M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Bumping it won’t get Blizzard’s attention especially when you are keeping the thread derailed. Thanks for that.

You are amazing at this bro. 12824 proud of it hugh? 12824 miserable posts crying for help .

You are absolutely right on the buffs, but couldn’t be further from right on the curse aspect of them. Having all the caster mobs in a dungeon under the effects of lust while being raging or trying to keep them moving out of sanguine is going to absolutely be a nightmare. Literally terrible design.

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Wont be very fun hugh, more stress more stress more stress, Preach it!

If you are a person who thrives in pointless complexity, of course you find this a positive change. In fact, I would suggest that looking forward to this change is a sure sign that someone thrives on increasing complexity and requirements for min maxing.

Yeah, right. We’ve been told throughout this expansion that “nothing whatever is forced”. Now you’re saying that being forced is constant, but will be completely eliminated with this change.

You forgot the “this won’t affect anyone who isn’t in the top .1%.” And of course it will make it more difficult for players to get into groups that are using the same requirements that you actually will be.

If we had new affixes + fortified it could definitely get spicy. Would basically be double dipping on trash difficulty.

But it’s looking like fortified/tyrannical might be removed completely.

Without fortified it drastically changes how difficult trash could be.

You are putting a lot of words in my mouth. I didn’t say “nothing whatever is forced” or that “being forced is constant.”

Afflicted requires 2 dispels or several globals of healing. In many cases those dispels can be covered by one healer and one dps, but not all dps have a dispel, and certainly a healer often wants their dispel available for specific dungeon mechanics, so you may really want two dispel capable dps.

Likewise, a similar situation for Incorporeal. You can assume that a healer will cover one of these but you’re doing to need at least one other. Worse, many classes cc is on a cooldown (think something like hex) so if the cc accidently overlaps having a third cc capable player is a big deal.

These affixes put a lot of pressure on groups to be constructed in a certain way, on top of the already restrictive soft requirements of tank - healer - short interrupt - hero - battle res. It’s technically possible to ignore the affixes and win but it’s not really practical.

Further, these affixes, like explosives, require players to target swap and select a specific enemy in what is most often a large pull where that is easier said than done, while also juggling their rotation, their interrupt rotation, their aoe stop rotation, and now possible their dispel/single cc rotation. They are cognitive load additive in battle.

The new affixes dont apply that group composition pressure, at least not on the back half with the vulnerabilities to damage types. If you don’t take an Arcane mage on Arcane week and instead take a Frost mage, you probably won’t notice. 3-5% damage is a difference overcome by how mobs are grouped by a tank, how cooldowns are used by the player, player skill, spec tuning, gear, etc.

A 3% damage handicap to a player or three is something that any group at almost any key level can overcome. The same cannot be said for showing up on afflicted week or incorp week with no dispels or cc’rs.

They also don’t apply the same pressure to cognitive load. Most specs dont do funnel damage and blindly aoe’ing will maximize their utilization of these vulnerabilities. For specs that do funnel or prio damage, targets that are vulnerable are also buffed that week, so targeting them specifically was likely the same priority choice you would have been making even without the vulnerability in play. At no point are you being asked to switch mid pull to find some random target to dispel --instead, you just target the most dangerous mobs like you normally would for maximum effect.

Groups that neither build their comp or adjust their gameplay around these 4 new affixes will experience a disadvantage that is basically a rounding error.

Groups that chose not to build their comp or adjust their gameplay around Afflicted and Incorporeal were basically bricked keys before they zoned in.

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Hell, 3-5% damage can be the difference in random events like critical strikes or enemy targeted abilities and not even anything to do with how anyone in the group plays.

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Literally every WoW content creator that runs M+ is also absolutely crucifying these changes (even ones that are typically quite positive). So yeah, nt.

Deleting spiteful is good.

Don’t add more affixes.

The only good affix you ever added was Reaping.

I really liked the bfa obelisk and the zeroth mortis kill npc for certain buff seasonals. Those were fun. :slight_smile:

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For 95%, there was no end game content in vanilla.

Being level capped alone was a feat. Classic, is not indictive of how the game was back than.

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The M+ white knights would defend an affix that installed malware on your computer. Its not about discourse or discussion of the game mode, its about preserving the “idea” that their favorite way to play the game isn’t fundamentally broken.

Its akin to censorship in a strict Dictatorship country. Its not about the content itself, but about attempting to control the narrative around it.


You mean like the few hundred that rant on about how terrible the “devs” are and how terrible SL was and how all the millions of users agree with them and no one is allowed to disagree.

Those kinds of people?

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Legit though. Blizz are one of the most stubborn video game companies. Remember everyone complaining about Legendaries being random drop only in Legion beta? That wasn’t fixed till multiple patches into the xp. Same thing with azerite gear.

It’s as simple as some people find it fun.

Just like other people find other aspects of the game fun.


Source? Oh wait another stat you make up on the fly.

Dude, its widely known information. People didn’t knew wtf they were doing. Go look up the COUNTLESS videos on youtube about how different the game was. Having a max level character made you a BA to most.

Raid “Accessbility” was not a focus lfthis game until WotLK.

If they find it fun, why are they actively deflecting all critcism of it on the forums, when they could be enjoying their favoritr content?

lol what

“If they find m+ fun, then why do they disagree with me saying m+ is bad”

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