M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Sanguine is absolutely horrible.

Easily on my list of worst affixes in game.

And why would that be? It’s all on a relative basis.

As the keys get easier, (by removing affixes) everyone else’s scores increase too.

And every single time loss affix has been complained about even when they’re a shadow of their former selves. People who play in title range are still doing keys on “bad” affix weeks.

And yes, I can feel sanguine bricking keys.

This is because no matter how much they are nerfed they still by nature cause players to lose time regardless of if they play the affix properly or not and losing time even when you play it right is awful.

I just hate sanguine because ele sham aoe spender is so small, that it drastically cuts down on my ability to do earthquake damage.

The only redeeming value is that earthquake is so horrible atm.

Which is why they should remain.

And an effort to make sure time loss is equal.

Bursting is the odd one out. Unchanging m+ is far too boring, and inconsequential affixes mean they might as well not exist.

Axing storming and volcanic was a good move.

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Do you mean the ones on live, or the ones proposed for TWW? I have not tried the ones on Beta. I’m not fussed yet, as I expect changes before they go live. I do like the general idea of having something to make the dungeons different from week to week. And I like feeling challenged. I don’t want rewards handed to me; I want to feel like I’ve earned them. I support continued brainstorming of new and better ways to work affixes, but I don’t think it should always be “make it easier” “make us more OP”… I don’t want M+ to be Remix.

I like the idea someone suggested of having affixes be a challenge, but handling them well giving us a reward. Like, the player who CCs Incorp getting a 10% throughput buff for 8 seconds. Not sure where all they could go with that concept, but I like the idea. Give players a reason to look forward to the extra challenges, get them laughing and competing to handle it first. Competitive DPS will do anything to top meters! :slight_smile:

Thrown off why keeping sanguine is ok, but axing volcanic was good?

Competing with Remix and a Classic release, can’t really be surprised.

Yeah that and fated seasons generally see a drop off in players till next xpac

Someone at Blizzard is trying way too hard to cook weird M+ affixes but losing sight of why people enjoy it in the first place.

Thorned looks especially dumb. Having to stop damage or getting blamed as healer when people don’t stop damage is very fun and cool.

You haven’t noticed on certain weeks a lot of people say, “I’m skipping this week/I always skip weeks like this”?

Is the piece of gear in the m+ dungeon 100% guaranteed?
If is not, is not a challenging mode, it’s just timewasting.

People keep saying “but it’s BETA, wait for the changes REEEEE”.

Since when has Beta not been what they are putting in live. This game has been out 20 years and you pretty much get what you get ffrom Beta to live.

Uldaman is permanent banned on Sanguine week but have you played +15 Uldaman on Sanguine week or something? If not, then you can look at raider io and check how many +16 and higher Uldaman keys with Sanguine being run this week. I haven’t seen anyone who is positive with Bolstering/Sanguine except few people like you.

Volcanic / storming is business as usual, nothing changes.

Did time 14 on tyrannical Sanguine, but yes, I haven’t ran it this week. Next Uld key on fort would be a 17, and it would take a while for an invite.

As for why a 14, because I bricked a few 15 due to time.

I championed Bursting, Bolstering, Sanguine before Blizzard even decided to keep them (6 months ago.)

I think affixes should change how the dungeon is played.

Entangling /spiteful / volcanic / storming / afflicted / incorporeal do not.

I do realize Bursting causes the least time loss for the seventh affix.

Quite likely there is something in this; it seems to be responsible for a considerable decline in the tech hobbies as a whole - people work in IT and then they’re too burned out on computers to want to even do much with them in general at home. They’d often even rather have an iPhone or a prebuilt laptop than a computer that requires them to do “more of the same” with. A lot of Open Source projects experience decline for similar reasons.

Of course on the flip side you could have the opposite, which is apparently the case for FFXIV; their testing teams, it would seem, are extremely enthusiastic, to the point that in Endwalker they even had to nerf a raid boss’s HP because the test team got too good at the content and their classes and therefore ended up tuning it almost impossibly tight (to the point where if you used the tuned minimum ilvl that FFXIV advertises for all content, Savage raids being no exception, if you didn’t take enough meta jobs you actually needed RNG on things like critical hits to go your way to even have a shot at clearing; prior to this, 10-15% wiggle room vs. “max possible” used to be common).

I mean … I work retail backroom with what often feels like a typical PUG in terms of cohesion and attentiveness and then I go home and play MMOs? :rofl:

Literally the last time Blizzard put new affixes up for testing in DF S2 PTR, both afflicted and incorporeal were made to be fairly easy with a few folks who could handle them in group. And after several builds of tweaking explosives, they scrapped that effort entirely and slotted in volcanic again.

You’re right about the history of WoW in general, generally once something made it to an even remotely public server, it was bound for live outside of perhaps some tuning. But Blizzard has actually made good much of the time on their promise from 9.1.5 of using player feedback from testing servers. And the most recent time we had pending affix changes, that did hold true.

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Also, it’s a stupid argument that “they are just in testing!”. Who are they expecting to test crap that .1% of people can even test? Why wouldn’t you want them to produce a Beta closer in line with reality and what people want. More normal players testing and giving feedback is superior to a team of .1% streamers giving feedback.

What do people want?

Do you know?

This was the same for Shaman chnages in TWW. They dont care.