M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

every single comment replying to these changes is insanely negative. i have not personally seen a positive comment in any twitter, ingame, or forum thread about these changes.

  1. bolstering + sanguine are still around, W H Y ? they are just inherently anti-fun mechanics that slow gameplay or make gameplay very frustrating (especially for newer players)

  2. having a weekly rotation for what specs are FOTM(FOTW?) just sounds horrible. they’re not even “fun” or interactive affixes like volcanic, where you have to move at least a inch.

i just really don’t understand what the m+/dungeon/pve team is doing in terms of development with this game. i already posted a thread showing that 99% of all tanks w/ m+ title are VDh’s and 95% are resto druids. seeing that thread + this update for the next expansion is worrying

context :


This is early days on the changes and nothing has been really tested. We have a chance to do that this week, so worth holding down the crazed sky is falling rhetoric until a later time.

Your profile is hidden so safe to say you were not chasing any titles so what does that matter? Yea, DH is over used but every single tanks is viable to where the rewards stop. Its just a game anyway, just have fun and everything works itself out.


Right, and how many other affixes that were bashed by players during testing got pulled before they went live? When Blizzard announces these changes they’ve made up their minds already, and one thing Blizzard does not have is any sense of humility. If they walk back changes it’s over the course of multiple seasons or expansions… if you think these affixes are going to get dumped before S1 starts you’re living in fantasy land. The most we’ll get is some lame tuning pass that won’t change the fundamental issue at all. The sky absolutely is falling here.


Hiking up tank damage from certain mobs does hit Vengeance harder than other tanks, since their only really strong active mit is Meta and they can’t have it for every pull. If anything I feel like the affix should just affect all the trash.

If vengeance is going to have better mob control than every other tank (combined?) they should also have worse defensive tools, or have periods of vulnerability compared to other tanks.


I like sanguine. It’s fun seeing how little sanguine healing I can end up with at the end of a run. It’s also been nerfed into the ground compared to legion sanguine, as has bolstering.
I don’t think people like you will be happy until they kill off everything challenging about M+.


Yes because all of the challenge in M+ comes from gimmicky affixes…


Yeah, historically affix management has been most of the challenge. Without it, you’re just running the same dungeon over and over again.


bolstering and sanguine being around is good.

The bad part is that the time loss they cause aren’t equal.

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the new affixes are nothing, wow 10% more damage on some mobs in a pack, whoopy

out of all the things people should be worried about is having to farm 9s endlessly to upgrade their gear. because you know they’re gonna put a cap on it

the affixes that remain while annoying, I can live with, storming being removed is one of the best things ever…

tornados everywhere trying to see mechanics only to be blocked from getting out of one at the last second because it just happened to spawn right there. Or trying to position mobs as a tank/stack for a mechanic and getting knocked out

good riddance to it


I’m not sure about the way they’re going at it, but I like the concept. FOTW doesn’t even matter for most players in reality, having something to give the specs that aren’t 8 star fantastic rated a bump is a nice perk for those players.

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People don’t want challenge, they want easy loot. That is why M+ is popular for the vast majority of players. Did you notice something about the most popular seasons of M+?


There is not going to be a weekly rotation of alts as standard play. These affixes will account for a 5% damage buff because they only affect either melee or casters, not both. This 5% damage buff is not going to offset the class scaling/balancing that will actually form the season meta.

When was the last time classes were within 5% of each other? Never.


In general internet forums seldom have positive comments. People happy with the game just play it. It’s people who are unhappy that enter notes to complain.


since when, in WoW’s history, has blizzard changed something like this in WoW’s testing phases, ever

ill wait

ohhhhhhhh thats right, they dont! they keep the changes that we dont like, just like conduits being annoying in SL and everything else they eventually track back on because they are WRONG.

“your profile is hidden” this literally does not matter whatsoever even in the slightest whether or not i was “chasing any titles” the entire point is that VDH and RDruid are obviously WELL ABOVE the other tanks/healers in performance levels and it’s not even anywhere clear to being similar to the other specs. its not 50%/10%/etc its literally 99% VDH and your attempts at personal attacks against me do not prove your point any further.

this is 100% accurate ty


Blizzard put weeks of work trying to tune Explosives during the DF S2 PTR cycle alongside testing of Entangling, Afflicted, and Incorporeal. Blizzard made significant changes to Afflicted and Incorporeal to the point where they were nearly unrecognizable from what hit PTR, and Explosives was completely scrapped.

Generally speaking, you’re both right about the stubbornness of Blizzard in terms of committing to things they put out to the public. But in the current expansion we saw Blizzard make significant changes including yanking something they put changes into for several consecutive weeks during a PTR window, not the much larger exploration that comes within an expansion beta.


my point is that even if they do retract whatever stupid change they implement, it takes them an insurmountable amount of time to do it.

it took blizzard the entire expansion until the very end to “Fix” conduits, and people had been complaining about them being a pain and recommended a system that they later introduced into the game, since beta.

these affixes will come out, no one will like them whatsoever just as we already know, and then 2-4 seasons in we will see them retracted, MAYBE

Tbh aspect crests should really be bumped to 10s so you have to do keys with all 3 affixes for them.

And if that’s too hard for players they can pug mythic raid clears for their aspect crests instead.

It’ll be even less since they also don’t impact bosses.


Big facts.

But that’s just not true, at least for the most recent round of affix changes we’ve seen in the game. Blizzard took time to iterate on Explosives like a half dozen PTR builds in a row going into DF S2 before finally deciding they couldn’t get it to where they liked it and pulling Explosives out of the rotation entirely.

During that same PTR cycle Afflicted and Incorporeal both used to spawn up to a half dozen instances of the ghosts depending on the size of pull your group was doing when they first hit the the PTR. By the time they came to live, they were capped at 2, with a chance at getting 0 or 1, regardless how large your pull was.

Yes, and it wasn’t until 9.1.5 when they started making more player-friendly changes when they started doing anything to fix conduits. But while they have been far from perfect with those changes, Blizzard truly has made good on some of the song and dance they went through at the time. It’s simply false to claim Blizzard has made zero design changes to things that have hit testing cycles since 9.1.5.

I’m not saying they are a paragon of player friendliness now. There certainly are still many decisions that seemingly only exist to spite players. But if we don’t give credit where it’s due, it’s far more likely we will get back to the place where Blizzard truly never gave any credence to player feedback like we had for several expansions leading into and for the first half of Shadowlands. I’d much rather reserve my criticism for things they haven’t gotten right while acknowledging the things they have.

You may be right, I am not discounting this possibility. But literally the last time they made affix changes, they did iterate on the design based at least in some part on player feedback. We don’t have Explosives today because of player feedback during the DF S2 PTR cycle. While I hate the concept of Afflicted, what we have today is far more tolerable than what Blizzard initially announced and showed off because of player feedback.