M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

These affixes buff specs by a small overall % over multiple weeks and you play a regular game at worst.

You and every other idiot twitter bot is hugely over reacting.

Would you rather have this or aff/incorp where some specs just can’t play the game?

Since the buffs don’t apply to bosses it’s really closer to a 3% buff for the whole dungeon. But, for the sake of the sake let’s say it is a 5% buff throughout the dungeon.

That only matters if all the specs/classes are the same when it comes to damage/utility.

If a fire mage can do 10% more damage than an arcane mage, that means it’s still better to bring the fire mage over the arcane mage, even when it’s an arcane magic buff week.

Some napkin math:

Arcane mage does 90k dps normal
Fire mage does 100k dps normal

Arcane mage does 95k dps on arcane week
Fire mage does 100k dps on arcane week

Fire mage still wins, even when it’s not “their week.”

If all specs/classes were equal in dps and utility, I could see these affixes mattering more.

As is…these just don’t really matter, guys. They really don’t.


dont agree = resort to insulting their intelligence

suuuuuurely that will make ppl agree w/ you, right

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Sounds exciting. Maybe people will be as excited to get to 15 as they are to 20.

I don’t understand these affixes; affixes are supposed to be annoying for everyone, not benefitting 3 classes.

Being in Twitter inherently makes someone an idiot. It’s factual

I did the math. It checks out.

I can only imagine they were trying to do something so that every affix wasnt just something the healer dealt with.

They failed. These are stupid. Sub expires next week and was gonna resub for wwi.

Might not even bother.

VDH is clearly the tank of choice for blizz devs. Bears were accidently good in S2 due to Augvokers.

Bears are not even listed under the druid class. They don’t exist to blizz

I wanted seasonal affixes to return and none of this

This just in, people incapable of dealing with challenging content don’t like the challenges.

They aren’t out of touch with reality, ya just bad

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The other guy brought it up. Maybe read through the thread instead of just blindly responding. You guys can’t help yourselves, huh?

They want players grinding on something every day. Plus, these M+ defenders only play WoW, and they need something to chase every day, because they’re trying to fill some kind with void in their real lives.

Anyone that advocates for systems like M+ in its current iteration needs to reevaluate their life.

M+ doesn’t fix this. Notice how runs plummet after about 3 weeks into a new season? Only hardcore players chase M+ score, all the normal players stop running it once they get their gear.

M+ doesn’t fix lulls in content.

Being anti meta is fun though, builds character

Don’t worry, they’ll fix everything before release. Have faith.

So your response is “he started it”
Which implies that you couldn’t help yourself but to reply.

Yeah, welcome to my ignore buddy.

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https://youtu.be/6Ornr-Hor2c?si=6dX5kYCe7EZgKe3O. The end!
Hopefully this brings light to those claiming crud is better than current crud, this dude explains well.

So anyone who defends M+ has to only play WoW, and not only is that a bad thing, it’s an indication they have a void in their life they’re trying to fill? It’s not possible a person may just only have time to commit to a single game in a genre that’s built on long-term commitment?

Even for you, this take is especially ridiculous.

M+ “plummeting” is going from several million keys per week to just one million keys per week most seasons. Even the worst affix weeks deep into a relatively dead “fated” style season has more participation than any other game mode in WoW during the height of popularity of full fledged seasons.

You’re right that M+ doesn’t fix lulls in content, but it gives a reason to rerun existing content since you can always gain a new challenge through affix changes and changing the keystone level you run. That did not exist with a static set of difficulties with dungeons and raids like we used to have.

while the affix changes are weird, and it’s really annoying which ones they decided to keep. the thing that’s going to kill participation the most in season 1 is +7 for the last affix and +9 for aspects. blizzard must have been really disappointed with the increased m+ participation in the last couple seasons and wanted to shut it down.