M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Are you asking why people disagree with you on the internet?

Have you been on the internet before?

There are zero topics that don’t have tons or complaints and back and forth.

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If you truly enjoyed m+, you would be on it 24/7. Never doing anything else. Ever.

Hilarious the person that brought up censorship is like “but you shouldnt be vocalizing you disagree with me”


I was replaying super Metroid earlier (my favorite console game) and I though I liked it and enjoyed playing it, but then I realized I stopped playing some and wasn’t playing it 24/7 so maybe I actually don’t like it? I don’t know what to think.


Metroid is just M+ with extra letters.



Everyone hates wow. Why else would they be on the forums? They would be in game every second.


from Imgflip Meme Generator


If I have the forums up on one monitor, and WoW on a second.

Does this mean I both hate and love WoW at the same time?


If it’s that widely known surely you have source material to back up your claim. Fact is you make up stuff constantly and when your proven wrong you don’t respond and disappear.

the duality of man



and if you’re varian, you have three: Osh Kosh B’LO’GOSH

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Do you have any examples of this? Because most of the criticisms of M+ on these forums are gross misrepresentations of the game mode designed to make it sound worse than it is. Rarely are the critiques a fair assessment of how the mode functions.

All the affixes we’re keeping/getting are just stuff for healers and tanks to deal with. It’s not a good design choice.

Why heal or tank if you don’t want to heal or tank? Just play a different role at that rate.

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every affix should not only be for healer/tank

there used to be some for everyone (healer/dps) but they were removed and replaced with anti-fun affixes again like bolstering + sanguine

Heres my take on this…

Make the kiss portion of the affixes apply to all damage and get rid of bolstering and sanguine.

Boom its so much better now

To be fair, all criticisms of M+ made by people on these forums are usually dismissed as misreprenstations.

I’d be fine with Blizz removing bolstering and sanguine.

That said, Blizz has removed/gutted just about every affix and every time that’s happened complaints shifted to the next affix, so don’t expect “problem” affix complaints to stop.

Old necrotic, teaming, overflowing, grevious, quaking, inspiring, etc. sanguine used to be viewed as a free week back in Legion and BFA and now it’s one of the “problem” affixes.

I dont think an affix has stopped people from doing keys or playing the game anyway they want. No matter how bad they are, everyone puts up with the abuse.

That’s just not an accurate statement. There are certainly some people who do dismiss all criticisms in this manner, but there are also many people who are willing to discuss the shortcomings with M+ and potential solutions. But by far the most common criticisms of M+ like to pretend they speak for entire genres of players (i.e., M+ is not something real MMO players want), make verifiably untrue claims (i.e., the only reason anyone plays M+ is free loot), present subjective viewpoints as indisputable fact (i.e., M+ is the root of all toxicity in WoW), or present their anecdotal bad experiences as the norm (i.e., 90% of my keys a DPS is a jerk to the entire party that results in my +2 falling apart before the first boss).