M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

I just don’t understand what their goal is.
We’ve already seen how bad certain affixes can be. There are or at least were such things as anti-melee week.

What benefit is there to a week that empowers one small subgroup while hindering a large subgroup?

I’m just not going to play on my Hunter during Thorned weeks.
But on Attuned weeks I’ll spam my Hunter.
How is this healthy?

It’s all money oriented, i think, in that if they make it harder for you to complete keys youll play longer. Anything to make you play longer.

“OH they have alts, maybe we should make them use them more!”

Except they keep nerfing and making mythic+ easier, so I don’t think that is it.

No mythic+ is way harder than it was in shadowlands i can guarantee this, bosses and trash have a lot more one shot mechanics now to begin with.

I really don’t think this is true, at least when it comes to one-shot mechanics. There is more total damage going out to the party, without a doubt, which has been mitigated in some ways by tanks being basically unkillable, healers have far more tools, and DPS have more defensives. But those aren’t situations where a player that takes a mechanic goes from full health to dead, more that there are numerous sources of damage going out at once and hitting them around the same time. I’m pretty certain one-shot mechanics at key ranges below title range were more common in Shadowland and especially BFA rather than in Dragonflight.

My brother and I (we often do keys together, he tanks and I heal) both agreed in wishing they’d have replaced the on-death affixes with these new ones.

But, at the same time appreciate their desire to limit the screen clustering between affixes and mob abilities.

Which brings me back to what I’ve said a thousand times in the past:

Affixes shouldn’t be negatives, they should be positives that enhance your approach to dungeons for that week.

affixes should be FUN if anything

Wall after wall after wall after wall, and for what, cuz the ones in command have no vision, and or they dont want someone out thinking their vision. Restricting fun is all they ever do, they hotfix the dumbest stuff that is fun, and never fix huge issues. They create issues on purpose, to stall game time, then fix it mid way through , every xpac for how many xpacs, its always the same. They were warned not to and they didnt listen over and over and over and over. Its just turning into stress stress and chores to keep up . i used to run thousands of keys every season for fun, lets look at the last time keys were truely fun. What about the bg’s we all used to play, Now check out these new affixes, like, this is the best u can come up with, then the betas broken most people struggling in 4 to even test it. Its just the same stuff over and over and over. Create problems just to fix them just so they can say they trying, and keep us on the hook. They couldve added a vendor for leggos from the beginning in legion, or lifted covenant restrictions in shadowlands, or fixed the cost of reforging azerite gear, or added that vendor sooner for the nzoth raid in bfa, like you cant see it? It is intentional for you to keep subbing and stalling time cuz they cant create good fair content. Look at dragonflight s1 affixes, omg so many stacking mechanics and a spread mechanic at same time!? like hello is this a joke? They dont care , they milking this . ON PURPOSE. And just wait for these new affixes and issues everyone has talked about or posted about or even made videos giving great alternatives or additions to improve, they dont care. GET A CLUE PEOPLE.

One more example, is the fact that s4 vendors exists, why dont they exist in s1, you know how many times augury dropped in our raid of s3 dream? uh 1, yeah thats right 1. Its intentional, they dont care, why? cuz they know ur gonna sub and keep buying huge 6 and 1 yr subs and by the time it ends they gonna fix it, or “talk about it” so u resub. They know oh they know, they just dont care.

6 month and 12 month subs with mounts attached to them. Did you ever ask why? SO u cant unsub when u realize its garbage. This is no longer a video game for fun, its how can we keep them subbed. Your time is valuable my friend, but not in the same way for them. Produce issues, fix issues, rinse repeat. How would they not know that warriors cant deal with 2 of the affixes for 2 friggin years? THEY DID KNOW. But if u use a toy to make yourself huge or farm frogst or fun little things like that, itll be hotfixed tomorrow. Like why even bother hotfixing frog farm in a limited time event. WHO CARES IF THATS FUN TO THEM WHO CARES, coulda spent that time reading this.

Then take your own advice.

Glad u liked it.

“Plummet” to 1.5M runs per week. Compared to 20k raids and 6k arena matches.


All I am saying is you gave us a 5 page book report on why WoW isn’t fun. You tell us actions speak louder than words.

But you are still here playing.

Atleast u cant say im wrong! Your just gonna do liek all the other little kids and pick a fight.

But that means your post doesnt really matter?

Since actions speak louder than words.

Ya your pointless, have a good day my friend.

I was just pointing out the irony of stating “actions speak louder than words” in an extremely wordy post, while your actions show you will keep playing WoW despite all of those words.

Just for you i will remove my last sentence so maybe you can get the point. There u go dude, now tell me im wrong.


I am having fun in keys.

lol “Let’s make WoW be like Destiny 2 but without our players being able to switch the type of damage they can make!”

Can someone not express their concerns and reasons for why the game is frustrating them or not to fun them? Especially a game alot of people have played for 12+ years ya we play because our friends do and because we have played for ever. But that doesn’t mean we cant call BS when we see it right?