M+ causes major disparity with raid difficulty

Nope, raid trinkets are. Vial isn’t even close.

Might have been fury that it’s BiS for.

Yeah and then the rest of mythic drops higher than dungeon spam can ever attain, so exactly like I said.

t the same time, you’ll be in the same ilvl from dungeon spam now, as you’d expect to be in about 2 months from just raiding.

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That only remains true until you consider Crafted gear which comes out at timing 5 16s or failing 12 of them with the one per two weeks spark limit.

Sign me up for that then, I’d kill to not have to touch raid to try to farm trinkets

Which both have access to? I think raid should drop more crest fragments anyways. I’m just saying making dungeon loot NOT WORK in raid as suggested is an awful idea that when I ran by my friends and other people I play with all said this would make them either quit or play less.

Raid should 100% cap you on fragments for that week’s rolling cap.

Blizzard WON’T make raiding more rewarding, though. They refuse to fix raiding because nobody on staff even raids anymore.

Ion’s been crapping all over raiding ever since he took over.


I feel like this is the best both raiding and m+ have ever been tbh. My only complaints are some class design issues like frost dk and other small things.

Then you don’t do progression raiding.

For AoE I believe. The problem fury has is the neltharion trinket is absolutely horrible for them. Sims say it’s chromatic > Mark of Dargrul/Black Dragonscale

Yeah I’m just a heroic andy since doing CE nzoth, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think that having m+ gear be NON FUNCTIONAL in raid is a HORRIBLE idea. This isn’t something you need to be currently doing CE to see.

If you think raid drops should be increased, sure, I can get behind that. All I’m saying is on the front of m+ gear not working.

You realize Ion literally has a mythic raid team and he hotfixes bosses when his group gets to them? This is well known and even people from Limit have posted about it. In fact, they are 4 bosses into this tier ATM.

Oh the regular armor drops could work.

It’s the trinkets and weapon procs that are the problem.

Nobody’s spamming Underrot to get a pair of boots; they’re doing it for the Crawg Tusks because they’re one of those over-budgeted things Blizzard’s developers just LOVE to stick into the game.

my core are strugling with the people who dont enter in a M+ cuz they dont have time to do M+ on the week. so. yes, M+ and Raid need to be separated. M+ is a content not need to be the end game system of the game.


Ion’s last AOTC was Sylvanas.

People who raid to get gear will get laughed at by everyone, actually scrap that, they would get benched 100% of the time in the guild that actually matters.

Do you have any idea how weak your character would be if you progress through mythic content with nothing but raid gear, as in you’d wear some normal gear and some heroic gear for at least 4-5 weeks (that is assuming the entire raid funnel everything to you).

You’re so out of touch with the reality of the game its insane.

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I know who Elitist Jerks are. Which toon is Ion raiding on, again?

M+ need to be separated from the entire game, not just from the raid.

The entire game gearing system is based around lockout system, that includes World Quests, reputation gear, World Bosses, and even PVP conquest system.

The only one that doesn’t have lockout system is M+. It is absurd that it could take you days to get gear equals to a +6 from a reputation gear.

Tell me, when is the last time you see world content being relevant, as in their gear being relevant or pursued by any players? The answer would be WOD.

This is what Blizzard devs doesn’t understand, when world content players said “Why is world content gear is so trash?” The answer is simple, you could farm the same gear with half the effort spamming M+. That’s why world content gear felt unrewarding.