M+ Balance DPS per spec 9.1.5

I’m pretty sure the bottom spec parsing at only 66% of the top specs potential is kind of a mess. Every single spec should be within 10 percent of each other. Arcane also isnt doing too hot in raid, which is the only other pve content that can be used for comparison. I don’t know dick about pvp so that is whatever that is.

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I think you’re confusing “balanced” with “doable”

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It’s obvious what we say isn’t going to change your mind after your most recent statements. Your a clear white-knighter.

Balance is complete garbage atm and that doesn’t change no matter how much you tell yourself it isn’t that way.

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Pointing out facts is not white knighting. This game has serious issues, balance for the most part is not one of them.

Also at 210 you should be fine bro

I love when people post graphs they don’t understand to make an invalid point.

  1. You didn’t point out facts, you pointed out your opinion.
  2. Balance is one of the largest issues in the game.
  3. Nice try, I haven’t played this char since the beginning of the xpac.


Arcane is 2 spots behind frost and still in the top half. At 95th percentile.

Not really.

Was that after you got laughed out of the lock forums because you are bad at the class?

Why are you still here crying about a game you dont even play?

Also lying about is as well? That is so strange.

Laughed out of the forums? Lmfao, no. I have never been “bad” at my class, I find it stupid when blizz implements spells then tries to find ways to ruin them.

Crying? No.

Who said I don’t play the game? I just said I don’t play THIS character.

You know, it’s pretty obvious when you don’t have a legitimate argument when u start personally attacking ppl.


Balance is middle of the pack and the 4th highest ranged dps at +20.

When I push keys pretty much all the DPS I play with are Hunters, Monks, Mages, Boomkins, Shamans, and usually a mix-up between Warriors & Rogues.

The current meta is leans towards which specs bring the most AOE damage and have good utility. Since you need a heroism you’re always going to have a Mage/Hunter/Shaman in your group as a mandatory. Then you have the covenant related stuff and certain specs lean towards certain covenants that are mandatory for dungeons.

I’ve played with good players of every spec though and there’s a few sleepers out there. Frost DKs in particular can do like 100-120k aoe dps on some pulls.

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Yep you were definitely laughed out of the lock forums.

Your heroic logs disagree with this statement.

You mean when you can’t adapt?

Unless I’m missing something, I’m pretty sure your wrong mate. I just looked at SoD mythic average over the last two weeks and at the 95th percentile arcane is middle of the pack.

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I just looked at it. Fire and frost are right under each other and arcane is only two spots behind frost.

Middle of the pack isn’t “doing poorly”

Arcane mages are extremely rare on 20+ keys and people usually make comments or don’t invite them. Kind of the same boat with Feral Druids vs Boomkins.

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I believe there are quite a few min maxers that would disagree with you, especially if it’s the bottom of all the mage specs. But hey, I digress. My original point stands. I think proper balancing would have all specs within 10 percent of each other. That is of course however my opinion.

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We are a rare breed. Sometimes people get excited when they see us though, like they’ve spotted a unicorn. I’m even rarer as a night fae arcane :smiley:

And they’re all in the upper half to boot. It would be one thing if there were trade offs. But as far as M+ goes it’s just pure better.

And even if hero / lust only came from the bottom three specs, all things being equal it would probably better not to bring them. 1-4k overall DPS from one player vs 2 pulls with lust hero.