Here’s another issue with your data: some of the runs look like boosts, which will inflate the overall DPS values.
Rally is nothing but a defensive in a system BUILT around being totally-offense.
Don’t stand in bad/ don’t be so bad… and you won’t need that defensive. There’s a reason most groups do without it-- they don’t need it.
Because there is absolutely no unavoidable damage in M+…
in other words, you must have never done a tyrannical Sanguine depths over a 15.
That requires Rally??? lol no
These are teams who play meta… where other specs fall into place is irrelevant, its why leaderboards are generally useless
Apart from dmg, what makes locks consistently OP in 25+ keys are also because they are so damn tanky. I am not sure why shadow priest hasn’t been buffed yet. Ret paladin was in similar position. Mediocre dmg, zero utility. Squishy outside of defensive skills. Ret was buffed, so now can we talk about spriest? I don’t want to shamelessly ask for dmg buff. I want better survival. It’s really not viable for 22+ keys IMO.
doesnt require rally specifically, but it does require a defensive.
and because of the way it works, rally is just one of the better tools to deal with castigate from the 2nd boss.
That’s … just… great…
Now, if only people would pay more attention to this… SHINING … ONE example that you’ve given…
…instead of paying all of their attention that shows Arms Warriors effectively DEAD LAST on “that chart.”
Then maybe I wouldn’t have to spend hours at a time sifting through pugs only to get nothing.
Whatever utility Warriors may have … no one cares. All that gets circulated in the Hive Mind is “that chart.”
I’d rather dismiss all the back and forth we could have, and just settle on the one thing I know we could agree on: ANY CLASS can run a damn 15. lol
But because of “that chart” any class at the bottom (Arms) is screwed.
I did have the same initial reaction as others when I saw it was +15s because I don’t know how well that translates to the huge number of people pushing toward the lowish/midish 20s.
I didn’t look at the numbers closely, but since I just came out of a mists run I compared the numbers here to what I saw in the run I just finished.
+23 mists
spec | (my pug group) | (25th best in +15s)
destruction | 19.2K | 19.3K
survival | 18.0K | 19.1K
Elemental | 17.7K | 15.2K
I know it was just 1 random run, but the numbers are close for survival and destro. The ele was a little different but that makes sense. In a +15 the mobs are probably dying too quickly to get full value out of storm elemental and EoGs earthquake.
ITT bad warrior crying about warriors not being viable
I just wish my spec got a chance to shine just once, ever
It’s almost like warriors don’t have two dps specs.
I’ll go one further, every single spec can get KSH (all 20s).
I think OP is doing a disservice to the community by creating this chart, as players who don’t know what they are doing will use the chart as an excuse to be even more selective than they need to be.
Not every spec can get invited to a group though. Running the dungeon is the easy part
Well that’s a player problem, not a class balance problem.
It’s 100% a spec balance problem. Why would you ever invite the bottom of the list over the top of the list?
I’m glad whenever someone is stupid enough to toss me an invite, but I have to admit it makes me rather suspicious of their ability to create a successful group if they invite me
would you take a bad warlock over a good sin rogue?
class balance means nothing if the player can’t play their spec up to it’s potential.
For this reason, I’d take a good player playing what is considered to be a bad spec over a bad player on a meta spec.
And you know how(?) which applicants are good vs which are bad?
check logs.
Not to discredit it now, but weren’t Outlaw borderline OP for like all of BfA in M+ thanks to Blade Flurry?
Not super accurate but that is the whole point of raider io and the current in game rating system, to give a base representation of what the player has done.