Did not receive Draconic Hero title after meeting the m+ cutoff last season


I submitted a ticket a couple of weeks ago regarding the title and was eventually directed to create a post on this forum.

The issue: I did not receive the Draconic Hero (m+ 0.1% title) after meeting the season 4 cutoff.

I finished season 4 at 3649 m+ score on my evoker Hozah-Illidan.

According to the official blizzard post: M+ Draconic Hero Title -- Updated July 23 (Final)
The title cutoff was 3649. I was 3649 at the time of the official blizzard post noting the final cutoff at 3649.

I was told that I should receive the title by TWW official launch by a GM

The GM told me:

"While the cutoffs were announced, the process to send out the titles and achievement are still not fully completed yet, so just hang in there until that’s finished!

If for some reason you still don’t get the title after the full launch of the expansion, you can get back to us so we can investigate further for you."

I reopened the ticket after not receiving the title after the official launch and was directed by another GM to post on this forum to get a reply from the development team.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Sorry, disregard my post, I didn’t fully read properly. Refer to Ekon below for better accurate information.

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It is unfortunate they did not specify, but they meant either the Bug Report forum or the Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios forum.

Customer Support does not assist with matters concerning the game itself, but those two above do have community team members trawling for feedback to pass on to the developers.

Bear in mind it is still only one day after the official launch of the new expansion and there are a lot of issues that need ironing out, and this could possibly be one of them.