M+ Balance DPS per spec 9.1.5

Possibly because some specs bring utility rather than pure DPS to the runs? That would explain that discrepancy if true.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a matter of the key being too low to mean anything, itā€™s a matter of the meta for 15s being different than the meta for 20s, which is different than the meta for 24s, and so on. For 15s in particular, any spec in the game can complete 15s without coordination; I wouldnā€™t expect this information to be as valuable for someone who doesnā€™t do keys higher than that, and then if they do go higher, this data isnā€™t entirely relevant to them (not to say that itā€™s inaccurate).

Depends on the spec. Again, Venthyr Boomy is a spec that gains damage from the packs living longer. I do more overall dps in 18s-20s than I do in 15s. Venthyr Paladins are going to get more out of Ashen Hallow for the same reason, with that CD being a large reason why theyā€™re meta in higher keys, yet Kyrian is the majority in 15s.

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9287 Balance @15 8739 11064 10465 9865 8042 10669 7852 7606
9545 Balance @20 9439 11533 10616 10009 8312 10567 8092 7796

So 2%

Is that 2% difference due to 20ā€™s being a more accurate representation of the spec, or is it like you said, just different tactics in high keys? That 9545 average would move balance up one spot in the 15 data as long survival didnā€™t also gain 1% at 20.

Iā€™m sure the players that run high keys probably come down and run 15 from time to time for vault, so I think the data is a pretty accurate representation of the relative balance among specs. And I seriously doubt higher keys will magically bring everything into balance.

I think the difference in raids is from boss to boss there are trade offs. Some specs are better on some bosses, other specs on other bosses.

In M+ there seems to be very little variation, specs are just better across the board.

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This would skew the damage for Boomy to be even lower in that bracket. If I pop Frenzy on a pack and the pack dies after 20s, I lose damageā€¦and thatā€™s liable to happen more often in 15s than in higher keys, and would be even more liable to happen if I was running 15s with better players.

I honestly donā€™t understand blizz with the balancing. Like how are some specs literally always just bad and never even close to the dps or utility of other specs. But then to remain this way for an entire expansion, or multiple expansions for that matter.

Like man, imagine maining feral or enhance. When was the last time either of them were anything other than a meme spec that groups donā€™t want


Utility can definitely explain some of it. Especially on the margins where you need things like Lust and BRez.

But at the end of the day you donā€™t overpower instances with utility. Utility is what you use when you donā€™t have the DPS.

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Seems normal , the WoD data was worse

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Feral is LAST place with a 7k score ā€¦ EXCEPT

The Feral I play with sims 11k, and itā€™s a running joke when any of us play with him on those rare occasions when he canā€™t actually beat 11k.

In other words, it isnā€™t just the sim-- heā€™s actually PLAYING 11k.

Feral is OP just, no one plays it. So itā€™s in a negative-feedback loop for all the FOTM people who make those charts what they are. If itā€™s not Meta, they donā€™t play it.

So who does play it? Scrubs who can only average 7k on a spec that can produce 11k.

I donā€™t know what else to make of that data when Iā€™m PLAYING WITH A GUY RIGHT NOW who is Feral and CRUSHING everything.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The data is from parses not sims. If the feral you know is outperforming the tens of thousands of parses that have been uploaded to warcraft logs, they need to be uploading their parses.

Feral can do some spectacular single target numbers in a 20 second boss fight, but thatā€™s not overall DPS for a 15.


I agree with that quote and although Iā€™m not going to post someone elseā€™s parse (that feels weird to me), Iā€™m sure something could be worked out. I can talk to him later or something.

Because raiding or M+, his numbers are WAYYYY above anything I ever see on these ā€œcharts.ā€

And as much as I agree with your assertion (extraordinary claimsā€¦), will you do me the same courtesy and agree that when a class is ā€œdeterminedā€ to not be Metaā€¦ people drop it like a stone and simply donā€™t play it. It enters a negative feedback loop until, someone, like my friend, has the audacity to notice ā€œheyā€¦ this isnā€™t anywhere near as bad as youā€™re claiming.ā€

edit: I meanā€¦ he SIMS at 11k. I just had this discussion with someone else in another thread and he verified my claim (in a lame effort to refute me) by simming a Feral andā€¦ sure enough, he simmed 11k.

You could argue that the PRACTICAL doesnā€™t match the sim, but to deny heā€™s not even simming 11k is flat out falsifiable. Feral is strong.

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Yes a lot of players do.

But not all. Every spec has diehards and they can be just as good at getting the best performance out of their spec as someone that hops around playing the FOTM.

In fact there is a good argument that the least played specs might be the most accurate representation of a spec because of this. The people still playing them are much better at that spec then someone playing a spec they donā€™t know as well because it has much greater potential.

And Iā€™m not disagreeing about the sim data. But sims are their own world and worthless for everything other than comparing what set ups have the best theoretical output in simulated fights.

I think thatā€™s more of an established fact than an argument.


Itā€™s only a ā€œfactā€ in that the sim doesnā€™t account for things that very obviously affect you negatively: having to move, etc.

But the sim also doesnā€™t predict things that benefit you: extra procā€™s, etc.

What Iā€™m saying for this discussion is that when you sim 11k and play 10.3k, you shrug that off as the practical verus the theoretical.

But when you sim 11k, and ā€œthe chartā€ is showing 7k ā€¦ youā€™re being obtuse to make that same argument. Something else is going on. It further keeps my eyebrow raised in this example because Feral is a much harder spec to play than many others. So when I see an obvious skew in data, Iā€™m going to correlate that to ā€œpeople donā€™t know how to play this spec.ā€

The people that do, largely tend to just move on to a FOTM spec. Per your argument, will there always be die-hards that play it? Sure. And while they are stomping the numbers, they are outweighed by the keyboard-turning-clickers who canā€™t figure it out.

Iā€™m not saying anything for a fact here. EXCEPT the fact that I play with a Feral who consistently pulls within 5% of his sim, and his sim is 11k, not 7k.

Blizz is horrible at class balancing. They feed whatever specs are popular for the yes men and streamers and say screw the rest of em.

Using the 25th best parse may be inappropriate. It will favor specs with more overall runs. Perhaps you could compare the specs at the 95th percentile.

But another issue would then be the amount of good players who have rerolled to meta specs, or the likelihood of better tanks to group with meta specs and pull more, leading to more mobs at any given time and less overall time = higher dps for the meta specs. It would still show which specs are better, but this difference is overstated like it is in raid logs (Specs that are slightly better will get PI and other buffs more often, leading to larger differences than there would naturally be).

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Man, thatā€™s about right. My feral druid has nice burst, and can kill a few normal NPCs real quick, but then runs out of energy on anything tougher or a larger group. Then itā€™s bear time. Heā€™s not geared yet though.

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Hereā€™s the thing with all of this.

Itā€™s all taken into account. You can assume for every one of the best runs it was the best circumstance for that class in that dungeon. And since that would more or less be equally true for the best parses for every spec, it all equals out. And taking the 25th best run throws out the outliers like excessive PIā€™s which are noted in the warcraftlogs data now, 2nd to last column.

As for the 95th percentile, percentile of what? WCL arbitrary scoring system? One of the reasons I do this is because that data has no real world analog. You donā€™t know what it means practically.

Ok, looking at that feral is 87.69. Windwalker is 97.2. What do those numbers equate to?

Sure doesnā€™t look like that on average feral is pulling 4k less overall damage in instances.

My question is why do any of this at all? Subcreation already does it for you and it takes all the data into account, not just the best and not just 15s.


Ok according to that
Windwalker is 187.43 and feral is 156.8

Again. OK thatā€™s great, but what does it mean?

Feral in shambles. Buffs when?