M+ gear broke gearing and time between patches

The problem with your argument is you are assuming they want to give players options, when in reality the system is forcing players to do M+. A M15 is a cakewalk compared to getting 20 competent raiders and completing a mythic encounter. On top of that the loot table is fixed and locked weekly. From a purely gearing perspective, why would anyone bother with mythic raiding at all? Why bother with the most difficult content in the game if it does not reward you justly?

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M+ uses keys. Each player can have a keyā€¦ a single keyā€¦ not more than one. If you have 4 friends. You would have 5 keys including yours. Itā€™s not unlimited. After 5 keys youre done. You cant do 10000000000000 M+ unlimited runs. It all depends on how many keys.

You want slower rate of getting gear? Old ways were boring and bad. Did you know what happened to Classic? We will spend 1 night to kill Onyxia and another night to kill MC bosses then thereā€™s nothing else to do for the rest of the weekā€¦ just wait for next week. BFA is good becoz thereā€™s tons of sources where to find gear. Variety is better.

Yeah, itā€™s not the same feeling becoz itā€™s way BETTER. You have tons of possible combinations with Corruptions. You could use 3 to 5 different Corruption types and will all depend on how much you could handle. Big Zinrokh of Classic could be good but if it has Twilight Devastation or with corruption that boosts stats, itā€™s specialā€¦ more special than its original version.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with M+. Itā€™s an alternative way to gear upā€¦ Old ways was just Normal Raiding then Heroic Raiding then Mythic Raiding. Current gear progression could be skip Normal and Heroicā€¦ just progress from M+0 to M+10/M+15 then do Mythic Raiding. Variety ways to get to Mythic Raiding is better than just 1 single route. And M+ doesnt have everything. M+ dungeons wont drop Azerite gear but Weekly cache gives titan residuum for Azerite gear.

M+ gearing didnt break gearing. It provides alternate ways for gearing. And it is more fun. M+ is not the only source of gear on BFA. There are gear on Emissaries, Heroic Warfronts , Island Expeditionā€™s Titan Residuums, Weekly Quests, Horrific Visions Mask runs, etc. See, thereā€™s variety.

pugs are infinite

And no, youā€™re not done after 5 keys, Keys getting levels and you keep doing them. They lose levels - you keep doing them. They dont disappear

You donā€™t even need to do both. M+ gear isnā€™t worse than raid gear and itā€™s easier to farm.

But this whole statement right here?

This is why I lose interest in WoW much faster than I used to right now.

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Toxic players is forcing many of us into solo play. What was once a fun game to learn and progress in has devolved into a hateful and greedy pack of childrenā€¦

Lord of the fliesā€¦

Iā€™ll wait for solo gearing from Torghast


Really, they increase its level then fail it to lose level then repeat endlessly? LOL. WTF? Whatā€™s the benefit of doing such stuff? Iā€™ve never seen one.

Like for example, my group completed M+12. And his key got upgraded to M+13. Nobody has asked me to stay in the group that they will fail their M+13 key to redo M+12 of the same key. LOL.

you donā€™t have to fail intentionally, youā€™ll get chest with gear regardless. Keep doing highest keys for highest gear, get done in a week, unsub

The key stops there. Your infinite run stops there. Becoz you stop to wait for next week, You didnt do infinite run on the same key on the same week. Itā€™s not infinite. Itā€™s limited by the key used.

Highest ilvl weapons, azerite, and bis trinkets. Guaranteed corrupted items. Achievements and mounts.

Why would you not mythic raid?

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Hereā€™s a better solutionā€¦add tier sets back to raiding. :kissing_heart:

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In Legion there were a lot of cries by people who wanted to just do mythic+ and not be ā€œforcedā€ to raid for tier.

Damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t.


Iā€™ve always thought the infinite grind available from M+ was not really the best system, but honestly outside of currency (with a cap) I canā€™t really imagine a suitable replacement for it due to the different difficulties (lock outs would suck if you got locked out from a low difficulty one etc so it would discourage assisting friends / alts etc.

Well removing gear from mythic+ would basically kill it so I donā€™t really see any other optionā€¦plus I just miss my tier set bonuses :sob:

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I feel thereā€™s a tradeoff with the best gear from M+ coming from the weekly. Which makes M+ the fastest gearing system but the highest ilvl it can give is tied to a heavy rng weekly box.

Thereā€™s this thing too that they want you to be able to have something to do the whole week, so if M+ wouldnā€™t drop gear play time would probably drop.

The game right now is a lot more fast with how much gear you gear vs before, and for sure M+ is why we gear up so fast. But is that bad in itself? I donā€™t know.

I feel the biggest problem with gearing right now, is since itā€™s so fast they need to put a lot of system in the game to add playtime like titanforging/corruption and ap. But at the same time I donā€™t feel I want to go back to very slow gearing like before.

Personnaly, I would probably only rework how pvp gearing work, because itā€™s just bad.

There is no perfect system. The removal of wf/ tf and the extention of m+ ilvl to 465 at 15 is a start in the right direction.

Guaranteed corrupted items from raid, the ability to add sockets to gear and going back to raid bosses dropping premium ilvl feels better too. If they keep on the trend trying to find the right balance it will get there.

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Absolutely agree this was a huge step forward. Itā€™s the little things like this which make me hopeful for the direction of Shadowlands, it shows a bit of understanding for the direction the game should take.

Yep definitely true also, although I wish the weapons with guaranteed corruptions were better balanced. As of now I believe only 1 or 2 of the guaranteed corruptions are rank 3 with the others only being rank 2, makes it a bit unfair on classes that use those weapon types. (And lets face it 2H dps classes didnā€™t really need easy access to rank 3 TD when they already have Getā€™tiku available, gives them such strong easy access ST and AoE weapons)
The 10 ilvl increase to final two boss drops was also a really nice improvement to the raid.
Definitely needed that back, now we just need tier sets back.

I feel like instead of TF style mechanics the game would be better off with more varied stats etc rather than the same 4 secondaries with 2 per piece.
The only issue is that whilst it would make things more interesting balance would be more difficult and BiS lists would possibly take the interesting mature and just turn it into a mathematical equation amd people would just care for the best items.

But things like the 2% crit damage or the % of secondary stat could be interesting as standard item effects in place of flat secondary numbers etc.
Could open up different possibilities and would imteract differently with people depending om gear setup or ilvl etc. I think that could be interesting if it wasnā€™t tied to am RNG system like corruption or competing against obnoxiously strong procs.

For most people there is no such thing as interesting when it comes to math and stat weights.

Sim the best, or follow a BiS guide and go get those items.

Its like this in classic as well.

Holy mother of quotes.
I think the problem is more the way you obtain things but not how bis is something. Like corruption could be fine, if we could enchant our gear with it at choice.

True which is a bit sad tbh. Kinda the same with people and corruption, itā€™s interesting using different corruptions in different encounters but people are just hung up on the numbers instead.

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Do you realize there are more players in the world than just you and maybe your 4 friends?

You can compete your 12 keyā€¦ And then go look for a new group doing a 12 key. And complete that. Get loot maybe. Then go find a new group doing a 12 key. Complete that. Get loot maybe. Then find a new group doing a 12 key. Or hey maybe a 13 key since maybe you have 2 new pieces of gear. And you can do this as long as you want. Even once you have gearā€¦ You can just keep doing it.

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