M+ DPS Balance Per Spec 9.2

I could do this for sure, but why would I ever do that? You’re much much better than hunters at priority as well this week if you funnel damage.

I’d be surprised if i didnt see double destro lock comps during the great push (maybe they’ll bring rogues or hunters for consistent damage/utility).

I’m pretty sure TGP has the same 1 of a spec limit that the MDI does

If you have a good MM hunter and a bad destro lock.

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That’s some good advice. Thanks Drew

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Don’t you guys yell at physical damage classes resulting in them doing more damage?


That’s good news LOL, i remember the triple beast mastery spec stacking… that was cringe.

Yep, it was. Unless your name is bulletproof or ragemode, then you thought that meta was the best thing ever.

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To be fair, Feral is supposed to be garbage and no one is supposed to play it? How is that an argument?

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FTFY. Any time you have 40 people applying for 1-3 party slots, group leaders are going to be very choosy.

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It’s a trivial amount.

Compared to the impact of LUST, etc??

Ain’t NOBODY in a queue saying “hmmm there’s a Warrior here… yeah we could use Battle Shout!!”

NO ONE says that. lol

edit: To say nothing of the fact (and further flaw of this game) that, as you said, it’s ONLY a melee buff and… generally speaking, melee classes blow in this game. Stack ranged, eff melee, who cares about Battle Shout now?

It’s a physical damage buff which also applies to hunters.

Good warriors actually have utility.

Fury has an aoe snare
Rallying cry
Battle shout
Aoe stun/aoe snare/root

Anytime I build a push key I’m bringing a warrior.

I now see why you’re only 1500 io.


Sample size and randomness matters if you’re doing a survey and trying to represent 350 million people with only 500 surveys.

But there are 10’s of thousands of parses for a single dungeon at a single key level. And before you even get to the 25th best parse the data starts to cluster.

The parses seem low because they count out of combat time while your meters don’t. The parse is your damage divided by your completion time. Typically pareses are 200 to 2000 DPS lower than what your meters will say. In my experience it’s usually around 500 lower.

But that’s across the board. Every parse is subject to that same method.

There’s probably more data for keys than raids because the people that log are only logging a couple raids per week while they may be logging 10’s of keys.

You’re obviously not wrong. But on a scale of 1-10, I’d rank any of those things a “2”, compared to the “10” of a Lust.

So, yeah sure… they’re not useless.

ROFL!!! I’m “only” 1500 bc WoW isn’t my life. It’s a GAME.

No comment on how I’ve made KSM every other season, eh champ?? Or that my focus is obviously Raiding, not stupid M+? I’m just in it, as a collector, for the mounts.

Tell me the difference between the first guy that gets a new season mount, and the last guy? Yep… same-same. Get outta here. lol

You do realize you don’t bring multiple
Lusts right, that takes up one slot which can also be done by a rsham. At worst you have two other dps spots

It’s not my life either. However this far into the season and you’re still only 1500.

Is it because you haven’t bought it yet and waiting for prices to go down?

Your focus is raiding yet you’re not even 2k to upgrade your weapons?

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Yeah… and??? lol

If you’re such a luddite as to look up my M+ info, we all know it’s plain to see MOST of my runs are with my guild (I pug the rest, that’s why I know FIRST HAND that no one takes Warriors until it’s a last resort). I didn’t buy any of my KSM. I’m just not in a rush.

I don’t have anything to prove, unlike you. I’ll get it just fine. Run along, now.

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For the popular specs it’s more like the 99th percentile. It’s the 25th best parse for each spec.

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Its government math, “WUT ALL SPECS ARE WITHIN 10% OF DA SPEC ABOVE DEM?!”

Im only like 1700, I find it hard to play when you run 20 dungeons and get a few cloaks. It makes me not want to play that much.

If you think rally is a 2 and lust is a 10 in keys, you need help.


Not only that but for the most part the performance is about the same for 15’s and 20’s.
For example:

Survival 15, 25th parse 19,328

Survival 20, 25th best parse 19,558

It’s almost like players that can do 20’s also go down and do some 15’s for their vault.

ITT: people who play the same old classes that are top 5 every single season for the last 3 expansions mad because a couple specs who were NEVER in the top 5 finally get their chance to shine.