M+ causes major disparity with raid difficulty

I raid with 3 separate raid teams.

Team A: Raids 6 hours a week, already 8/9H. Quite a few members parse high, push high M+ keys, have highly upgraded gear/crafted gear - they think the raid is “too easy”

Team B: Raids 7 1/2 hours a week, 4/9H, hit enrage issues with Rashok. They have some players that do M+, some do not. So ilvl is all over the place with those farming crests vs those who do not. They think the raid is fairly tuned to slowly progress through the raid.

Team C: Raids 7 hours a week, 0/9H only 8/9N, very few people do high M+ keys, most don’t do any keys at all so they have 0 wyrm crests for gear upgrades at this point. They think the raid is tuned to be extremely hard considering they can’t get past even the 1st boss. They always get AOTC although very late into the tier usually and did get H Raz.

What I noticed with raiding. There’s a major issue with raid difficulty based on how many raiders in the team are doing M+ and farming crests now that upgrading is part of the system. If you make the raid harder for teams like team A, team C wouldn’t stand a chance. If you make it easier for team C, team A would already be AOTC and on a break and team B would likely get there a lot quicker too.

Can we just admit the whole M+ is too rewarding when it’s used by raiders? Like if we tune raids with the expectation of M+, then those who don’t M+ get left behind and you should never have to feel M+ is required to raid. But if you only do raids and no M+, you miss out on easy high ilvl gear + a lot of quick crests for upgrades.

I say it over and over, but raids should be tuned for raid gear, and M+ gear shouldn’t work in raids.


And here we go. :dracthyr_tea:


At this point it is working as intended to penalize those who either don’t want to spam mythic+ or aren’t able to spend that much time doing it. The next step is for those players to invest much time into doing content they don’t like before they can progress in the content they really want to be doing. Or to realize the game is no longer for players like them.


Bait thread aside, lets be realistic here.

Are asking that raid gear not work in M+ either?

Because if you’re not, you are trolling.


Raid gear isn’t higher ilvl then M+ gear so I don’t think it’s as big of an issue. Maybe early on because raiders get tier and M+ have to wait for the Catalyst - heck make raid gear not work in M+ if people are worried about OP trinkets or something. But I know lots of M+ only players who never care to step into raids. Yet I know many raiders who truly want to push the raid pushes themselves in M+ also because they know if they don’t they are gimping themselves.

M+ has always destroyed other end game content. It shouldn’t have taken so long for people to start seeing it.

The current iteration forces people to do it. Don’t think so? That’s cute. Go max out aspect crests by raiding. Oh, you can’t?


The upgrade system will help out team C faster than previous seasons. Team A is full of gamers, everything is easy when you outgear content. Team B is your average raid team and things will get easier the longer you clear heroic.

It’s all fine, you dont NEED m+, it’ll just help you clear faster and easier. Also, you raid a lot and its kinda surprising your C team raids for that long, most guilds i’ve been in raid 2 hours twice a week only.


Because it’s true, and it’s an ongoing problem that Blizzard refuses to address.

As long as M+ has no lockouts, and raiding has a once-per-week lockout, they cannot exist in the same gearing universe, because M+ will always outclass raiding due to its infinitely deep loot wells.

The options are:
A. Remove loot lockouts from raids so they are infinitely spammable.
B. Slap lockouts on M+ (you can only do each dungeon once per week).
C. Totally separate them like they do with PvP vs PvE gear.

Pick one.


Absolutely, yes.

Iron Curtain. Just like with PvP gear.


As a primarily M+ player who only does raiding to get tier - I actually kinda agree with you. Heroic Sarkareth is FAR more difficult than any M+ encounter in the appropriate range.


People are really asking for, at best, some people walking around with 4+ sets of gear depending on what they play.

Carry on then. Just gonna be muting this whole thread.


People are asking for parity between content they like and content they hate but must do.

Since Blizzard is not interested in delivering parity, and in fact keeps tilting the scales more and more and more in favor of M+, the suggestions are becoming more drastic, yes. But something MUST be done.


It’s the same. It’s exactly the same. I’m wearing several raid pieces, now that raid gear can be upgraded, there’s no reason to argue.

This is a thinly veiled “they’re having too much fun for my liking” thread. Some people won’t be satisfied until we’re only allowed to play 2 nights a week


Except M+ drops infinite quantities of gear and raiding drops a pittance of gear and you can only do it once per week.


If we are separating PVE gear, that sounds like the way it would have to work.

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Not this again.

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Yes, this again. The lockout disparity is the source of the problem.


That’s the worst idea in the history of ideas. I don’t know why this topic is still allowed on the forums. It’s the philosophical equivalent of linking thunder fury in trade chat.

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Then unlock heroic. Nobody cares about 441 gear.

When has the wow community ever really cared about problems that only affect others? As long as it works for one content only folks, everyone else can just go to the bank every 30 minutes and swap out what they need.