M+ Draconic Hero Title -- Updated July 23 (Final)

The titles would be more fun to pursue if it was the top .1% of each spec instead of .1% overall. It would encourage people to try and push with non meta chars and not feel the need to reroll if its something they wanted to do.


It seems like because of the keystone rework where a mythic +10 became roughly an mythic 0 and the lower keys became normal and heroic there were less casual players on the bottom end with low keys completed inflating the pool.

Because of that and likely also partially because of the lesser played season the number of players in NA within cutoff range was less than half the number as the previous season. I know this is meant to be a prestigious achievement but is it intended that the rework essentially made this twice as hard to obtain?

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Just to be certain, is your final score what you see on your Armory/in game, rather than what is reported on third party websites with decimal points?

Edit: According to previous seasons, this is the case! people 0.2 below blizzard cutoff on Raider io were still given title in previous seasons, as their Blizzard number was still at the range.

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You guys are in. The meme team stream team dream team last five in.


Draconic Hero is not really that hard to get why are people crying 10s and not that hard really. hoping M+ will be more harder in next Xpac

The meme lives on, surely :pray:

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Last one posted before I was done lol. But META sucks. Ian mentioned that they are giving the ability for every class to be relevant but then buff META groups. Still see required classes to get into anything.

…and I laughed and laughed

Grats to all the people out there putting in the time and effort to master dungeons at such a high level. I bet none of you have time to whine on the forums cause you’re busy actually playing the game.


Lmao so basically just 5 classes. classic blizzard wonder what would happen is the other 99% players just left one day

It appears to not be based off of the in-game/armory. Didn’t get it despite having 3649 score. Contacting support and praying

Takes some time to recieve it. Prob next week.
It always like that so dont worry.