M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

If 9s are too hard for aspects from keys players can always get aspects from raiding instead.

No, they wanted it to make it match the difficulty of mythic raiding more but ultimately pointless.

They should have changed it to 7 or 8 and doubled the aspect crests that killing a mythic boss drops. Making it drop at 9 is ultimately not doing anything for everybody.

You’re just increasing the difficulty for the bottom tier, for the mid tier you’re just making it more tedious and for the high tier it’s completely pointless for the difficulty jump is irrelevant.

And overall it still doesn’t compare to getting 20 people together and spending at least 1-50 pulls for the first mythic boss versus +1 a 9.

This is factually inaccurate. You literally have the tools to look at hard numbers before making such bad and disingenuous claims.

The runs drop week over week during the season.


So, about 4 weeks in to a new season, participation almost halves.

I can tell you haven’t played the game a lot. Your account is old, but with 9k achievement points, you are a noobie.

DF Season 4:
Week 1: 1,045,678 Season 4 starts 4/23/24
Week 2: 1,215,550
Week 3: 1,179,175
Week 4: 793,352 Pandaria Remix starts 5/16/24
Week 5: 689,051 Cataclysm Classic starts 5/2024

Almost like there’s reasons beyond “M+ bad” for lower numbers. You can clearly see that the runs were steady until the playerbase became segmented by not 1, but 2 releases. The numbers also show how week 2 had more runs than week 1 which also goes against your “week after week” argument.

The chart you shared even shows how in Season 3 over 1 million keys were being run per week until week 16.

I’m also curious how many raids, arenas, and battlegrounds were run per week. Surely it has to be at least 689K if that number of keys represents “plummeting” in relation to other ways to engage with the game…

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they will just flame u. just ignore them tbh

Sounds like yall just want m+ to be heroic dungeons requiring 0 skill

All the seasons follow this pattern, lol. You are so in denial. Every single M+ defender on these forums is just completely biased when it comes to this topic.

Its fine to enjoy something, but to sit here on these forums and attack every single criticism that is made against M+ is borderline just unhealthy.

I get so tired of this narrative that M+ is this bastion of MMO content, that single handly is keeping WoW afloat. Wow would be fine without M+, we have like 5 versions of WoW that have various periods of success without M+.

M+ doesn’t keep seasons alive anymore than raiding does, all it does it keeps people logging in the first 3-4 weeks of a new patch, once people are geared, no one is touching that crap unless you are the minority of players that like to push rating.

Right…I’m the one in denial thinking that 1 million runs per week means the game is dying.

Have you looked in the mirror?

No one is saying it’s the “bastion of MMO content”. We are saying it is the most popular content for WoW.

It wouldn’t. Every single “version” of classic WoW that gets released goes through the same cycles of initial hype followed by complete ghost town. Once people level up and finish raids they start raid logging. This leads to dead servers. There’s a reason why SoD had to shut down multiple servers and give free transfers.

Where did I say the game was dying? You keep jumping to these silly hyperbolic statements. I’m backing up my claims that M+ drops off a lot after 3-4 weeks. You made the claim that M+ is keeping people playing longer, and we have the evidence that is not. 50% participation drop is pretty big.

Every day, losing more and more hair sadly.

Sorry, but there isn’t any good metrics to show this. You think those M+ runs mean something, but with the leaked sub numbers that we got, means that only probably 40% of the player base is engaging with M+.

Most of the player base doesn’t do anything harder than LFR and Heroic dungeons. The vast majority of WoW players are transient players that sub a few months for a new expansion and maybe a few patches.

Those M+ runs might seem high, but a lot of those are people’s alts.

As does retail, I mean it is a ghost town right now. Like I said, M+ doesn’t really fix the population drops during content lulls. It might have made it better, but once the new zones and raids are cleared, most people just play other games.

M+ grinders are like a very small minority of the player base. I know you don’t like hearing this, but it is absolutely true.

Those graphs I linked prove what I’m saying. The runs per week drop week over week in every single season of M+ since Legion.

Edit: This is my last response too, I got stuff to do in real life. I don’t understand how people like you have time to be chronically online on these forums all day long? Are you working? This is an honest question.

You are looking at DF S4 data in complete isolation. 1) It’s the end of the expansion and 2) I explained how the drop in participation lines up exactly when Pandaria Remix and Cata Classic was launched.

Leaked sub numbers? Where? Are you referencing the youtube video where they made estimations based on revenue reports?

Source? Oh wait you can’t provide any.

Runs by season:
DF S3: 34,423,067
DF S2: 27,230,401
DF S1: 36,259,005
SL S4: 9,683,754
SL S3: 19,755,846
SL S2: 20,257,547
SL S1: 16,311,634

“small minority”

In the last 60 days you spent more time on the forums than I have. Objectively. It’s in your forum activity page. You spent 3+ days of read time.

Removing affixes or having only positive buffs doesn’t “solve” a problem. It would create way more problems between raiding / M+.

M+ dungeons without affixes are easy. Mythic dungeons are easy by design. The thing that makes them hard is the nuance between regular dungeon mechanics and the negative affixes. I agree things like Sanguine, storming, all of them really are inherently anti-fun. But without them the dungeons are too easy.

The only affixes that have ever been fun are ones like Cyper Relics, Anima Powers, Pylons etc.

If Blizzard wants to “solve the M+ problem” they need to add more difficult mechanics to dungeons in the way of things you’d see in Heroic or Mythic raiding, but that would create an even BIGGER gateway to entry for inexperienced players because then the dungeons are inherently more difficult

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Stop talkign to this dude, hes actually super annoying , and all of his accusations are what he is doing, just stop wasting time on this re

Anyone says this is okay means they settled to eat a S$#t sandwich, they want it let um eat it.

Trash made by trash period , too many cool ideas actually fun ideas floating around to settle for this crud. PERIOD

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Yeah, I know, they spend way too much time on these forums. Best not to engage with them. I got most of them on ignore, going to add him too. I get so tired of their passive-aggressive snark.

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I’m recovering from a nasty surgery. You have almost 4 times the activity I have on these forums.

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They follow the lead of the out of touch lawyer.

He has no life, he supports wow we get it, he thinks were hereto destroy wow i suppose and not help it get better? i dunno either way dudes a frigging troll. Quazzi put out a video for peopel liek him who cant understand, and quazii is really good and has points made and documentation to prove it, just watch the video . The thing is this company is HUGE, and we should expect them to use their resources and make something fun. This isnt fun, its like dumb for alot of reasons. Stop saying it is okay for this kinda unfun play.

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I will post 1 more time, pls watch

Very very well written video as always by quazzi


I love his videos!!! I’m going to watch this, thanks for sharing!

I wish these hardcore M+ defenders would understand that there is a ton of players out there that don’t like M+. Why do you think Blizzard changed things up with M0.

A lot of MMO players don’t want to speed run dungeons on a timer, and these affixes that they are adding is just more fuel to fire.

Blizzard needs to rethink small group content, instead of taking this lazy approach with timers and these silly affixes. So tired of them copying stuff from Diablo. Keep that ARPG stuff in that game where it belongs.