M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Imagine wanting to make it so every class has a chance to be needed in mythics and people complain.

You guys are something else. Just run with a mage once a month, it’s not a big deal.

What’s stopping you from running normal, heroic, and M0 dungeons the same way you did back before M+ was in the game? What does M+ prevent you from doing that you could back in the day?

If you don’t like M+, that’s understanding, no game mode is for everyone. If you don’t like how Blizzard has seemingly made the entry point for raids start at a higher point because M+ allows raid-quality gear sooner than ever, that’s also understandable.

But being able to run dungeon content without affixes hasn’t been removed from the game. You can run normal and heroic dungeons as much as you want, and can run M0 once a week. And as of DF S4, you’ll actually get gear better equipped to tackle normal raid than you ever got from seasons before when M+ was a part of the game.

I won’t try to talk anyone into liking M+. But M+ is a purely optional way to experience dungeon content, and is in no way required if what you are looking for is running dungeons without affixes. You have more options today to run affixless dungeons than you have at any point prior to M+ being added to the game. There are things to be critical of M+ over; an inability to run dungeons without affixes is simply not one of them.


I’m running normal and heroic dungeons, I’m a Remix Character, the problem is Mythic + (stupid name) is a toxic gameplay system, you all are already toxic, and I remember those days on BFA when people ruins keys on purpose.

Ahh and don’t forget the raider IO.

You say is optional, technically it is, TECHNICALLY

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you answered your own question.

Besides being dramatic, what are you trying to get at with “technically?” It is quite literally an optional game mode that everyone can ignore if they want to and they still get the old school version of dungeon mechanics.



iam not chasing any title either and its still a bunch of stupid new affixes, we’re allowed to complain about it

“You think you know what you want in M+, but you don’t”

Honestly, if the M+ designers just listened to the more experienced playerbase on M+, it’d improve massively. Once again, it’s a case of the players knowing more about something than the devs. Seriously.

How often did that happen? Truly? I have run probably over a thousand keys going back to BFA by now, nearly all of them PUG. Fewer than 1% of those keys have featured any kind of toxicity. Now this is certainly anecdotal, to be sure; but I have a very large sample size to pull from here. To try to dismiss everyone who plays M+ as being toxic is just ridiculous.

What does raider IO have to do with being able to run dungeons without affixes?

There is no “technical” about it, at least in terms of what you’ve claimed to want. If you want to run dungeons without a timer and affix for gear that will prepare you for raid, nothing about the addition of M+ changes that. In fact, the changes Blizzard made in support of M+ during the current season will make dungeon running without affixes better and reward far better gear.

If there is some other goal that you have that requires getting even better gear, then by all means perhaps M+ is more intrusive. But nothing in your responses here have indicated such a thing existing. From what you’ve said, that you want to run dungeons without affixes (i.e., normal, heroic, or mythic), absolutely nothing about the introduction and maintenance of M+ changes your ability to do so.


Yeah, optional…

Let’s agree to disagree okay?

Im genuinely curious though, you keep implying that it’s actually not optional, can you actually say why you feel that way?

geez you are a persistent one.

If you do not have a guild to raid, you are measured with Raider Io, each mythic plus you do adds points to your score, you cannot simply do the mythic 0, it is not enough, they measure you by the highest ones.

So saying that making Mythic+ is optional is pretty hypocritical.

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Rage baiting much?

But I’m so going to miss our quality conversations! :joy:

So far you have not given any goal for your endgame besides wanting to run normal and heroic dungeons. Normal and heroic dungeons are queuable; your score could not possibly be more relevant. And there is exactly zero reason for you to ever set foot in M+ to do so.

So either you have a goal you are not telling us that might put pressure on you to run M+, or you’re just looking to tear down M+ for some reason despite it having no impact on the way you want to play the game.

Ah, gotcha, your issue is that people won’t take you in pug raids without high IO?

I’m pretty sure IO shows raid progression, so the necessary info would be available to them (and anyone actually looking for relevant information would be going to logs anyway.)

Not to mention, you’ve also got all the other folks who only pug raid and don’t want to M+ to choose from…

I appreciate you clarifying your point though!

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You mean back when dungeons were nothing content we quickly outgeared and mostly ignored?

But you get cool mounts on Mythic…

Okay you had a point there, but these affixes… do you enjoy them?

Sure, and if getting the mounts from M+ is important for you, then you will need to run M+. Yes, clearly you will need to engage with M+ to do so. Like I said, that is a goal that’s different from your initially stated goal of being able to run affixless dungeons, for which M+ is optional.

With that said, though, how is this different than any form of content that has a reward that you want from content you dislike? I don’t care for pet battles, but if a reward that’s only accessible via pet battles comes out, my choices become to either do the pet battles or live without the reward.

/pats head

“cheer up, little fellow”

Take a chill pill.