Yes, it is odd that rep gear didn’t go up with other catch up mechanics. The exalted gear is like 340 while world quests drop 410 to 450.
Not to not pick, but some really good gems sell for 5 or 25 gold and you have two empty slots, while someone else would pay a ton of gold for an slot. Emmissaries can also go to 450 azerite gear regularly which helps catch up.
I think this holds true earlier in the xpac but right now maybe not so much. I feel a lot of players have already unsubbed and are tired of 8.3… We didn’t have enough to raid last week already. This always seems to happen at the end of the xpac though. Gear is pointless if you are done whatever you consider progression. I feel like we will see less keystone masters to be honest.
so… you want azerite gear. check.
Looks at carapace/ nzoth loot tables…
Of course there’s exceptions, Trinkets are a pretty good example.
But Heroic Raiding existing for Trinkets and maybe another piece or two, still doesn’t mean that it isn’t outstripped by farming M+ at the start of a tier.
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Heroic raiding is really just normal mode. It is not the mode that the tier is balanced around.
At least we know how to kill M+ quickly.
And this need for vendors everywhere, yes I agree RNG is much but I’m against putting vendors with everything in every bit of content it seems people want.
Heroic and below raiders still massively outstrip the numbers of Mythic Raiders.
Having their method of raiding be essentially completely pointless due to M+ is pretty bad design.
You could make that argument about every expansion. Naxx40 was done by few people, but it invalidated mc, where most of the players were.
ZA challenge mode invalidated raids. Heroic 10 man invalided normal mode 25.
As an ex hardcore raider, I find it ludicrous that I can pug a m15, not even time it and get a guaranteed, often BiS mythic raid level piece of gear. In fact in most cases m+ will provide you with better gear than mythic raiding simply due to the stat distribution being more optimal for different specs than a 5ilvl upgrade. That is just insane, that a puggable FIVE MAN gives better gear than the pinnacle of PvE content which requires enormous commitment, logistics and a significantly higher skill cap.
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Have you never played this game before? You can actually watch people play classic and see items like HoJ and other dungeon gear outpace raid gear. The list of items that have done this in this game is so long its actually comedy.
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You can’t possibly compare a relative handful of overtune pieces to what we have now, where EVERY piece from a dungeon is competitive due to sheer ilvl.
Naxx 40 was also a later tier than MC?
Except it didn’t, it invalidated older raids. Like how Mechagon drops higher ilvl than Uldir, ZA gear wasn’t better than Naxx, Hyjal or Sunwell gear.
It really didn’t. 25 man normal was significantly easier than Heroic 10.
Not entirely sure what your point was.
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But they aren’t. They are between 5 and 15 ilvls below raid items…
And normal/ heroic raiding is significantly easier than pushing 15 keys and mythic raiding. It is why it drops lower quality gear.
That is the point.
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I agree the reward is too great. I disagree with the solution.
I think they should cycle keys and lockout loot per dungeon for each week.
Optimally you would have to run every dungeon once a week for a chance on loot for everything.
This would more mirror raid loot cycles.
They certainly are. 465 gear from m14 is often better than what you can get from mythic raiding just because of stat distribution. The loot table from any current raid is a lot more restrictive than the entire dungeon table, which means you often find the best pieces you can get from the raids to either contain sub-optimal stats or in some instances missing your best stat entirely. Because of how stat weights work, a 10 ilvl difference’s worth of stats is not always (and very commonly for me) going to be an upgrade or even comparable.
You’re adding in the corruption system which is a flaw on its own. However if m+ gear wasnt performing well on raids, the WHOLE loot table would be good rather than repeating a boss for one specific item from week one or two. Sure eventually people would gear up, but the reward system would be actually rewarding.
I kinda like the thought of mythic + specific gear that works only in M+ - or open world. The chest can continue to supply gear that can work anywhere, but I feel like PVP, Mythic+ and raiding should not intermix with gearing.
This thinking is how you get segments of the player population to quit. Not everyone likes raiding. Spending 2-3 hours a night first learning the encounters, then clearing the zone, just isn’t attractive to a segment of the player base. M+ has given that segment of the player base a challenging, yet less time consuming, avenue for gearing up to raid quality gear. Suggesting that Blizzard take that away is simply an immature and un-reasoned thought process. Just because it bothers you, doesn’t mean it should apply to a player base that measures in the tens of thousands.
The unlimited loot aspect of it does kind of trivialize heroic raids.