M+ title holders & current M+ tank/healer balance issue

This is genuinely the worst state that M+ class balance has ever been in, by far, even worse than 90% bear tank title holders in S3

For current M+ title holders there are

Blood: 3
Guardian: 3
Brewmaster: 2
Prot Pally: 2
Prot Warrior: 6
Vengeance: 276

Pres Evoker: 8
Mistweaver: 11
Holy Pal: 3
Disc and/or Holy: 11
Resto Sham: 10
Resto Druid: 236

Required M+ rating:
NA 3497
EU 3544
KR 3543
TW 3653

Highest Previous %'s:
DF S2 HPal 88.6%
SL S4 HPriest 87.7%
BfA S2 RDruid 85.4%
DF S4 RDruid 84.6%

Why is there 0 nerfs for VDH + Rdruid and/or buffs to the other tanks/healers to put them in at least competition with the best specs?


They’re too busy trying to balance remix mode for w/e reason


i just genuinely don’t understand how you can possibly manage a live game this poorly

seen on WoWhead + forums + etc >10 changes about Remix nerfs but 
? VDH nerfs? hello? resto druid nerfs? hello? literally WHAT are they doing


No yea, I’m with you 100% on this

The 0 effort they put into this season is actually a joke

Be different it the numbers weren’t quite this extreme, but man nah near 95% of all the tanks being VDH is beyond poor balance


Kinda hard not to tank with VDH this season.

Can go full sigil talents which gives 2 charges for every sigil, talent that makes flame sigil reduces the cds of the other sigils, and current 4 set that reduces the CD fo flame sigil.

Mobs can’t cast spells, if a mob fixates a player just drag it back with chains. Its pretty crazy overpowered now. Reminds me of when Bear tanks had giant health pools and that overpowered stacking defensive.

the difference in difficulty in my “high” M+ keys with & without having a VDH is night and day difference tbh. same with healer quality, resto druid we are all 100% hp almost the entire dungeon and they’re still outputting insane DPS

just insane that there is 0 updates to bring up the other specs to the same levels


IMO VDH and Resto Druid don’t really “need” nerfs. Their popularity and strength comes from the toolkit they are given.

I main MW Monk and while yes, you can push out huge numbers for healing and okay numbers for DPS, my 512 Resto Druid can get close with less effort.

On the flip side I like Guardian Druid, however they can’t even come close to VDH in terms of toolkit, their sigils and mobility as well as CC are unmatched


Making heroic raid bosses take 20sec instead of 15sec in a temporary meme mode seems way more important than upsetting a 95% role representation. Better nerf brewmaster dps just in case though.


It’s very, very simple. You are talking about maybe a few thousand people here. Why would they focus on a few thousand people? It makes no sense from a business standpoint, or even a developmental standpoint.

That being said, sometimes they do things that don’t make sense in either of those areas. But that’s only when their “vision” is the guiding force behind the decision. Their vision is not mythic+. It never has been. Their vision is, for some reason, obsessing about raiding, and maintaining their belief that need to have a hard game.

I always expect the tip of the player base to skew towards meta. It should slant the most honestly. What’s throttled this in other seasons are raid drops and raid tank rosters really. With the vendor, and a set that is actually good, it’s no surprise this season skewed so heavily.

I don’t agree with it. Vdh has been top of the heap for the entire xpac save a few weeks in s1 where war was okay and Druid in s2?

Vdh’s kit was also insane for a good chunk of SL. They were it s1 SL. Druid has had a stupid op tier twice now.

I didn’t m+ in bfa or legion, but that’s ~3-4 years that I have played that brew and prot war have been dumpster tier in m+.

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Probably because S4 isnt a real season. And the focus is on TWW.

Not saying this justifies it, but this is probably their mindset.


The balance in this game is my biggest complaint with it.

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For VDH vs everything else, it’s less a balance issue and more a design issue. If you looked at it purely on a numbers basis (i.e. each tank has equal representation) you’d basically have to half DH survivability/damage to make it so their overwhelming utility is balanced against the other Tanks.

Like they just bring way too much to the table.

The problem isn’t going to go away in TWW though. Blizzard keep burying their heads in the ground and designing utility around raids where the assumption is it doesn’t matter if 1-2 classes/specs are massively overloaded because you only need one VDH or Mage or Aug or whatever per raid to access their utility so it doesn’t lock out too many other specs.

The running joke on Twitter is that the best comp for M+ is Time Warp, Arcane Intellect, Power Infusion, Ebon Might and Chaos Brand and if you want to treat yourself, you can choose between Mark of the Wild or Devotion Aura for your last slot.


Because when you’re looking at only the very top 0.1% of the playerbase, the effect of any imbalance is greatly magnified.

M+ is balanced around +10s, because that’s where the rewards stop.

I think these arguments are bunk. There’s a huge time investment in individual characters and that’s ignoring the sentimental value, saying it’s “just the 1% lol” doesn’t change a whole lot when people are getting knocked back from 10s or 11s because they’re not the right spec.

And even at 10s, DH’s are still 51% of the Tanks.


I mean, they did nerf VDH this season. But how much of VDH is the good players going to whatever spec happens to be the best?

I mean, at that level differences in player skill matter a whole lot more than class balance. The some of the smoothest M+ runs I’ve done this season have been tanked by a brewmaster or a blood DK. Some players just blindly copy whatever they think the meta is, and I don’t think there’s any good way to change that.

But as is always the case, player perception of the issue is worse than the issue actually is.

agree 100pct

The nerfs to DH’s were incredibly minor in the grand scheme of things. Like I said above, it’s a fundamental design issue where Blizzard don’t tank into account M+ when designing specs so you end up with every tank having clear strengths and weaknesses and utility which makes them better in some situations, and DH’s just

They’re good at everything a Tank wants to do in M+ but Blizzard ignore that because the tools that DH’s have are fairly situational in raids (except for 5% Magic which can be brought by a DPS DH).

The good players will gravitate to what’s best, but when it’s an extreme degree, like VDH’s being almost 5x the play rate of the next highest tank even outside the high ends, Blizzard have screwed up. It’s too late to fix it for Dragonflight naturally, but considering Blizzard haven’t changed how they design classes, we’ll probably see the issue repeated in TWW as well.

I think you’re conflating two different issues. It’s not that other tanks aren’t workable (especially in the pub range) it’s just
there’s no reason to play them when they’re that far ahead.

The amount of control a DH brings to the table is downright bonkers on top of how good their mobility, survivability and damage.

Perception in the pug scene is reality.


Maybe what they need to do id address the way the title is given out - make it on a per spec basis instead of a total keys basis.

Eg the top 0.1% of each spec gets a title meaning that ‘meta’ classes are in a league of their own. It wont matter how high they push - it wont gatekeep those who enjoy their class from attaining a title and players will no longer feel forced to swap to a meta spec every tier.

What it will do is have those top players, playing every single spec in their given role to get multiple titles. How many of those 276 VDH would prefer to play something else if they could.

As to why it hasnt been nerfed yet i have no idea. They stomped all over pwar in s1 that had less of an advantage simply because 1 streamer ran a key wearing some gear to showcase how strong it was - while completely ignoring the fact that that run wasnt even remotely possibly by a majority of the playerbase and was heavily carried by a dps setup that removed most of the danger from said run.


TBH I think this would be a great idea, though I’d probably make it per class. But yeah, would go a long way to making the top end more interesting.

Two reasons.

First is that it’s not really a numbers problem. It’s a utility problem. To fix that would require way more effort than they’re going to be willing to put in for a “for fun” season.

You’d need to do something like making it so any of the CD reduction talents for Sigils ONLY affected damaging Sigils and make it so Chains and Silence were mutually exclusive and don’t get multiple charges.

Second (or really issue 1.5) is the dungeon pool this season requires an insane amount of CC, or more accurately, having that CC makes it magnitudes easier. If you only need 2-3 kicks/ccs per pack, you can take whatever.

When you need like 5 kicks (or psuedo-interrupts for abilities that can’t be kicked) then you either need to bring a DH or you just can’t chain those packs. Most people opt for the former.