M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

The title is accurate and anyone that disagrees is going off of their words and not their actions. I have listed tons of examples from legion and all xpacs after. This affix will be dog water, it is being stressed and people will continue to stress it. And it will be fixed, oh yes itll be fixed u just gotta wait till the last season, so they can look like heroes for fixing what they broke.

I don’t know what you are talking about.

I never stated or implied otherwise

If anything. It’s being said no one should have a positive opinion.

naw ur only respone is “oh but u still play” because actions are louder than words. When we are given something to be positive about we will be. For example warbands was a fantastic idea. Account wide rep… finally. But this is what the forums are for is to complain so blizz maybe fixes it?

Yeah, its not us complaining to ruin the game its to smack people in the face to wake up and fix it. they are venting and passionate about it cuz they care, if they didnt they wouldnt even be here.

If you write a book report on WoW being bad. Then you end with talking about how actions speak louder than words…

I will point out that ones actions of still playing will over ride their words. Those actions will speak louder than the words of not having fun.

I hope Blizzard doesn’t feel that someone who cancelled a sub’s word means more than someone who actively plays and is complaining

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Who knows.

But if you tell me that actions speak louder than words I will agree with you and look at your actions.

Are you done yet?

Must not be.

You asked me a question.

i believe the post says they outta touch, and i agree, and wrote plenty of examples, linked videos , that is the purpose of this forum, and you have nothing better to do than troll it. You so far havnt brought anything productive or a counter argument.


Ignore Akston, he will just get you banned eventually. Not worth engaging with.


It doesn’t though. Why would I take an arcane mage over a fire mage in any of these dungeons? That arcane affix boosted mage is still going to be over 100k overall DPS under the fire mage. That’s the point being made in case it’s not obvious.

ok but wouldnt the game make more $ if they had ACTUAL fun/good/enjoyable affixes and not… whatever these are?

Yes and no, again this is the community that requires u to be max level and have already killed or done the content to get into the content, u understand? Like people will read into this, and it will cause issues, point is this is useless affix nothing fun, more frustration. WHY?

Wheres the affix that gives us haste or mastery or fire dmg to attacks or fun stuff, ya know, not useless wasted time on stupid affixes. A 5 yr old could come up with this and they have how many heads at the table? How much money? How many resources? Hello?

And yes anyone that knows how meta works knows this wont change for their premade push team sure, its wasted development team on something irrelevant is what your saying. Same point to the topic either way u wanna look at it. As far as dps numbers in a beta go, if that’s what your concerned with… like itll all get tuned later. What if the numbers are closer together when this drops, why are we even wasting time on numbers and class balance, this is about the affix not how much higher a fire mage is in the beta.

Just watch the quazzi video, he pretty much covers all the outcomes and outlooks as to why this affix makes no sense.

Maybe it only went down to 1.5m week 3 but s4 m+ hasnt exactly retained players heck its at 600k now thats even worse than S2

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I didn’t know I had that power

If you have to declare you are winning, are you really winning? I thought it was funny that you stated actions speak louder than words, and your actions disagreed with all those words.

Then people engaged with me. You got upset or something that on the forums, I had the audacity to respond to people.

No, it really doesnt.

Because WoW specs have never been balanced that well, at any point in WoW’s history.

Everyone agreeing with these changes is only capable of completing very low-level Mythic Plus content.

Sanguine should have been removed a long time ago.
Bolstering should have been removed a long time ago.
Enraging should be removed.

The new affix design is terrible.

Every single player who engages with this content dislikes these changes, and we were all expecting something completely different. If you agree with these changes, you don’t participate in high-level Mythic Plus, so the changes don’t affect you.

If nothing changes and Mythic Plus remains as it is, I will likely not play in Season 1. Not that this matters to Blizzard or anyone else, but it is what it is.

Sanguine should have been removed a long time ago.
Bolstering should have been removed a long time ago.
Enraging should be removed.

Disagree, it’s a never-ending cycle seeking the most time loss affix.

Sanguine and Bolstering are fine.

Every single player who engages with this content dislikes these changes, and we were all expecting something completely different. If you agree with these changes, you don’t participate in high-level Mythic Plus, so the changes don’t affect you.

I’m above 1% but below title.

It’s all relative. I was looking at last seasons numbers, since that was a real season. Raid numbers are pretty low this season too, compared to last season.

That is exactly what I’m saying.
At your level, any changes they made don’t matter.
I don’t mean to sound rude, and if I do, I apologize, but unfortunately, that’s the truth.