M+ causes major disparity with raid difficulty

Morgan Day says they want to bring something like Encrypted back for keys above 20.

You do know that dungeons already have mechanics though, right? Most Mythic raid fights usually have 1 new mechanic on mythic. Layering 1 new affix from “heroic” keys to “Mythic” keys is plenty sufficient when keys already have more of a learning curve in higher keys (just more stuff in dungeons than raids).

At the same time, most dungeon bosses/packs without affixes are just noticeably mechanically simpler than single phases of most raid bosses. The only difficulty is the numbers checks, both survivability and damage.


One whole dungeon = one raid boss in terms of being an encounter and I would say there are plenty of pitfalls to avoid in a dungeon. You need to play multiple trash pulls and 3-5 bosses clean. I still see people who flop Irideus because they don’t know the Strat and that’s a small part of the whole dungeon, let alone knowing all of the tech like using root removal to cleanse deadly DoT and so forth.

They also need to make it so failed keys don’t add to vault.

If you wipe/don’t down a raid boss - the fact you wiped for hours doesn’t add it to the vault count

Failed timed keys also shouldn’t be added to vault


Blizzard will be completely unable to reconcile any sort of gearing system with the loot from lower difficulties as long as mythic raid exists. 90%+ of raiders normal/HC raid so the disparity between mythic raid and m+ is irrelevant to them and results in scenarios like this.

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More people would do Mythic if Blizzard would drop the stupid 20-man limit and have it scale like all the other difficulties (from 10 to 30 players).


I would have agreed in any other tier, but thanks to the crest system even normal raid gear has value now and heroic is basically a mythic piece.

A good guild with decent loot distribution will have their whole team with an almost full set by now, m+ has been more about acquiring some extra items and not the same as other tiers when more than half your gear was from m+.

Stack, move, dodge, repeat until phase, kill adds, repeat P1 until dead.

That’s as hard as it gets?

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M+ is about the crests. It’s all about crest farming. Because raid clears = 9 bosses x 10 fragments each = 90 fragments or a total of 6 crests

M+ is where you can get an extra 4 crests which will add up over the weeks and also where you get the aspect crests easier if you don’t Mythic raid


And yet the clear rate of a high enough HoI likely surpasses a number of Mythic raid bosses in difficulty.

If they made it lower person requirement then participation would increase. I still don’t think it would increase to the level of popularity that hc raid is at.

It also just doesn’t solve the problem of the best gear coming from a mode that’s inaccessible to almost everyone.

M+ is accessible to everyone, though.

Just stop. You don’t even get wyrm crests from M20 keys. I would have to go do chores to get those crests, most efficiently I would go clear AOTC. Take the L, lol.

M+ doesn’t drop the best loot or anywhere close to it.


Mythic raiders don’t even need crests anymore. They’re ilvl 442+ already. There’s no infinite farming, there’s no crests, nothing. Mythic raiders are already done with gear outside of mythic raid stuff and maybe vsult/craft.

It does, though. Easy 447 from vault, easy crests for 447 crafted gear. It’s only the last 2 bosses in raid that have anything better, and you certainly can’t fill out your character with them.

They also only come after you’ve beaten the game, which has always seemed weird. Take the loot off the last raid boss, fine with me. Doubt anybody would even care.

You still get quite a lot for a full clear of raiding, me personally didn’t had to go out of my way to farm wyrms got enough from clearing heroic.

Aspects sure, but that was mostly that you needed them for crafting and is quite easy to spam +16 this season anyway. It just seem silly to complain, when this is the faster an easier season to gear up.

If you deleted the Neltharion trinkets and Catslyst released day 1 I would bet raid participation drops 70% and it only wouldn’t be more because there would be a novelty factor to doing AOTC for some folk.

You severely underestimate how many among you are greedy loot goblins.

You don’t raid for fun, you raid for the dopamine of loot drops.


Groups that cleared Heroic that quick though weren’t your “average” groups. They were M+ runners/previous Mythic raiders. More average groups can’t kill enough bosses and have to go out of their way to M+ to wyrm crest farm.

Also why does vault give such high ilvl for M+? Doesn’t that seem a bit, odd? Like they could cap vault at 441, make all M+ loot upgradeable to 441 and keep it in line with Heroic raid gear. And the “challenge” would be how high can you push keys with 441. It would make the sport/challenge better - more similar to old fashion MoP Challenge modes where you had an ilvl that you scaled to - only in this case cap at. It also would mean that Heroic/Mythic raiders wouldn’t have to worry so much about M+ vaults


We’ve had seasons with nothing from raid like the neltharion trinkets and no tier to worry about, and raid participation wasn’t that off where it is now