You haven’t tried playing demo without class trinket.
Wait. You are telling me, that in order to raid player might have to do a couple dungeons, reps, professions, pvp, questing, farming or leveling?
Oh noes…
Yes, I have. Do you think I was mailed my class trinket when my character was lvl 1?
Ion’s been implementing Time Taxes on raiders since Legion. AP (both forms), essence grinding, and now M+ spamming.
He’s been crapping all over raiders since he took over.
I’m ok with the mythic tax existing, It should just be a bit lower in the early weeks.
At the same time, why are we wasting time talking to a 404?
Just such a strange take from my point of view since on the M+ discords I’m on its generally considered that raiding is the thing you do on the side a few nights a week to get tier, OP trinkets (Nelth’s call trinkets are OP), that cloak, weapons, and then M+ is “the real game” once you’ve got all the gear you need to push.

He’s been crapping all over raiders loggers since he took over.
Fixed that for you. Sad to say though, I am not sorry that the game no longer caters to people logging on for 6 hours a week and afking in their garrison waiting for the next lockout.

I’m ok with the mythic tax existing, It should just be a bit lower in the early weeks.
Wait. Are you saying that we are bringing back bonus rolls and dinars? I’m ready.

Fixed that for you. Sad to say though, I am not sorry that the game no longer caters to people logging on for 6 hours a week and afking in their garrison waiting for the next lockout.
I’m sorry you have an absurd obsession with people who don’t play the game as much as YOU think they should.

I’m sorry you have an absurd obsession with people who don’t play the game as much as YOU think they should.
You should play the game as much as you want. But you should not ask that the game turn off and halt everyone else’s progress just because you don’t want to log on today.
They should go back to making outdoor content mandatory for gearing.
I would enjoy seeing the Ego Score M+ crowd’s heads explode over that.
Eh, the cloak feels like a trap when you get to the level where M+ becomes a survival check.
And the class trinkets, sure they’re good for some specs, but not all. For one of the specs I play, the top 5 S2 trinkets in a vacuum are 3 M+, 1 PvP, 1 Raid.

They should go back to making outdoor content mandatory for gearing.
Are you advocating for 5 mask visions to come back? I am ready.

Wait. Are you saying that we are bringing back bonus rolls and dinars? I’m ready.
Pretty sure he’s just saying “less M+ runs required” which is almost certainly going to be happening, I highly, highly doubt we are getting the crest cap as it is in the next patch. My copium take is crest cap will be reduced to 8 while increasing gains to 15 fragments per timed key, my “Ion hates M+ers” take is that they’ll lower the crest cap to 5 and then whatever amount you get from heroic will cap you from the week - they might even nerf M+ crest acquisition rate on top of nerfing the cap. Time will tell.

Are you saying that we are bringing back bonus rolls and dinars? I’m ready.
Bonus rolls are a meh idea, but bringing in a dinar style system where you get the 3 charges, starting at the same time as the catalyst wouldn’t be terrible. M+ would of course need no changes, as it’s already OP for actually getting items.
My issue with dinars was that you could buy items from bosses you’ve never beaten.

“Ion hates M+ers”
Ion is a god. He is able to hate M+ players, pvp players and raiders, all at the same time. Or he’s bipolar.

My issue with dinars was that you could buy items from bosses you’ve never beaten.

M+ would of course need no changes, as it’s already OP for actually getting items.
Ya’ll must be playing a different game than I am. You actually get loot you need from m+?

I would enjoy seeing the Ego Score M+ crowd’s heads explode over that.
You act like we didn’t have to do Torghast too. Or that raiding isn’t mostly viewed as a mandatory chore. Literally 90% of my raid even though they’re all M+ers, I’d say 80% of them dislike raiding and do it strictly for tier. The idea of doing mandatory chores in order to enjoy the game is something that is already done.
At the same time, you could only run UR keys, and get stuff from any dungeon in vault.
You’ll never find me defending great vault (or the weekly chest before it).
no absolutely not.