M+ gear broke gearing and time between patches

It’s repeatable but it’s not infinite. Day 1 of the week, you could see a lot of keys for you. At Day5 and Day6 of the week, you wont see them much becoz most of the keys were used already. And when you join the Dungeon Finder, there is a big chance you wont get invited unless you have godly raider io. But those godly raider io people wont play your lowbie key. You could only do around 7 to 14 runs per week on the keys you want to run. That’s not infinite. Even the no lifers, they cant do much runs on their high keys becoz of the same factors… and there are fewer available keys at top end keys. It’s not unlimited. Those who did M+25. I presume they want more runs but theres no more becoz they are the highest…

You can do the same thing in arena. Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone claim arena gear is broken.

You’re trying so hard to argue, and just failing so much.

I never said you will always get great reward from every run. Bur you can do the content an unlimited number of times, in context of the game system not locking you out of playing.

Time is a factor for people. But that isn’t the topic.

Its infinite within the context of the game system.

Everything else you mentioned is either player choice, or player creates shortage.

It’s repetitive but you can’t abuse it. Using somebody else’s keys is already hindering everyone to easily do it again. It would be easy if you can redo your key over and over on the same day but its not how it is. And when the key you saw from dungeon Finder has been used for the week, you cant redo it. You think all the 10x M+12 key you saw today, you would see all of them again tomorrow? No. That there limits you. It’s not infinite. Repeatable but not infinite. Lucky you if you get 14 runs per week. But the advantage of getting 14 runs over those who only did 7 runs is not that much. So I dont think M+ can be abused.

Youre so thick it hurts.

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What are you talking about? Keys don’t deplete they are infinite. You clear a dungeon it goes up or it goes down based on your success. Regardless at the end of the day you still have a new key to run.

The game doesn’t say “I’m sorry mate but you’ve had too many keys this week, I’m gonna have to cut you off”
It’s your choice if you think one of the keys is a “dead key” because it’s not a dungeon you want to run. That’s not the same as the system being finite.

The only thing preventing people from running infinite keys is time and let’s face it at 168 hours in the week and assuming an hour to group at an instance and do a run you potentially run 168 dungeons a week.

Sure it’s not reasonable but entirely possible in an account shared situation.

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M+ doesnt break gearing. Noobs thought it can be abused but in reality, it cant be abused. It aids players to move forward on their progression towards Mythic Raiding. It didn’t replace Mythic raiding but it’s an alternative way now to gear up instead of just doing Normal and Heroic raids.

Week 6 of raid. No upgrades left in heroic, and two upgrades left in mythic.
ty m+

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Find me someone who does that. Is this group big that it hurts the balance? 168 dungeons…LoL. you know Blizz catch people who abuses the mechanics. Since no changes of rules since Legion on M+, it seems the abuse is not really there.

In theory, you think you do but in reality, you dont.

Not saying anyone does but you said M+ is finite and you can only do 6-7 a week before being unable to do them.

That is factually untrue, you can do as many as you want in a week as long as you have a key and you have the time.

For referrence I just checked my one of my guildmates who is a prolific M+ runner. He did a total of 35 just last week.
That’s a lot of dungeons for one week and a lot of opportunities for gear.

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Pretty sure the comment is it obsoletes heroic raiding, which if you go server by server on WoW progress for fun is where the vast amount of guilds do their progression.

It also provides 475 Azerite that heroic raids can never provide.

It also sounds like you, at a fundamental level, don’t understand how keys work.


Because people enjoy the experience. They enjoy learning encounter, and they enjoy the challenge that requires group coordination. It’s not all about gear. In fact, that describes my guild perfectly. They love the challenge of the raids. They love getting together in discord and having fun for a few hours in the raids. I just don’t have the time to do it anymore. Thankfully Blizz has provided an alternate way for me to get geared (M+) so that on the weeks when I do have time, I can join them and not be a complete carry (outside of having to learn mechanics on the fly).

Nope. I didnt say it obsoletes Heroic Raiding. It’s an alternative way of gearing. ilevel-wise they should be the same… At least on Season 3, it was like that. On Season 4, I dont know the details but I will let you know when I get there at M+15.

Ny’alotha has some stuffs you wont find on M+… the Weapons with Unique Corruption, trinkets, azerite gear. And even when you reach Mythic Raiding, you cant just go there without experience on doing Heroic Raiding. They go hand-in-hand but at least there are other sources of gear other than from Normal / Heroic Raiding which was non-existent before M+ came.

What? Reading is hard. How is azerite gear the equivalent to raid only/ mythic only bonuses?

Azerite gear is available to everyone and usable everywhere. I’m talking about exclusive set bonuses.

Set bonuses are supposed to be a unique and interesting boost, not a 100% core part of your class. Azerite is a failed system and it really needs to go.

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Endlessly farmable gear is pretty dangerous.
I think setting a weekly max, cap, or limit on rewards is probably the way to go.

My average ilvl went up by 10 within the first week of the patch. It’s been a crawl since. Items are still getting thrown at me at about the same break neck rate, I just don’t find any of them useful anymore.

This has been how every season this expansion has played out for me. Rocket start, into a quick stall.

90% of my gearing for this patch was accomplished during week 1.

Raiding has never been the mainstay for wow period.

Your ideas are bad.

Errr you need to save up residuum to get it. It isnt a direct reward its a waiting period to obtain.
Which you can get instantly in mythic raiding

If you can kill a boss that drops the slot you want, which if you looked at loot tables is a fair way in to cover all 3 slots.

And if it drops.

And it’s 3 weeks of doing a +10, which is so far below the difficulty of even the first boss on mythic it’s insane.

Did you not play Legion?

Ps. Forced Personal loot has hurt raiding more than m+ ever could.

Waiting 3 weeks for a Mythic grade azerite piece that has a 50% chance of being hot garbage doesn’t seem like stiff competition for Mythic raid attendance.