M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Nope. First comments I heard (from streamers on YouTube) were both nuanced and mixed. Not raving positive, but not insanely negative either.

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False and false. Many (most?) play the game, even if they don’t announce themselves. And they do pay some attention to player feedback, but - shock - the players have never all agreed on what we want! It’s almost like we disagree here in forums so they get mixed signals! Could it be that we don’t all have the same preferences?

Bro shut off


Are you mad that every argument you have is quickly and easily countered?

Call me ignorant but I don’t really understand why M+ needs to be “endless” by design when raiding works just fine being something you do once a week in comparison. Why can’t there be a weekly cap for M+ dungeons as well and have the system not rely on you doing them all the time?

That way, the fundamental design of the dungeons themselves can potentially be tinkered with.


You actually think that’s why? You should listen and reread how arrogant you are and condescending, Your like that little smurky kid in class you just wanna lay into.

“We’re here to discuss”

lol good joke.

Seems to be all you do is shoot down discussion by telling people “no one cares” and “go make your own thread”

No flash i was actually readin your statments and trying to see your view till this.

Sosarie is a smug little chump, who clearly never gotten what hes needed.

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Why, because raid logging leads to dead servers between tiers. Having a cap on M+ would be the same.

Am I arrogant or do I know what I’m talking about? You have a habitual pattern of going off tangent, not addressing the arguments being raised, and resorting to ad homs.

So lemme get this straight, You claim i dont want to hear yourside and discuss, but you keep throwing this around? Its obvious your trying to trigger , and again you never gotten what youve wanted to hear and so your on attack and flexing egos liek vanilla matters and your pvp rank The system is lazy it theres no reason for the affixes to be this way, when there is a MIllION , actually and infinite amount of possibilities, this is lazy out of touch and thats it, there is nothing else. I dont care what the equation equals to in details, it is going to cause issues, and it is an issue because there is an unlimited amount of ideas floating around already that could be used and instead this is it.

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It’s a pretty telling sign when you attack the character and not their points of discussion.

Clearly you don’t want a discussion at all if you resort that quickly to name calling.

Leave your personal feelings at the door, and argue the points/facts.


It’s a public forum. If you don’t like it then put me on ignore. I really don’t care. I made my arguments in good faith by actually looking at it logically and doing the “maths”. You haven’t been able to articulate why you disagree beyond saying “you wrong”.

I’m on the attack? I think you should scroll up and read my responses in comparison to yours.


Wtf , he just attacked me, omg, you punk little kids thinks its so funny till u get the wrong one.

I like how you’ve pointed out several times that there are infinite possibilities for affixes, but haven’t actually offered a single one that wouldn’t be universally hated or just lazy in design.


Think of all the possibilities , all the ideas , all the things that could be actually fun, Its pretty sad this is all they can come up with , and its gonna cause issues within the community on top of the already existing ones. Experience goes a long way further than a piece of paper from a school is all i can say. Below will prove the point Watch what follows and also scroll up.

Come up with one.

All I’m asking is for one example.

If there are infinite, surely you can come up with one?

If you can’t produce a single example, then you are no better than an armchair quarterback.

Are you a dev?

Point has been proved in this very thread @Devs

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One of the things I like about M+ is always having something challenging to do that never runs out. It has caps of a sort, depending what your goals are. In S4, for example, completing eight +8s will max out your vault opportunities. Getting to 2500 (KSH) score nets you the last tangible rewards (except for Title, which is less than 1% so most don’t worry about that). Some push for 3k, but that’s just a number. I think it’s kind of nice letting us set our own goals. I have a regular group of friends who meet once a week to run keys, and we know we’ll always have something fun and challenging to do.

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It’s clear he’s only here to troll and repeat the same things without providing any specific ideas for improvements. I even provided him with a link to a thread with alternative affix ideas and he completely ignores it. It just goes to show he doesn’t actually care, just wants to generate further hyperbolic arguments.