Bosses have never increased in difficulty one after the other in any raid, ever. I’m sure Brewa knows that and just worded it wrong.
Now you are just adding words to save face. What you quoted:
Now what you are saying was said:
No. You’re just not reading. I pointed out his statements conflict with one another already.
So Ill ask again:
Was KT harder than Painsmith
Different expansions completely? Seriously, whatever you are smoking, please share.
Alright so you’re just trolling like I thought.
Nope, you are right - Forgot they recycled KT and didn’t tag him as “Echo of Kel’Thuzud” - but to answer your question, yes - KT (recycled) was harder than Painsmith. But considering they were both end-wing bosses, they were both harder than the bosses before them, and they were both easier than Sylvannas.
If you cleared the raid, you would know by now that Magmorax is infinitely easier than Zskarn, the boss it comes immediately after.
Later boss = Harder boss is not always true.
But they are both harder than the first bosses no? Nobody said the boss after the boss you just killed will always be harder (or that the difficulty ramps up the same amount). Just that the further you progress in the raid, the more difficult the bosses become.
Is this always true? No. As a general rule though, it is. Denying that is just trolling.
Oh, and as far back as I can remember, there are ALWAYS DPS or Mechanics checks about half way through the raids. Walls that are designed to be barriers to the final bosses of the raid. Bosses like Kurog, or Patchwerk that were more difficult for raids to down than any other boss in the raid save the last boss.
Magmorax is easier than Kazzara by a mile. It’s the 3rd from last boss and on Normal and Heroic it is easier than first boss.
Difficulty in Aberrus is pretty much a steady climb until you hit the peak that is Zskarn which will likely be the wall for a lot of groups, then it dips down to a boss that is pretty much an intermission, then Echo and Sark being pretty much equal difficulty, Sark probably being easier (at least for Normal/Heroic) assuming people don’t flub the easy bomb mechanics.
So what you are saying is that:
That has nothing whatsoever to do with M+ and has everything to do with player skill. There are many 2-night guilds that are currently 4/9+ on mythic.
I understood and agreed with the PvE vs PvP gear exclusivity since they are essentially two different games. However M+ and Raiding are very similar in many respects and it would be absurd to divorce the two. I would say, however, that combining the M+ and Raid loot tables into a vendor with currency earned based on difficulty would be a much better system than RNG, but that’s a separate discussion.
Either way, players with more skill and more time to play the game deserve to get better loot at a faster rate. Hard work should be rewarded. Don’t like players being more geared than you? Put in more time or become more skilled.
Note how I point out that a later boss is extremely easy compared to the ones who came before to prove the point that it is not an absolute statement.
I’m talking about the poll on this forum that got 12000 responses. Of which a majority said M+ was their favorite in-game activity and very, very few said raiding.
How do you know anything about the current expansion when you haven’t played it yourself?
Taking the time to add/remove affixes and dungeons per season as opposed to setting and forgetting doe the season is addintional resources.
Again, we’re up to 16 dungeons total in m+ as opposed to only the original 8. Next season it’ll be 20, and then 23-24 by expansions end.
Okay, so you agree that it isn’t always true but also that it usually is. I just say, as a rule, placement in the raid doesn’t always dictate difficulty. Because for every raid like Vault of the Incarnates, Sanctum of Domination, or Tomb of Sargeras where the final bosses were the hardest points, there’s raids like Dragon Soul, Nyalotha, and Aberrus where the lead-up to the final boss was harder than the final boss.
You mean mid expansion raids where the point is only to hold you over until the next big raid? Sure. But saying that difficulty doesn’t ramp up as you progress through the raid was the argument being made, and the position you were arguing: