M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Sosari works for blizz, paid to distract us from the topic at hand, and so out of touch they forgot we can just look them up.


They are not 100% perfect but they are better than “Install this Mod/macro to be able to see the affix nameplate properly or to deal with the affix”.

They need to be tuned, yeah. But this affix set opens the door to class based ones (and purely game design ones), instead of addon based ones.

Oh. I want to play this game.

Yall two work for Square Enix. Explains why neither know how things work in WoW. Just wanting to cause discord.


If I worked for Blizzard I would remove LFR and LFD day 1.


Thats exactly what an undercover Blizz agent would say


I wish a rogue employee would sabotage LFR and LFD from working for a while.

A shaman employee probably better. Blizz doesn’t pay attention to shaman. We could get in and out before anyone noticed.


The new affixes don’t seem to add any movement mechanics, more graphics, or targeting mechanics, which is very good thing. The bad interactions, annoying game play, and mechanics overload you get from some of these is not helping M+.

Last week with the white afflicted with all the other white wind effects, especially in parts of NO where you have to find your ghost…

These don’t have to be learned. They can be min-maxed and will probably break up META comps at the high end, but they’re not additional “Gotcha” mechanics to trip you up from week to week.

So anyways, ya this needs to be addressed, there’s an infinite amount of possibilities for affix, just stop creating scenarios that boost certain classes being taken, simple, make them anyone can deal with or do it and effects everyone , simple. This is not okay, it will cause issues, and the fact that you have infinite possibilities means this is not okay period. We are discussing the teams ideas and logic on here and not the meta as is, and that class balance, thats a whole other issue, im pretty sure title says m+ very loudly.

basic class design does this. not the affixes

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You could say that as well, but again thats another issue, classes are what they are right now, this is what the future is holding not whats current . Affixes for next season.

and here comes the white knights.

Yes. And my point is that these affixes will not effect basic class design.

That class design will trump these affixes.

That a 3-5% damage increase isnt going to make a sub par class suddenly be meta.

That the top specs do more than 5% more damage.

I get what you are trying to imply, but I’ve explained to you in great detail about how the affix’s impact is not impactful. You have to look at it relative to the other aspects surrounding the affix and not in isolation. If all classes were homogenous and did equal damage, then yes the 5% gain would more likely cause issues. However, that’s not the case. The inherent gaps in class balancing far exceed the dps gains from the affix.

Noone cares your point, we are here to discuss this topic , nowhere does it say class design devs are out of touch in title

Go make your own topic

There’s being able to think critically and knowing when there’s a bad take. These are people blowing things out of proportion.

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I did, but people would rather cry and complain then actually come up with something better.

Are people here to actually “discuss” the topic or are they here for an echo chamber and getting mad if someone disagrees with their interpretation.


Oracle hero tree

It’s well known that:

A. They don’t play the game
B. They don’t listen to player feedback
C. I like this letter