So, recycling old content = new content?
The game grew during Legion because there was lots of stuff for casuals to do. Mythic+ hadn’t yet been redesigned into an esport where only top contenders were welcome. There were normal and heroic dungeons which hadn’t yet been nerfed to make players like you happy, and there were loads of world quests every day.
Mythic+ was a new thing in Legion. It was entertainment for everyone. Raiding was for everyone, too. There was still beer league raiding, but you got rid of that. Casuals stayed throughout Legion, because it felt rewarding, unlike in this expansion where they are leaving because the game doesn’t want them playing anymore, an opinion you have given many times in your previous posts.
You’re reaching so hard your arm fell off. Good luck on your secret plan to have the game go full wildstar. You may get your wish.
Is not the same as
One could argue since the recycled content wasnt part of the m+ scene that it is indeed new
Old dungeons being added the M+ rotation is not new content though. So, maybe some additional resources were needed to bring those dungeons in line with M+, but as a whole, 5 man dungeon content seems to be getting the same amount of resources it has always gotten.
At least in past versions of the game, we got a lot more dungeons at launch, with a bunch more added post launch. I get that a lot of were wings, and shared a lot of the same assets, but at least were more than just 8, with one mega dungeon being added.
Only through Wrath when the game was still expanding. The rest of content has been released in the same volume pretty much the same expansion by expansion since Cata+
Cata got new dungeons post launch, we got 5 new dungeons, 2 of which were a revamp of ZG and ZA
MoP had 6 at launch and WoD had 8, Legion had 13 dungeons
Huh raid is perfect for low gear. I love it
Sound more like your elite m+ players attitude is of the charts just because they think +20 is something special
I cant believe this is coming from a PvP player lmao
And the introduction to heroic classic dungeons and the LFR tool
And the introduction of regular world bosses
And Violent Hold was a redo, and Vault was legions version of the mega dungeon and the introduction to m+ with nothing new as far as dungeons after that. Admittedly i dont recall legion having so many dungeons lol
But overall, it averages about 8 dungeons and a mega dungeon per expansion since Wrath
So, no real additional resources is really being added to dungeon content, then?
One would think, if a huge chunk of player base is engaging with M+, we would see Blizzard trying to create additional content for it. Like raiding, I think only about 30-40% of the player base engages with M+.
Team A: Raids 6 hours a week, watches videos and researches boss fights they are still progressing on. They did the 5 heroics and 5 timewalking dungeons quest and kill the world bosses weekly. They also spend time outside of raid preparing for the next boss by running mythics to improve their ilvl and get any crafted gear they can before running the raid. They bring pots, phials, runes, food, and have all of their gear enchanted.
Team B: Raids 7/12 hours a week but only a few of them spend time outside of the raid by running mythics to improve their ilvl and get any crafted gear they can before running the raid. They may run the 5 heroics/timewalking dungeons. They rarely watch videos of the fight or read guides that arent TLDR guides. They rely on the raid leader to make the calls or to explain the strategy before every pull. Some may bring their own pots, phials, runes, food, and have all of their gear enchanted. But most only have these things if provided by the guild.
Team C: Raids 7 hours a week - and are expecting carries by the one to two alts from Team A that raid in this team as well. Otherwise they have no interest in progression. Team C might run the 5 heroics/timewalking if they know about the gear they can get from it, but can’t be bothered to research ways to get better gear outside of raid.
What I have noticed with raiding is, you get what you put in. It is not only mythic+ that contributes to the success of a raid team. It is how well that raid team is prepared going into those fights. Do they know the boss fight? Is the raid leader competent? Do they replace people who continually make the same mistakes? Do they adjust their strategies to their raid teams weakness/strengths? Do they require their members to be enchanted, have pots, etc?
You can’t just blame M+. The same problem existed in WoTLK and Cata well before Mythics were a thing. “Did you run the latest heroics and world bosses so you could get upgraded gear before going into the raid?”, “Did you watch the tankspot videos for this fight?”, “Only half your gear is enchanted, what’s up with that? Oh you can’t afford it, but don’t you have an enchanter alt?”
TJS was revamped like 70% (every trash mob + first boss). VP was revamped like 95% (all of the bosses + almost every single trash mob).
Seems weird to me to say that this isn’t essentially new content, especially when VP’s trinkets are new trinkets as well. New updated models, new pulls, new boss mechanics, the only thing carried over is voice lines, terrain (but even then the environment was re-lit), and “theme” (is AV old content because its a remake of Nexus?)
Players that do more to gear themselves are rewarded accordingly. More news at 11:05!
This is the most dumb thing I have ever read.
If they did this, then if you wipe on any raid boss you cannot get any loot from the boss after killing it because you wiped so you don’t deserve loot that week. Seems fair to me.
Regardless of fail they still completed the key sweetheart. Last I checked you could fail a raid encounter 100+ times in a row and still get loot once you down it and vault. Most people wouldn’t be keen to the idea of doing something for 40+ minutes for literally no reason at all.
Honestly though I don’t even see why I am entertaining your nonsense. You literally post on an alt because everyone would call you on your bs that is doing 20+ keys. They are already hard enough to time, and you want to throw punishments on top of it.
And you casual players constantly come to these forums crying “These elitist players leave my keys all the time”. What the heck do you think would happen if you added this punishment in? You think leaving is bad now? If this idea was ever implemented there would be literally nobody finishing keys. One wipe disband every single group, even casual players would abuse it.
So its all good if you can run through raid in 4 hours and get max loot. However the guy who has to do 8 keys minimum which will alone take over 4 hours should be punished by getting nothing from vault if any key wasn’t timed.
It’s almost like you think M+ players should have to grind for 8-12 hours a week to get the same rewards you get from 4 hours. Meanwhile even then you get access to better vault loot from raid than we do M+ vault loot.
Uhhh…this doesn’t apply to any raid in the games history.
Well, those two statements conflict each other atleast.
A team like team A should be raiding mythic
Why would I want jailer mace after I’ve beaten the game?
Okay then
Have you played this game?
You are saying that Maexxna isn’t easier than Kel’Thuzud?
You are saying that Flame Leviathan wasn’t easier than Yogg or Algalon?
You are saying that Marrowgar isn’t easier than The Lich King?
You are saying that Morchok wasn’t easier than Deathwing?
You are saying that Immerseus wasn’t easier than Garrosh?
You are saying that Hellfire Assault wasn’t easier than Archimonde?
You’re saying that Eranog wasn’t easier than Razagath?
You’re saying that Kazzara wasn’t easier than Sarkareth?
I’m honestly confused.
Yeah you just didn’t read. On one end, he says that every boss is different in difficulty. But then he says they get harder the further you go in. This is not true.
I don’t think that’s what he was trying to say but I’m going off exactly what he said. I’m sure he just worded it wrong.
Easier != Hard. Difference in difficulty. One boss is easier than the other. The easier ones are at the start of the raid, the harder ones are further in. This IS true, and has been as long as I have played the game. I mean not sure what YOU are reading here, but you seem to be the one who just didn’t read (or at least comprehend what you read).