M+ Draconic Hero Title -- Updated July 23 (Final)

In this post, we updated the score required to earn the Draconic Hero title for Dragonflight Season 4. As a reminder, the title will go to all players who end Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 4 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% in each region.

In this region, the title will go to those who scored at least:


Good luck!


Rizi wont let me q past a +10


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Congratulations DHs, Mages, Priests, Druids and Lizards.



Congrats to anyone who gets this; Draconic Hero is BY FAR the hardest of these M+ titles to get because of how few people are playing this season hence why the cutoff is absurdly high.

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Honestly if you wanted the title you would have done the meta


I rather prefer to play what I like than being a reroller/meta Andy.


Mad respect to those who are gonna get the title that didn’t play the meta. Tip of hat to you ladies and gents.


Yea yea blah blah w/e as if it’s not incredibly difficult to push that high even with a meta spec


it is what it is

Don’t lump the poor Preservation and Devastation mains in with the cuck spec, we have some self respect to retain here.

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Sure… Playing non meta spec made you not get the title. :skull::clown_face:

The other 4 in the party are playing the meta.

you misspelled vengeance


Ya very few groups listed this season for higher keys.

The 0.1% title has become ridiculous.
Bring in 0.1% title for all classes and specs to at least make it fun.

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Congratulations to the page after page of VDH, Aug, Mage, and SP toons. Luckily dungeon design in TWW will allow some more flexibility.

Oh wait.

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this season was insane. Even with meta specs you needed a premade because nobody was listing keys. The keys listed were LF +18 ULD or ++17 19 after.

An Affliction Warlock gets title at like 3200 which is basically zero effort (it’s like 14s and 15s with a 13 or two) while an SPriest player would need to time everything on a 20/21 to get title.

All a spec-based 0.1% title does is force the game to devolve into top-level players playing off-meta alts and getting boosted to completely unattainable keys by their top-level friends playing their ideal four of VDH/SPriest/Mage/Aug/RDruid while all the off-meta players are sitting in LFG waiting for random people playing those specs to queue up and give them a charity run, because people who play those specs will not be getting anything close to title range score from those keys.

The solution needs to be to give rewards past Keystone Hero/+10 portals to give people a reason to push higher keys besides an insanely difficult title. As it stands right now there’s an absolutely enormous gap between your portals/2500 IO and getting title range; the keys needed to get title are multiple times harder than any +10, you need to do each of them twice, and if you’re even a single point away from the cutoff you effectively have nothing to show for it. If the cutoff is 3660 and you got 3655, you got literally nothing along the way and that’s horrible design.


Gladiator mounts for PvE, call it Hero mounts. It’s so obvious but the PvE community wont take it and the rewards team knows it.
Of course it’s elitist, is the 0.1%,
PvP r1 is scarse at 0.05% but glad mount is at 2400.
They migth need to raise title to 0.05% and… I don’t know give a mount to the top 1% which is far… FAR easier than the 0.1… literally 10x more easy.
0.05 is basically tournament level.