem of the issues we see in the game right now, is over design philosophy and players who aren’t in organized play.”
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I want bonus rolls to come back. That way I can at least target what I want to have a chance at.
Just by mentioning Bellular, some people will come here to say some troll comments, when the important thing is to take that information and formulate your own opinion, i saw the video and 100% agree, i just do 10 15+ for the week at the begining of the season, once i got KSM , i just stop doing M+ because there’s too much RNG to get progress and my alts have to do KSM all over again, targeting specific keys 
I hate the vault. Most people I know dread opening it.
All of us say “Ugh… what crap will I get this week to be disappointed with…”
Then they get happily surprised the 1 time in three months (no joke) that it was an actually good item.
So I would argue people do not enjoy IT - they enjoy that 1 time, the rest it’s a dread…
Content itself should drop better loot on their own, the vault should be sprinkles on top - now it’s a core gearing aim in a lot of senses…
I dont want to lose the Great Vault tbh
Don’t know who Bellular is but it’s only one person
I really don’t understand why people hate something they can ignore?
Would you rather the Great Vault or a vendor with every piece from each dungeon (like azerite vendors but with everything)?
I think players could do a BIS progress, then players that really like to push their limits could engage on M+ increasing the level each time, and other players could switch to alts. I think Blizzard is afraid of their own gameplay, so they keep a lot of RNG / time sinks in the game.
Because it effects other parts of the game. They have to balance the game around the great vault, so regular drops have to be more rare. They can’t risk people gearing up too quickly.
People like gearing up. Some people don’t like the current method to do so.
I’ve only gotten LFR quality loot from the vault, but I much preferred bonus roll tokens. I only did LFR this expansion for transmog and being able to roll on specific bosses for specific items would have been great.
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Because max ilvl comes from vault and players see those 3 options that required 10 dungeons as a min max opportunities for the RNG to trigger and upgrade, same effect why i do Love Rocket with 50 character, instead with only my main, i feel i’m wasting potential if i don’t use everything that i could handle, even when it’s not fun.
They can just improve the great vault to let it pick a slot you want to upgrade and include solo activities in it…
The rng is the thing that feels bad. It’s weird how many duplicate slots my alts get when its like a 1/19 chance to get the same slot.
That’s because it’s the only solution.
You really have to differentiate the difference between participating in something because there’s no other feasible method, and participating in something because you actually enjoy it.
Participation does not equal enjoyment, that’s the same line of thinking Ion has that got us into the mess that is WoW post Legion.
yes, just like how the existence of breadlines proved that people “love bread”
The whole point of the bonus is to augment what you normally do over the week? I think people are expecting a lot more from things like the extra rolls, seals of fate, etc. to guarantee them good gear.