M+ Balance DPS per spec 9.1.5

Why bring a feral when you can just bring a rogue for shroud :clown_face:


The bleak reality.


Even if they brought back LotP I doubt it would make it more viable than a rogue in M+ :frowning_face:


Literally balancing the specs is NOT THAT HARD given how much data is available from Warcraft logs.

Literally all they have to do is look at the damage breakdown of each ability in Warcraft logs and then buff the AoE abilities of the underperforming classes by an amount so that their new average DPS is on par with other classes. The code wouldn’t even be that complicated to write and you could add bounds that prevent specific abilities from reaching a desired maximum value and instead increase other abilities to reach the same overall dps.

Of course it’s not going to be perfect but if they just take an iterative approach and each week just change things by a small amount and look at the change in the data and then continue to iterate then the classes would all be much more balanced.

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You realize you’re comparing a feral’s ST sim/parsing to an overall dungeon parse right? The dungeon parse is mostly AoE and includes downtime.

For example: My patchwerk sim as feral is 10.5k, but dungeon slice version is 8.5k. Tack on downtime from everything and it would drop even more in “real world” play.


But, would it really be that easy?

There’s so many factors in there that would be hard to figure out. So many people have different stat builds and put that together with the amount of people on multiple specs using multiple different kinds of external buffs and on top of that there’s also how different groups manage mobs in dungeons (and even raids) that could also further screw with that data as well. Then there’s procs of different types to take into account that behaves differently from one person to another.

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I hate how people get so pumped about aoe damage logs. Even if my class can do great aoe i think its cheap, and cheesey to hit a button or 2 and double other people because they dont have the same button or theres some arbitrary coding that limits them. All this aoe spam stuff is dull and unimaginative.

You just described the challenge mode in MoP. But, at least now it’s not as simple whereas back then you could pull an entire dungeon to one boss and aoe everything down and keep moving.

I’d think that Blizzard is trying to keep mythic+ from becoming like that which may be why the target caps were put in.

It shouldn’t be. They only thing they would have to watch out for is inadvertently buffing AoE abillities beyond single target abilities. And I think your approach of many subsequent micro adjustments makes a lot of sense compared to the current method of wildly throwing things all over the place.

Something I think does need to be discussed is what is the acceptable level in imbalance? Being 34% off the lead is in my opinion too extreme. My thinking is the goal should be within 15% of the lead. And that would be with all aspects of the game.

Right now spec choice matters too much.

oh. really? I pull like 9k avg per run as kitty
been playing kitty for like a week only lmao.

Surprisingly this magical week old feral with fully leveled damage gems, conduits, and gear doesn’t appear to be in the data.

One wonders how that could be.

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It’s being pulled from logs. One thing to note when looking at dungeon logs versus say details damage meter, is dungeon logs count all time within the dungeon not just combat time. So when your team was doing that shroud skip the dungeon log has you doing 0 dps and counting that towards your total. It is not uncommon for dungeon logs to show 1k or more lower dps than you see when you play it live.

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Idk! I don’t think its as cheesy as what your painting but at the same time I do see where your coming from. I havent played Hunter since WoD, but something tells me that their AoE rotation can’t feel that good
 its probably a lot of press this button, keep pressingit 
 where as my two mains (mage, fury warr) feels extremley nice in M+. The fire mage rotation for AoE is actually quite complicated compared to most specs in my experience, and it feels really good pulling it off (its still easy tho once you learn it). Frost mage, same thing, although you are just spamming ice lance, you still have to keep up your blizzard every 4 secs or whatever it is, and frozen orb, and looking for any opportunity to double-orb, all while shreding through your Icy Veins cool down via IP. Fury too, it feels really good in M+.

I think theres so much beauty in M+ and its all I play. It’s so fun
 I honestly feel its a matter of time until Riot takes the idea out of WoW and creates a game out of it. lol.


Why do people get pumped about damage logs at all?

This is just as true in single target, it’s not just for Single-target or AOE though, it’s true for covenant and gear as well. Why be pumped that I can AOE silence and most other hunters can’t just cause I got a lucky drop? If you aren’t the same class, race, covenant, gear, talents there isn’t a reason to get pumped about beating someone on a log.

It’s just as dull as virtually everything single target. In the same way that some classes are simple in single target, some classes are simple in AOE. Other classes are complex in single target and others are complex in AOE. Damage is damage. If you are just hitting Blizzard/Bladestorm/(whatever basics AOEspell) and calling it a day, I guarantee you don’t do good AOE compared to others of your same class/race/covenant/talents/gear.

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Just a question, is the RIO max score? In a chart trying to show lack of balance, shouldn’t it show the average RIO score instead?

Seems like this makes worse m+ specs look slightly better than they are. Off the top of my head (for instance) there’s like 3 FDK above 2800, and 14 above 2700. All of them massively below the top performers.

Still clinging to a prayer that FDK or UHDK won’t be garage tier for every SL patch in m+

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This is simply not true. That game has been more balanced the last few years, minus the single outlier most of the time, like BfA fire mage for example.

Every single spec is fine for a +15. Probably a +20 to be honest.

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Your simply viewing it from the wrong angle. Your looking at it from the top down as you pointed out with fire mages.
If you look at it from the bottom up you will see that enhancement, the bottom dweller this entire xpac, has mostly been outside the 10% range from the top dps. In fact, there are over 5 specs that don’t even run less then 7% behind the top dps.
Sure, you can bring every spec to a +15, that’s not really an issue. Some can do it around +20s as well. However, it’s certainly not bc those specs are holding their own. Realistically, they are brought for specific buffs for specific times or certain builds regarding much stronger specs.

Yeah, balancing is a mess. I’m one of the best mplus arcane players around (parsing in the 95 percentile, top 1 percent of all U.S. players) and it takes everything I have to average between 8 and 9k. Meanwhile ww monk’s, frost mages, fury warriors, etc. roll up pulling 11k making me look like a chump. The game shouldnt be this way.


Its not a mess though no matter how much you say it is. m+ is also not the only content in the game.

At the very top end there is always going to be a “best” spec. Thankfully the game is very well balanced for people for most content.