M+ gear gap widening vs Mythic raiding

They made M+ less rewarding. You’re a shill, aren’t you?

We have no idea, actually. You see, the raid or die expansion WoD dropped so many subs they stopped releasing sub numbers.

how is increasing rewards up to 20 making it less rewarding?

Well the new blog is out, I hope this will silence the OP and the rest of the whiners complaining about M+ being a second class citizen.

Edit: I’m sure you will find something else to complain about though OP

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I’m genuinely impressed at how dumb whoever wrote this is.

“Learning a new raid can be fun and challenging, but the relative ease of completing Mythic+ dungeons that everyone mastered last season can create heavy social pressure to spend time in Mythic+ gearing up even if it’s not your preferred activity.”

They are making it even higher pressure to do M+ now with the loot changes, especially for mythic raiding.

What the hell is going on over there?


I just had almost this exact same conversation in my guild discord.

they’re removing our ability to master dungeons over the tiers as we push higher. instead now we have the pleasure of learning brand new routes and starting from scratch every tier, so johnny didn’t play can feel he’s on even footing.

it sucks.


The good news is, Blizzard generally releases dungeons in a pretty good state. So, at least we won’t need to deal with a month and a half of massive tuning changes every season to bring all the dungeons in line. Can’t wait!


Well, I guess they think making M+ harder to get the capped gear might take the pressure off doing M+ for folks. They clearly don’t understand their players lol.

This why M+ sucks so bad for the game. Not only has it created some nasty tribalism between raiders and M+ bros, the content itself because of how lucrative rewards are makes it almost mandatory content for people that want to keep up with the Joneses.

A lot of players don’t like the timed aspect of the content and now their is going to be even more toxicity in runs because people are going to be pushing for +20 keys lol.


Gear or it didn’t happen!

I jest. Others don’t. Sadly it seems like enjoying something because it’s fun or challenging is a bygone era, not just in wow. For many, everything in life has just become transactional. “What do I get out of it?” Is the new motto for the human race

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Just separate M+ and Raid loot like you did with PvP gear for the love of god.

Blizzard has such a simple solution staring them in the face.

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No that is boring, people that do both should have an advantage, is silly to want 3 different gear set just to play the game.

Players should be learning new content every season.

It’s why players want new raids every tier not just scaling up the existing tier.

Because that’s stupid.

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Last boss of mythic drops 424, +20 vault drops 421 same as end of wing bosses, and valor upgrades can take you to same item level as the first four Mythic bosses.

Honestly? I may actually buy it now. This is fairer.

I had a post with over 1k replies titled “Mythic + loot nerfs are inevitable” where I linked to Ion’s video timestamp (which was spam-reported to oblivion by salty M+ers), you were in total denial that this would happen and kept focusing on “top of the mountain”.

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Keep buffing keystone loot, please. :dracthyr_love_animated:

1 item, for 2 specs. Completely gamebreaking.

Would be nice if they added new dungeons instead of recycling the old ones.

I guess we will see if people really like M+, or they just did it for the easy loot.

Inc Raider :sob: about being even more forced to M+.

I got you on ignore, but I needed to call you out on something here. You along with the other M+ trolls that frequent these forums just keep promoting this weird tribalism between players.

The reality is a lot of players probably dabble in both raiding and M+. This idea that there are these sides like M+ and raiders are some kind of political parties is just getting old.

It almost feels like you’re dragging your own insecurities into these discussions or you’re just one of those weird people that just get off on causing division among people on these forums. It is probably a little of both.

I will risk the ban here to call out this nonsense. You and the OP are notorious for this kind of behavior, and I wish the mods would start banning you guys, because most of your comments are nothing but trolling.


The goal should be parallel content with relatively comparable difficulty to rewards.

The “forced” nerds will never be happy.